Our final project for the course of Virtual Reality in Distributed Environments on Master in Web Technologies and Systems attended in Open University of Portugal, 2012, consists of building a Virtual School.
The Virtual School has 4 classrooms – 2 for lessons that involve only theory and the remaining for practical lessons; one recitation room and one social room for teachers and pupils. Whenever a pupil wishes to attend a class, he must select that lesson in the screen outside the classroom.
Please click in the link below to see a sketch of one of our classrooms:
Project oriented by: Vitor Cardoso
Authors: Ivo Rosa; Ludmila Susana and Ricardo Teodósio.
Best regards,
Ludmila Susana
Draft do auditorio:
Look at the pictures from our school:
Ludmila Susana
DRAFT do Auditorio
Click to visit our virtual school:
Virtual School
Here is an image of our school:
Come and learn with us in our Virtual School!
Best regards,
Ludmila Susana