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Hello I´m sending  a new  simulator that we are working,  for Space robotarm.


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S. Cucufate's Project - Exploring Digital Reconstitution and Virtual Worlds


The Roman Villa of S. Cucufate, located near Vila de Frades, in the Alentejo, is one of the most important remains of Roman presence in Portugal. It's an architectural impressive structure of great historical interest, and it was also a very important center of agricultural activity between the middle of the first century and the final of IVth century AD.


The S. Cucufate's Project has as main objective, to develop a digital artifact of this architectural complex, combining the traditional aspects of digital reconstitution with the use of virtual worlds, allowing the analysis of several chronological horizons, that often overlap in a particular archaeological context, using the interactivity dinamic resources, available through avatars and digital worlds.

For now, I am developing modeling tests of the various structures and objects, using Sketchup and Blender. The final models created, will be subsequently exported for integration in Vivaty.



School of Games - Escola de Jogos

School of Games - Escola de Jogos

A Brasilian site with articles and examples, vrml/x3d and other game technologies are contemplated.

Visit at:


Science at School - Exponor

We were at Fundação Ilídio Pinho's exhibition Ciência na Escola (Science at School) at Exponor, Oporto, showing some of the science education projects selected for last year's science at school contest. Our booth showcased Agrupamento de Escolas da Venda do Pinheiro entry, Viagem de um Glóbulo Vermelho, a virtual world created by students who modelled elements of the blood and assembled a virtual museum after research and experimental activities under guidance from teachers Sónia Azevedo, Ana Piano and Artur Coelho.

Our booth at the exhibition.

Digital tecnhologies allow very zen-like presentations. We displayed an offline mode of the virtual world, projected on screen, another experiment in the crossing of science, arts and ICT, and an under the hood section, displaying original VRML models, Vivtay Studio files and other apps, to show how it was done. Unfortunately, we did not have internet access, making impossible a demonstration of virtual interactions using Babel X3D.

We also used this opportunity to spread the word about the Babel X3D community. In a science fair full of models (non-virtual ones), posters, powerpoint presentations, scientific equipment and robotics we atracted quite a bit of attention from teachers and high-school students over the how-to build virtual worlds, educational uses applications used and the abilities of elementary school pupils in 3D and VRML/X3D. Representants from the portuguese Ministry of Education and Science central and regional structures, and Fundação Ilídio Pinho were dazzled by these virtual spaces, one of wich had been distinguinshed with a prize in the previous year iniciative.

As for elementary school students present... they loved to play in this virtual world. We hope to be present in the next year's iniciative, showcasing other virtual worlds created in class interconnecting learning and knowledge from different areas (in this case, science, arts and ICT) with content created by the students. The more we delve into VRML/X3D educational possibilities the more we think we've barely scratched the surface. All the students involved in the projects showcased here and in 3D Alpha - from the 5th/6th grades to the 3rd and 4th grades, deserve congratulations for they'r creativity and hard work.

Shadows not appearing in WebGL builds? Tips to solve

Hi all smiley

It's a frequent annoyance. You start your project, it evolves well and the WebGL builds are ok. At some point suddenly the shadows disappear from WebGL but ... you can still see them in the editor, "What?". You may do another build and ... another but they're gone!

What can you do? You can change the general quality settings in Unity and especially WebGL quality to High or better as seen in the image.

WebGL quality settings
WebGL minimum quality advised settings (green color is for "selected")

More info on this discussion:

Enjoy creating!


Sharing Avatars


The great thing about VRML/X3D is its open nature and sharing enables this. I'm opening this topic to shar avatars. I'll leave here some of my own. Use them, disassemble them, redo them at will. Have fun!


Anime Hero:

VRML file

Texture map



This anime-inspired hero was completely retextured. The original texture map was imported into Inkscape and redrawn with vector shapes. Final resolution was at 1024x1024. Using a vector graphics program allowed me to recreate the avatar with bright colours and avoid pixelization on the texture map. Also, the ability to do fine control of shapes using control points on curved lines eases the process of stretching the original drawing on the texture map.



VRML file

Texture map



This (hopefully) fearsome ogre had some texturing redone in Gimp. It's main variation is in changes in Avatar Studio made to the Walk and Pose gestures to make it look more ogrish. I might redo the Walk gesture to make it look more natural.


Stone Age Man

VRML file

Texture map


This is for a work in progress, a virtual world about archaeology. Textured in Gimp using as reference an image of paleolithic clothing.


Sharing Sketchup Files with Kubity

Hi all.

Everyone who works with SketchUp, sooner or later, will face the need to share a presentation of his models with other people, but frequently without sharing the original file. There are some solutions available to perform this task, but recently, I found a new project - Kubity - and it looks very handy. Kubity transforms easily, any Sketchup file in a "visitable" model, directly in your browser, without any need of plugins. All one have to do, is drag the file to the Kubity site and after the upload ends, configure the scene, using the available options for sky, terrain, water and "smart objects" such as trees, particles (fire, fountains) or links to external pages. An important issue to refer is that the configuration process is very fast and also very easy to learn.



It is also possible to define how the final user will visit the model: Spin mode / Fly mode / Walk mode / Tour mode

Obviously this is not a perfect product but final results are very enjoyable and you may see some of these features, working together, in some of my models:

A simple (but real) machine to perform traction tests of train connectors:

A project for a baggage handling system in a small airport:


A roman villa of the first century A.D.:

Kubity is a recent project, so it's in constant evolution and new features are being introduced regularly. For now, it works well in Windows 8 with Firefox or Chrome and it may be used in mobile platforms.

Currently I'm using Kubity in my work, everytime I have to show my Sketchup models to clients or colleagues, (I find it far more interesting and flexible than Sketchfab, for instance), so why don't give it a try?



Showcasing VRML/X3D in Leiria

In the city of Leiria at the IPCE conferece educational uses of VRML/X3D technologies were shown. A talk was given about the 3DAlpha project, focused on putting VRML/X3D and generic 3D programs in the hands of young children as creative expression tools, enabling them to create 3D content for animation and virtual worlds. Read an overview of the conferece here (in portuguese): 3D Alpha @ IPCE.

Sistema Solar

Sistema Solar This is a legacy VRML / X3DNeeds Internet Explorer browser Needs Bs Contact plugin  

Criado por alunos de 5.º ano num projecto interdisciplinar entre Educação Visual e Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, este Sistema Solar é o resultado de um trabalho colaborativo de pesquisa nas ciências que serviu de base ao processo de aprendizagem da criação em 3D. Para saber um pouco mais sobre este projecto visitem-nos nas TIC em 3D.

>>> Vintage VRML/X3D World visited using our legacy BabelX3D multi user server. Special conditions of browser settings and plugins are needed to visit this world (please check info).

Enter the 3D World  This is a legacy VRML / X3D (if you have checked all the settings)

Visit the builder Page

Sketchfab is a service wich allows uploading of 3D content to be viewed on any recent browser without the need for visualization plugins. Uses WebGL and works with obj, stl, dae and wrl formats. In VRML, the trick is to save as an uncompressed file (if not, Sketchfab wil not recognize it). You can view 3D models in real time, and embed them as objects on any web page. Like this:


Neat. right?
