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Zig Zac demo: amazing effects with simple interaction tricks

Moving Worlds

How many worlds you can find that have objects well modeled and all looks well, yet the scene seems a bit static and ... dull. Once seen you will not come back for a second visit. 3D worlds should not be a mere beautiful scenery, they lay in a specially rich multimedia 3D universe where all is possible, where all should happen!
The original name for vrml worlds was "Moving Worlds" and it says that this is the realm of movement, animation, interaction and rich media.

Zig Zac - a "very" simple interactive sensors and media demo

This demo shows how easy is to use a tool like vivaty studio to give objects interesting interaction and media effects in no time to make your scenes and worlds more dynamic and interesting!

Took one object, the Zig Zac Chair (modeled for a future "design museum" world by post-graduate students), and applied to it some quick animating, interaction and media effects.  These are simple to do vivaty studio animations and interactivity but can give a significant role to individual objects and scenes enhancing them and making your world much more appealing.

Zig Zac Chair
Open the Zig Zac demo here: Zac-Interactive_sensors_demo&url=


The demo is in multiuser mode to exploit some, although easy to implement, babelx3d's advanced features to display video and content in a window of the multiuser interface.

Look closely at the details of the interaction. The demo includes a short explanatory document accessible from within the 3D. This document includes a link to the vivaty studio source file (.fxw).


Enjoy the demo and show us what you can do, your interactive tests and experiments.

Be creative, you can do it!


Zoo 3D



Como projeto final da disciplina de Realidade Virtual Distribuída da Universidade Aberta, propomos a construção de uma parte de um jardim zoológico.



As the final project of the course of Distributed Virtual Reality of the Open University, we propose the construction of a part of a zoo.


Cátia Sousa nº 1104882
Daniel Alves nº 1104883
Rui Cunha nº 905043
Sérgio Possacos nº 1004489

Projeto orientado por/ Project orient by:

Vitor Cardoso

Realidade Virtual Distribuída/ Virtual Reality in Distributed Environments
Mestrado em Tecnologias e Sistemas Informáticos Web / Master in Web Technologies and Systems
Universidade Aberta, Portugal 2012 / Open University of Portugal, 2012


Zoo 3D - The Rhino

Here's a part of Zoo 3D project: the rhino!

It's just a first model and soon will be better!

“Arte e Educação com os Artenautas da Liberdade”

A meeting in Santarem, Portugal
From 29 March to 5 April 2015

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