Fundação Ilídio Pinho organizes it's annual educational award ceremony with a projects exhibition from the contestants in it's prize Ciência na Escola - Fundação Ilídio Pinho (Science in School, Ilídio Pinho Foundation) in October 28, at Exponor, Matosinhos. This annual contest challenges schools, teachers and students to create innovative aproaches to scientific education. Agrupamento de Escolas da Venda do Pinheiro participates in this project using VRML/X3D technologies to stimulate student's creation of virtual spaces with science themes. The teachers involved, Artur Coelho (Visual Arts/IT coordinator) and Sónia Azevedo (Mathematics/Science) will showcase two virtual worlds - Sistema Solar Virtual (Virtual Solar System), awarded an honorable mention in last year's contest, and Viagem de um Glóbulo Vermelho (Red Globe Voyage), this year's entry. These virtual worlds were created by 5th, 6th and 9th year students from Agrupamento de Escolas da Venda do Pinheiro. Special atention will also be given to spread the word about the Babel X3D community.