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Video 360 is a blast!

An incredible midstep between classic video and virtual reality.

Remember the 360 panorama technique that let us see a place in a 360 degree interactive perspective? This media effect appeared decades ago in VRML (later in several other technologies like Java and Flash) and became popular by the fascinating effect of its use in landscapes, buildings, museums, ... and of course Google Street View, .

Video 360 uses a similar concept but now instead of "still" 3600 panoramas we have moving pictures. There is action and movement as we expect in video but now everything can be seen in a 360 degree interactive perspective. The immersion effect we feel is impressive and it quite convinces us that this is the road ahead!

Star Wars - The Force Awakens (360 degrees experience)

Use the mouse to look around in 3600 and see the video in full screen to maximize the experience effect.
Mobile Users:  because performance issues may occur mobile users should click the link below and open the video in YouTube app:

For more interesting 360 videos visit the link below:



VIM editor

A great and free tool: VIM from

See also .

He need files for  BS nodes.



Virtual and Augmented Reality workshops

The WRVA2012 event (workshop  de realidade virtual e aumentada) in Brazil looks like an exciting initative. They're accepting paper submissions and one of the event's themes is VRML/X3D and web technologies. Check out the event here:

Virtual Exhibition


Authors: Nuno Nogueira; Sara Nunes; Sofia Zacarias; Rui Nicolau

Project oriented by: Vitor Cardoso

Project description:

With this project we intend to make a virtual exhibition in order to be able to reach more people with the least cost. Is it still possible to see places that are not really accessible.

Will be held in this case an exposure of an institution of higher education.

Virtual Gym

Hello everyone,

Here are the first images of our project. We are developing a virtual gym. Hope you like it

Virtual Milano, Ivone Máximo
Virtual Milano, Nelson Sovela
Virtual Milano, Susana Fonseca
Virtual Ocean Tours

Hey everyone! smiley


For those of you that know me in person (and even those that follow me on other social media channels), you may know about my interest regarding the nature and, more specifically, the ocean, as I live by the sea, I enjoy fishing (and, of course, celebrating the catch with the family and friends) and surfing.


If you share the same passion, feel free to explore my YouTube playlist on Ocean Tours.

There you will be able to travel and get to know more about our ocean, by:

Diving with Wild Dolphins

Exploring an Underwater Forest

Swimming with Sharks

Exploring Shipwrecks

Roaming for rays

• and more!


Feel free to send me more tours so I can add to the playlist.


Hope that everything is going well with you and your loved ones.


Gonçalo Peres

Virtual School

Our final project for the course of Virtual Reality in Distributed Environments on Master in Web Technologies and Systems attended in Open University of Portugal, 2012, consists of building a Virtual School.

The Virtual School has 4 classrooms – 2 for lessons that involve only theory and the remaining for practical lessons; one recitation room and one social room for teachers and pupils. Whenever a pupil wishes to attend a class, he must select that lesson in the screen outside the classroom.

Please click in the link below to see a sketch of one of our classrooms:


Project oriented by: Vitor Cardoso

Authors: Ivo Rosa; Ludmila Susana and Ricardo Teodósio.



Best regards,

Ludmila Susana
