Minecart Game Example by Kuneko
This package contains the complete source code and all assets used to create my simple game 'Minecart'.
Low poly models of a mine cart and track section with .PSD format textures.
All scripts are well optimized and have been written in a self documenting code style in C#. All functions are appropriately named and a .PDF is included as a reference to document the function of each script.
Minecart is a very simple game that could help those new to game development who wish to learn programming or veteran game developers looking for a basic game to re-skin and build upon.
Download and play the PC, Mac, and Linux versions here.
Price $10.00
3 Low Poly Karts with Player 6 by Macrobian
- 3 original GoKart vehicles.
- 3 player skins to go with each separate kart.
- Player model is split with 3 animations like - left turn, right turn, raise hand.
- 3 helmet skins to go with each separate driver.
- 1024x1024 size textures including diffuse and normal maps.
- Simple collision mesh for each model, set up inside a Prefab.
- Kart, Player, Wheels & Helmet are separated.
- Ready for mobile devices
- Good quality, save and enjoy the low poly kart with player.
Other Models Download
Price $15.00
3 Low Poly Karts with Player 5 by Macrobian
- 3 original GoKart vehicles.
- 3 player skins to go with each separate kart.
- Player model is split with 3 animations like - left turn, right turn, raise hand.
- 3 helmet skins to go with each separate driver.
- 1024x1024 size textures including diffuse and normal maps.
- Simple collision mesh for each model, set up inside a Prefab.
- Kart, Player, Wheels & Helmet are separated.
- Ready for mobile devices
- Good quality, save and enjoy the low poly kart with player.
Other Models Download
Price $15.00
3 Low Poly Karts with Player 4 by Macrobian
- 3 original GoKart vehicles.
- 3 player skins to go with each separate kart.
- Player model is split with 3 animations like - left turn, right turn, raise hand.
- 3 helmet skins to go with each separate driver.
- 1024x1024 size textures including diffuse and normal maps.
- Simple collision mesh for each model, set up inside a Prefab.
- Kart, Player, Wheels & Helmet are separated.
- Ready for mobile devices
- Good quality, save and enjoy the low poly kart with player.
Other Models Download
Price $15.00
StreetWars: Heavy gangster by Zuhian Teiyu
* Heavy gangster A: 9826 tris.
* Heavy gangster B: 11180 tris.
Texture body (x2):
* Diffuse, normal, specular (2048 x 2048).
Texture head (x2):
* Diffuse, normal, specular (2048 x 2048).
Auto-rigged, no animations.
Send any suggestion or question to: zuhianteiyu@protonmail.com
Price $4.00
3 Low Poly Karts with Player 3 by Macrobian
- 3 original GoKart vehicles.
- 3 player skins to go with each separate kart.
- Player model is split with 3 animations like - left turn, right turn, raise hand.
- 3 helmet skins to go with each separate driver.
- 1024x1024 size textures including diffuse and normal maps.
- Simple collision mesh for each model, set up inside a Prefab.
- Kart, Player, Wheels & Helmet are separated.
- Ready for mobile devices
- Good quality, save and enjoy the low poly kart with player.
Other Models Download
Price $15.00
Animated Hands for VR by EnsenaSoft, S.A. de C.V.
Price $8.00
Aura by IndieChest
Add an aura effect to your objects! Aura effect powered by a shader that is injected in Unity's Standard Shader. So its look is identical to other objects except the aura.
Aura is;
+ Easy to use
+ Truly optimized
+ Animated, customizable with noise textures
+ Source code included
+ Can be used with complex light and scene setups
Price $4.99
Easy Mobile Basic by SgLib Games
Other versions:
- Easy Mobile Pro
- Easy Mobile Lite (Free)
Easy Mobile is a many-in-one package that greatly simplifies the implementation of standard features on every mobile game including advertising, in-app purchasing, game services, sharing, and more.
It does so by:
- Introducing an intuitive, cross-platform API that can accomplish most tasks with a single line of code.
- Providing a friendly custom editor for setting up and managing things.
- Automating chores such as service initialization and ad loading.
- Leveraging official plugins, e.g. Google Play Games plugin for Unity, for reliability and compatibility without reinventing the wheel.
- Supports a wide range of ad networks.
- Banner, interstitial and rewarded ads.
- Single unified API for all ad networks.
- Automatic ad loading.
Game Services
- Works with Game Center (iOS) and Google Play Game Services (Android).
- Leaderboards & Achievements.
- [Pro-only] Saved Games using iCloud (iOS) & Google Drive (Android) with automatic conflict resolution.
[Pro-only] GIF
- Low-overhead screen recorder.
- Built-in players for recorded clip playback.
- Mobile-friendly GIF encoder.
- Giphy upload API for sharing GIF to social networks.
Here're demo GIFs generated on an iPhone 5
Demo GIF 1 | Demo GIF 2
In-App Purchasing
- Multiple stores supported: App Store, Google Play, Amazon Apps, etc.
- Consumable, non-consumable & subscription products.
- Local receipt validation.
- Custom editor for easy management of product catalog.
Native APIs
- Native UI: mobile native UI elements (dialogs, toasts).
* More native functionalities will be added soon.
- Fully-customizable local notifications.
- Fully supports Android 8.0 notification channels & channel groups.
- Push notifications (compatible with OneSignal, a free and popular push notification service).
- Shares texts, URLs and images using the mobile native sharing functionality.
- Store Review: an effective way to ask for app rating using the system-provided rating prompt on iOS and a native, highly customizable popup on Android.
- C# language.
- [Pro-only] Visual Scripting (Playmaker compatible).
- Easy Mobile fully supports two major mobile platforms iOS and Android.
- Easy Mobile works with any Unity project targeting iOS and Android, not just SgLib Games' templates.
- Full C# source code is included.
- Online documentation
- Forum Thread
- Demo APK
- Join our Beta testing campaign to test IAP without being charged
(Please kindly include your order number when requesting support. Thank you!)
Your rating, review and feedback are greatly appreciated!
Price $39.00
FPS COM RS8 - Model & Textures by massconfusion
Every element which requires animation has been detached.
Substance Painter was used for texturing and texture export.
Texture resolution is 4K for the weapon and also the flash/laser and silencer.
Important note: All the attachments that will be added in future releases will work on every weapon that I will be selling on asset store.
Technical Details
- 4096x4096 - Main Weapon
- 4096x4096 - Silencer
- 4096x4096 - Optical Sight
- LODs - LOD0; LOD1; LOD2
- Polycount - 50.134 tris, including attachments and LODs
- Prefabs included
- Important! ONLY models and textures!
If you have any questions you can send me a message to:
Price $16.99
Grendel by ChamferBox Studio
He's awesome for late-game dark levels, or in-hell scenes :D
- Total 10 animations with both in-place and rootmotion animations.
- 4096x4096 .tga diffues, specular and normal map textures.
- Triangles count: 13194
- Animations: stand, idle (roar), attack 1, attack 2, spit, crawl, crawl root motion, hit 1, hit 2, death
Price $7.00
Boundary Builder by Daniel K. Johnson
Custom Collision Mesh
Smart Prefab Placement Tools
Terrain/Collision Support
Price $10.00
UniNotes by Rotary Heart
UniNotes is a system that makes project management or project organization easier since it allows you to add visual notes to your entire project. The notes are fully customizable and can be attached to a GameObject, Scripts, Hierarchy and more.
The system was design to add documentation to your project. The main idea is to allow adding notes on many places inside your project without the need of coding anything. This allows designers, animators, etc. to add notes without the need of a coder.
Features on the system:
-GameObject notes
-Scene notes preview
-Script notes
-Hierarchy notes
-Project notes
Custom note templates for Hierarchy and Project window can be added, they can also have custom data wrote on them.
Notes can also be added to scripts (by code) this allows for better organization or explanation of how the script works.
Price $15.00
Clean UI Package with custom HP/Resource Bars by Christopher Womble
Price $15.00
Sci-Fi Mammoth by Artcitizen
This is a lowpoly handpainted sci-fi mammoth.
- 648 vertices
- 1284 triangle polygons
- 2048*2048 diffuse PNG
- idle
- attack1
- attack2
- walk
- walkLeft
- walkRight
- run
- runLeft
- runRight
- turnLeft
- turnRight
- dieLeft
- dieRight
Price $10.00
MEGA 1000+ LUTs Pack by Editor Modules
- This a set of more than 1000 effects for camera post processing.
LUTs for color correction works very fast, so you can use gradients even on low-end mobile devices.
Preset window includes new features:
- Favorites.
- Ability to ordering by similarity or by warming or saturated or contents.
- Search Field.
- Zooming.
[ Сompatibility ]
- You can use gradients with "Unity PostProcessing Scripts"
- You can use LUTs with "Amplify Colors" plugin.
- You can write your own shader or other third party plugins.
And I want to ask whether it is necessary to expand the presets to 3000 variants?
Perhaps it is worth making the colors more restrained?
What kind of lits do you like more?
[ Install ]
When you import a plugin, you can only mark gradients or import all part of plugin, package also include standard unity PostProcessing extension in separate folder.
You can import Amplify or Unity PostProcessing, the plug-in supports both
[ Demo ]
Price $10.00
Pebble, and Pavement Specified Shader Smart, Advanced Edition by Interactive Arts
This package contains a set of 18 shaders for PBR based shaders made specifically for Pebble and Pavement materials. 6 shaders with parallax height features and extra plus features are designed for mi-to-high build PC, 6 shaders with ambient occlusion and extra plus features are designed for PC/Console, and 6 shaders are designed for mobile game and application development.
There are multiple extra features introduced to the standard shaders for Pebble and Pavement specification, including:
Parallax Height: users have full controls over all functionalities from parallax height, and height percentage bias is introduced, where height bias can be adjusted based on the wet surface patterns from users input.
Wet Surface: color desaturation can be adjusted based on the color bias chosen for the wet area of the wet surface pattern, meantime, users are able to adjust the Specular and Normal bias of the wet pattern. In addition, tiling and offset of the wet texture can be individually adjusted as well.
Extra Tiling Pattern: A major tiling pattern is introduced to the standard (Base) shaders, where users can apply individual extra strength on both white/black channels of the tiling pattern, including: 2 individual roughness, 2 individual secondary normal maps, and 2 individual occlusion strength(s).
Far Field Differentiation: render behavior varies with camera distance, where at near field real time render has full details and graphic qualities, meantime at far field, all secondary normal maps fall-off seamlessly into the main normal map, while all specular, roughness and occlusion bias reduce back to zero, in a seamless manner. Meantime, surface base color can be reduced to a chosen tone. In addition, users have full control over the decay and vanish distance.
High customizable adjustments are introduced as well, including: contrast, brightness, gray-level strength, maximum/minimum channel values (for linear interpolation 1.0 and 0.0), and normal bias. Users can modify most of the texture input properties in real time.
Varies input functionalities are introduced to each shader for optimizations of the rendering power, and enhancements for the graphic quality.
Albedo: Color Bias | Contrast | Brightness
Wet Surface: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Threshold | Wet Color Bias | Normal Bias | Independent Texture Coordinates
Tiling Pattern: Contrast | Strength | White/Black Channels Strength | Threshold | General Strength
Specular: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Threshold | Strength | Shift | Bias on Wet map white/black channels
Roughness: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Strength
Normal: Strength | Bias | Bias on Wet map White/Black channels
Secondary Normal on Tiling White Channel: Strength | Bias | Primary to Secondary ratio
Secondary Normal on Tiling Black Channel: Strength | Bias | Primary to Secondary ratio
Far Field: Decay/Vanish Distance | Base Color Reduction
Ambient Occlusion: Contrast | Base value | Tiling White/Black channels Strength
Parallax Height: Contrast | Max/Min height | General Strength | White/Black Channel: Height percentage bias
Texture Coordinates: Rotation | UV Tiling | UV Offset
Uniform specular adjustment is introduced to some shaders
Uniform roughness adjustment is introduced to some shaders
Tech Details and Specifications
Numbers of Shaders: 18
Numbers of Sample Materials: 18
Numbers of Sample Textures: 9
Numbers of Demo Scenes: 6
Numbers of Demo Assets: 1 (background material)
Number of Display Cameras: 30
Parallax Height | Wet Surface | Tiling Pattern | Far Field Differentiation
PBR Based Rendering
SM 3.0 | Full Forward Shadows | Standard Specular
Supported Platforms: PS4 | Xbox One | PC | iOS | Android
Render Type: Opaque
Price $14.99