Active forum topics

Topic Replies Views Last postsort ascending Forum
Normal topic Tip: open images in a fancy Colorbox overlay
by vcard on 2017, April 2 - 03:16
1 1,302 by PauloNunes
2017, April 3 - 04:41
Normal topic Gravity Sketch
by artur on 2016, March 25 - 21:04
3 2,134 by vcard
2017, April 2 - 14:26
Normal topic A handy Window for media an other content in babelx3d Worlds
by vcard on 2011, October 13 - 20:40
597 by vcard
2017, April 1 - 18:42
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Island of coins
by Dauwalder on 2015, July 8 - 00:47
1 1,575 by jda
2017, April 1 - 03:34
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Projeto Gutenberg - obras em língua portuguesa
by PauloNunes on 2017, March 29 - 15:22
1 2,541 by vcard
2017, March 29 - 17:22
Digital books
Normal topic UAB- Realidade Virtual Distribuída - trabalhos
by 1502636 on 2016, June 21 - 01:42
1 1,031 by fpsousa
2016, July 3 - 10:30
General discussion
Normal topic Como configurar e disponibilizar um servidor Opensim doméstico para acesso universal
by PauloNunes on 2016, May 31 - 18:57
2,775 by PauloNunes
2016, May 31 - 21:21
Normal topic Tinkercad Tutorials
by artur on 2016, May 28 - 18:37
1,997 by artur
2016, May 28 - 18:37
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic eTwinning PDW Coding and Robotics: The Future is Now!
by artur on 2016, May 10 - 21:54
1 1,009 by vcard
2016, May 11 - 00:49
General discussion
Normal topic Dificuldade de acesso ao OpenSim da UAb
by gjmsilva on 2016, April 8 - 22:19
3 2,196 by PauloNunes
2016, April 12 - 09:29
Opensim UAb
Normal topic Impressão 3D na Sala de Aula do Futuro
by artur on 2016, March 25 - 21:16
2 1,844 by artur
2016, March 26 - 19:01
General discussion
Normal topic A list of active Google Plus communities related to OpenSim and the hypergrid
by PauloNunes on 2016, March 17 - 21:27
765 by PauloNunes
2016, March 17 - 21:27
Opensim UAb
Normal topic "The ultimate" VR Headset Buyers's Guide
by PauloNunes on 2016, March 4 - 17:14
1 1,788 by Alain
2016, March 6 - 20:06
VR Headsets
Normal topic Another proposal to a sturdier “Google Cardboard”
by PauloNunes on 2016, February 10 - 19:38
2 1,540 by babelx3d
2016, February 11 - 01:49
VR Headsets
Normal topic Better designed VR Cardboard ?
by vcard on 2016, February 5 - 23:05
3 2,161 by vcard
2016, February 7 - 22:59
VR Headsets
Normal topic Unity Portfolio and Final Project
by midipixel on 2016, February 7 - 19:00
761 by midipixel
2016, February 7 - 19:00
Worlds and objects
Hot topic Google Cardboard
by PauloNunes on 2015, October 16 - 17:26
5 3,133 by PauloNunes
2016, January 28 - 13:25
VR Headsets
Normal topic BowieWorld em 3D
by vcard on 2016, January 23 - 19:53
1,382 by vcard
2016, January 23 - 19:53
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Descobrir Ada Lovelace
by artur on 2015, December 18 - 12:42
2 1,481 by vcard
2016, January 19 - 17:27
General discussion
by amdbaptista on 2016, January 9 - 19:46
747 by amdbaptista
2016, January 9 - 19:46
Worlds and objects


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