Project Info

Babel x3D is a project based in collaboration. Here users can exchange experiences about 3D, Web and the creation of Virtual worlds and virtual persona (avatars).

WebGL, Unity3D, 3D Web, VRML/X3D, multiuser Virtual Worlds and general Web Technologies and platforms are our areas of interest and debate.
Flash, Java, and other 3D systems are welcome to participate.

Feel free to promote, trough our forums and other content features, your ideas, creations, Virtual Worlds, tutorials, educational or professional applications; disseminate 3D systems, platforms and general information on the subject.

All 3D projects in Education, Investigation and/or Business are welcome to publicize and participate.

If you want to join our team effort and collaborate please register in this portal and then contact us.

The Babelx3d team
Vitor Cardoso (Scientific Coordinator), Paulo Nunes (Project Manager), Jorge Valadares (Consultant), Alain Dumenieu (Colaborator-Editor), Vitoria Silva (Tecnhical Adviser), Artur Coelho (Colaborator-Editor) and Isa Seppi (Virtual Worlds Technical Adviser)

Originally created with institutional project suport from CIAC, UIED , INVITRO and Open University of Portugal (UAb)


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