Make low poly scenes look good

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Make low poly scenes look good


Used at the origin of 3D as a form of simplified representation to comply with processing constraints, low poly has evolved to a beautiful 3D art form in its own right.

enhancing low Poly look
Enhancing Low poly with Unity 3D smooth tools and post-processing techniques

Unity's smooth tools and post-processing techniques can improve significantly the aspect of low poly scenes.

1- Several parameters of a shape smoothness, including adjusting the normals smoothing angle that can be easily adjusted in the inspector.

Smoothing angle
Adjusting the normals smoothing angle

Flat shading vs. smooth shading
Flat shading vs. smooth shading (source)

Check this tutorial: How to Change Object Shading in Unity

2 - Post-processing techniques can improve other impactful rendering aspects of a scene.

Check these tutorials:


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Edited by: vcard on 2020/11/09 - 23:58