Active forum topics

Topic Replies Views Last postsort ascending Forum
Normal topic Textures in sketchup - Tutorial & defy
by vcard on 2015, May 31 - 21:30
2 1,942 by babelx3d
2022, April 13 - 11:41
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Unity3D now reads skp, sketchup files, directly
by vcard on 2017, June 5 - 16:40
1 2,777 by Daniel Lucamba
2022, April 12 - 14:10
Normal topic Standard Assets for Unity 2019.4 - fixed
by vcard on 2020, November 18 - 11:36
1 10,948 by vcard
2021, November 16 - 20:53
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic 3D Maze
by Labirinto 3D on 2021, January 15 - 21:00
3 2,393 by Labirinto 3D
2021, January 19 - 20:27
Worlds and objects
Normal topic RobotUnity
by RobotUnity on 2021, January 19 - 17:06
1,306 by RobotUnity
2021, January 19 - 17:06
General discussion
Normal topic 3D Model: Curtiss Hawk P6E
by pjbelo on 2020, December 9 - 16:00
1 1,899 by vcard
2020, December 9 - 22:15
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Make low poly scenes look good
by vcard on 2020, January 18 - 23:54
1,491 by vcard
2020, November 9 - 23:58
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic iLRN 2020 VR Conference Production Design
by tiagoperes on 2020, July 19 - 19:11
1,433 by tiagoperes
2020, July 19 - 19:20
Worlds and objects
Normal topic PIFuHD: Multi-Level Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function for High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization
by goncaloperes on 2020, July 1 - 17:13
2,635 by goncaloperes
2020, July 1 - 17:14
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic A Taxonomy of VR Platforms
by tiagoperes on 2020, June 29 - 17:32
1 1,786 by goncaloperes
2020, June 30 - 11:00
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Neural Rigging for Articulated Characters (RigNet)
by goncaloperes on 2020, May 10 - 07:32
1 1,124 by babelx3d
2020, May 14 - 08:50
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Platforms Characteristics
by tiagoperes on 2020, May 11 - 14:47
3 1,845 by tester
2020, May 13 - 22:55
Worlds and objects
by tiagoperes on 2020, May 11 - 14:48
1,655 by tiagoperes
2020, May 11 - 14:48
Worlds and objects
by tiagoperes on 2020, May 11 - 14:48
1,508 by tiagoperes
2020, May 11 - 14:48
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Virtual Ocean Tours
by goncaloperes on 2020, April 14 - 12:43
1 1,153 by vcard
2020, April 15 - 11:36
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Google 3D Animals as a way to pacify your kids
by goncaloperes on 2020, March 30 - 12:15
1 1,100 by tester
2020, March 30 - 22:24
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Realistic 3D Objects From Famous Museums (Free)
by goncaloperes on 2020, February 26 - 03:58
1 1,155 by tester
2020, March 16 - 21:25
Normal topic Gamer streamer, new performers!
by tester on 2020, March 16 - 21:12
739 by tester
2020, March 16 - 21:12
General discussion
Normal topic Mozilla Hubs - VR chatroom for every headset and browser
by goncaloperes on 2020, January 24 - 22:48
870 by goncaloperes
2020, January 24 - 22:48
Normal topic Introducing Python for Unity Editor
by goncaloperes on 2020, January 23 - 12:43
816 by goncaloperes
2020, January 23 - 12:46


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