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SketchUp 2016 arrived

The new version is out. Check the novelties and download it here:

Sketchup exercices


Some models that I made in sketchup.

A house:

A temple:


Sketchup to WebGL

I'm curious about this, even though I'm (still) not awebGL user. Still, the idea of directly exporting from Sketchup to webGL might be useful for some users of this forum: Sketchup Export to WebGL.

smls vs wrl or x3d

Hello !

From Thyme's site we have another great game: Seamless3d with his SMLS language.

Here, in this great forum, I see many VRML artists with huge experience on this language.

SMLS language is a version of VRML. But what are diferences ? And what are similarities ?

Some pics form 3D World MProject

Hi. Here you can look at some pics from 3D Wold MprojectPic 1

Pic 2

Standard Assets for Unity 2019.4 - fixed

Hi all,

Those installing the last stable (LTS) Unity 3D, version 2019.4, will find disappointing that the official (free) version of Standard Assets available in Unity's Asset Store is compatible with Unity 2018.4 but not with 2019.4, throwing alerts and errors when installed sad

Standard Assets on asset store
Standard Assets on asset store

Looking for a solution, among several on the Net, I found FenCodes' suggestion to modify the code quite practical and valid.
"How to import Standard Assets into Unity Engine (Error-FIX)"

You can follow this suggestion and resolve. Alternatively left on our Onedrive (folder unity3d / UnityPackages / Standard Assets ) a file "" with the modified package and a readme with disclaimer & instructions TO install on Unity 2019.4

Enjoy, keep your health and good spirit!


Sunset Beach, Teresa Küffer


  • Carmen Paulo
  • Pedro Vidinha
  • Terezinha  Frings-Irrgang

Project oriented by: Professor Vitor Cardoso


Project Situation: This is our updated design but still under construction.

Switch using billboards


Is it possible to use billboards inside a switch? I can see the billboard but it doesnt turn into a sensor :s


Test your avatar

Test your avatar

Here is an old good way , built by Stuart Williams aka Stan Ogden, years ago.
The sites  Virtuality3d and  cyberworlds are off web now , but I hosted the files here :

I hope that works for you because the script says

[ "",
"" ]

But if that works,
just copy -paste the avatar ( made with AvatarStudio) you want to test ,

I added a 13th gesture , can't remember why, but it could be done with more, of course.

