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The newest packages in the Unity Asset Store.
Updated: 11 min 30 sec ago

Voltage - UI Framework (Source Code) by Splime

2018, April 6 - 18:22

Power your tools with Voltage and save your time for something else!

If you have found that the default UI layout for editor scripting is making it harder for you to build your tools or editors, then this is the asset for you.

Voltage is a significant improvement on the current OnGUI system. By using Voltage you can reduce the time and pain of building windows and editors.

Free Full Version (No source code)

Quickstart Guide
API Reference
Help Thread


- Realtime Styles Editor: for easily managing all your styles on one window, now you wont have to trouble yourself coding your styles. You can edit them, see the changes on real time and use them on your code just like that. - Split Area: if you where wondering how to provide your windows or editors with a split screen, now it will only take you one line of code.
- Foldout Areas: foldouts made easy with Voltage.
- Tab Areas: a simple implementation of tabs.
- List: A simple to implement nested list for you to use on whatever way you want to. With right mouse click for deleting, duplicating (Multi-selection still not fully functional)
- Weighted Areas: for fitting elements in a simple way.
- Stream Areas: for when you need a stream of tight fitted elements.
- Scroll Areas: foldouts made easy with Voltage.

- Fields: All the classic drawers implemented, and the possibility to expand and add your own custom elements for you to use.
- Helpers: To help you break your windows or editors into multiple scripts.
- Nested Areas: easy to comprehend nested areas, combine all the different areas to control and organize your interface.

Unity Forum: @whileBreak

Special Thanks to Delarn and GengarGames777 for helping me to test and improve this asset

Price $19.00

Leather Specified Shader Smart, Advanced Edition by Interactive Arts

2018, April 6 - 18:19

Document | Updates


This package contains a set of 18 shaders for PBR based shaders made specifically for raw and fine leather materials. 6 shaders with parallax height features are designed for mid-to-high-end build PC, 6 shaders with ambient occlusion and additional functionalities are designed for PC/Console, and 6 shaders are designed for mobile games and application development.

Details functionalities have introduced for white/black channels color bias, normal bias and ambient occlusion bias can be adjusted, the pattern texture is determined by the red channel of the albedo texture.

High customizable adjustments are introduced as well, including: contrast, brightness, gray-level strength, maximum/minimum channel values (for linear interpolation 1.0 and 0.0), normal bias, and parallax height. Users can modify most of the texture input properties in real time.

Varies input functionalities are introduced to each shader for optimizations of the rendering power, and enhancements for the graphic quality.


Albedo: Color Bias | Contrast | Brightness

Wet Surface: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Threshold | Wet Color Bias | Normal Bias | Independent Texture Coordinates

Details: White/Black channel Color bias | White/Black Channel Normal bias | White/Black channel Occlusion bias

Specular: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Threshold | Strength | Shift

Roughness: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Strength

Normal: Strength | Bias

Ambient Occlusion: Contrast | Base value

Parallax Height: Contrast | Max/Min Height | General Strength

Texture Coordinates: Rotation | UV Tiling | UV Offset

Uniform specular adjustment is introduced to some shaders

Uniform roughness adjustment is introduced to some shaders

Tech Details and Specifications

Numbers of Shaders: 18

Numbers of Sample Materials: 18

Numbers of Sample Textures: 6

Numbers of Demo Scenes: 6

Numbers of Demo Assets: 1 (background material)

Number of Display Cameras: 30

Parallax Height | Surface Details

PBR Based Rendering

SM 3.0 | Full Forward Shadows | Standard Specular

Supported Platforms: PS4 | Xbox One | PC | iOS | Android 

Render Type: Opaque

Price $14.99

Dynamic Panels by Süleyman Yasir Kula

2018, April 6 - 18:17
Introductory price.. Not! It will always remain Free. Grab it whenever you want!

This asset helps you create dynamic panels using Unity's UI system. These panels can be dragged around, resized, docked to canvas edges or to one another and stacked next to each other as separate tabs.

- Supports all canvas modes (Screen Space and World Space)
- Supports multiple canvases (panels can be moved between canvases by dragging)
- Has an extensive Scripting API to create/manipulate panels by code
- Each panel costs 3 additional batches (this number can increase with each tab using a custom icon)

Try it before you download it.. for Free! Now isn't that a bargain.

Forum Thread | GitHub Page

Price $0.00

Cartoon Sports Car by Retro Valorem

2018, April 6 - 18:15
* Please Rate If You Like The Asset *

This is a Cartoon Style model of a Classic Sports Car from 1970s. Make your project stand out with this universally appreciated vehicle!

* Hi-poly model (10 000 polygons) with interior, separate doors, glass, wheels, brakes, steering wheel etc.
* Low-poly model (7 143 polygons) without interior.
* Mesh collider.
* 4096x4096 pixel .PSD texture with unmerged layers. You can edit everything.

If you have any questions, please email me at
Price $5.00

Modular Corridor by Red Crystal

2018, April 6 - 17:58
Modular Corridor

Modular Corridor is a pack of modular corridor, room, and stair sections allowing you to effectively and easily create large unique building interiors.

All models have texture atlases to improve performance. All models have a low polygon mesh and are ready for animation. The set consists of corridor modules, an entrance, 4 large rooms, a large number of models for filling (books, newspapers, cards, chairs, sofas, armchairs, beds, paintings, shelves with filling, rooms, carpets and much more).

Do not forget to leave comments. Thx
Price $20.00

Water Magic Spell SFX Pack 1 by Stormwave Audio

2018, April 6 - 17:44
A set of 10 powerful, water-based magical spell sound effects.

File list:
Water Magic Area Spell Cast 1
Water Magic Area Spell Loop 1
Water Magic Attack Spell Splash Impact 1
Water Magic Attack Spell Splash Impact 2
Water Magic Bubble Spell Cast 1
Water Magic Healing Spell Cast 1
Water Magic Healing Spell Cast 2
Water Magic Healing Spell Cast 3
Water Magic Protection Spell Cast 1
Water Magic Protection Spell Cast 2

Price $4.99

Holy Magic Spell SFX Pack 1 by Stormwave Audio

2018, April 6 - 17:43
A set of 10 powerful magical spell sound effects suitable for light, holy, divine and similar types of magic.

Great addition for fantasy priest, cleric, monk and paladin characters.

File list:
Holy Magic Bless Spell Cast 1
Holy Magic Bright Spell Loop 1
Holy Magic Bright Spell Loop 2
Holy Magic Healing Spell Cast 1
Holy Magic Healing Spell Cast 2
Holy Magic Light Aura Spell Cast 1
Holy Magic Protection Spell Cast 1
Holy Magic Purify Spell Cast 1
Holy Magic Resurrection Spell Cast 1
Holy Magic Resurrection Spell Cast 2

Price $4.99

Dark Magic Spell SFX Pack 1 by Stormwave Audio

2018, April 6 - 17:43
A set of 20 magic spells suitable for black, death, shadow, necromancy, occult and similar dark magic schools.

File list:
Dark Magic Corruption Spell Cast 1
Dark Magic Curse Spell Cast 1
Dark Magic Curse Spell Cast 2
Dark Magic Ghostly Spell Cast 1
Dark Magic Infection Spell Cast 1
Dark Magic Mind Control Spell Cast 1
Dark Magic Portal Spell Loop 1
Dark Magic Protection Spell Cast 1
Dark Magic Raise Dead Spell Cast 1
Dark Magic Shadow Bolt Spell Approach And Impact 1
Dark Magic Shadow Bolt Spell Flying By 1
Dark Magic Shadow Bolt Spell Flying Loop 1
Dark Magic Shadow Bolt Spell Impact 1
Dark Magic Shadow Spell Cast 1
Dark Magic Shadow Spell Cast 2
Dark Magic Spell Cast 1
Dark Magic Spell Cast 2
Dark Magic Summon Portal Spell Cast 1
Dark Magic Summon Zombie Spell Cast 1
Dark Magic Summon Zombie Spell Cast 2

Price $9.99

Fantasy Weapon Series - One Handed Swords - PBR 4K by Nordvale

2018, April 6 - 17:42
Fantasy Weapon Series - One Handed Sword Pack

Contains 20 One Handed Swords to use in either first or third person projects.

Meshes (Overview)

10 unique sword meshes (FBX)

Each sword comes with the following meshes

- LOD0
- LOD1
- LOD2
- Detailed Collision Mesh (75-200tris, switch to convex if you need something more simplified)

For topology please check screenshots

For tris/vert counts please scroll down or check screenshots

For scale comparison to the StandardAsset EthanBody character please check screenshots


Each sword comes with 2 texture variations.

All textures are PBR Metallic in a resolution of 4096px and contain these maps:

- AlbedoTransperancy
- AmbientOcclusion
- MetallicSmoothness
- Normal
- Emission (*as needed)
- Position
- Thickness
- ID

Meshes (Geometry Information)

Soldier's Sword
LOD0: 725vert, 1140tris
LOD1: 389vert, 572tris
LOD2: 117vert, 204tris
Collision mesh: 58vert, 112tris

Nobleman's Sword
LOD0: 787vert, 1174tris
LOD1: 520vert, 742tris
LOD2: 348vert, 444tris
Collision mesh: 52vert, 100tris

Demonic Ripper
LOD0: 2483vert, 3742tris
LOD1: 952vert, 1276tris
LOD2: 410vert, 466tris
Collision mesh: 202vert, 112tris

Serpent Stinger
LOD0: 3686vert, 5744tris
LOD1: 1903vert, 2498tris
LOD2: 555vert, 656tris
Collision mesh: 104vert, 60tris

Arcane Sword
LOD0: 1558vert, 2544tris
LOD1: 557vert, 776tris
LOD2: 314vert, 380tris
Collision mesh: 144vert, 74tris

Death's Edge
LOD0: 4251vert, 6765tris
LOD1: 1487vert, 2042tris
LOD2: 624vert, 730tris
Collision mesh: 172vert, 94tris

Sorcerer's Blade
LOD0: 1861vert, 2794tris
LOD1: 626vert, 886tris
LOD2: 397vert, 522tris
Collision mesh: 170vert, 84tris

Beast's Blade
LOD0: 3037vert, 4580tris
LOD1: 1471vert, 1982tris
LOD2: 598vert, 552tris
Collision mesh: 198vert, 100tris

Paladin Sword
LOD0: 2307vert, 3270tris
LOD1: 715vert, 772tris
LOD2: 528vert, 429tris
Collision mesh: 196vert, 106tris

Elvish Sword
LOD0: 2136vert, 3688tris
LOD1: 566vert, 844trs
LOD2: 202vert, 234tris
Collision mesh: 200vert, 140tris
Price $9.99

Fun Tunnel - Platform Jumper by Roman Kalynchuk

2018, April 6 - 17:42
- Customize tunnel generation in editor - Infinite level generation - Optimized for Mobile - Touch input for mobile and mouse/keyboard input for web and desktop - Curved world shader - Input touch controller for mobile - Very simple to Customize
Price $20.00

ACS by IL.ranch

2018, April 6 - 01:28
Sci-fi 'ACS' - Autonomous Combat System, stationary weapon.

Please note: 'ACS' have no walk animations and have not skinned (stationary weapon).

Operated by demo scripts.

This pack incudes:

- ACS lod0: 11847 tris;

- ACS lod1: 5909 tris;

- ACS lod2: 2433 tris;

- obstacle model: 96 tris;

- fire particle effect;

- smoke particle effect;

- ACS 4 material variations;

- ACS - separate parts;

- desert demoscene;

- demo scripts.

PBR Textures - 4K.

Note: max texture size should be adjusted in texture import settings.

Price $5.00

Bag Icons by ClayManStudio

2018, April 6 - 01:09
Set of 60 hand drawn bags,keys,box icons.
Include: 30 bags, 20 chests and 10 keys icons.
256x256 PNG
Gray-scale version included
Gray Background

Price $4.99

Human Sagittal Brain by Tiger Shark Studios

2018, April 6 - 01:05
Sagittal Brain Cross section is made up of the lobes of the brain. Comes with animated blood flow arrows.

Polygon count : - 9769 quads or 19538 tris.

Comes with Color, Ambient, Normal maps. Also comes with support texture maps, curvature, position, thickness and world normal maps.
Price $35.00

SF CYBORG Battleship KX6 by CGPitbull

2018, April 6 - 00:55
This Original package contains one “Spaceship Battleship”.

Add a professional touch to your SciFi VideoGame project with this original low poly model. Set of one Spaceship (FBX model). No animated parts, script or LOD. Included Weapons, the engine is separated (See video preview / previews).

Polys/7608 - Verts/8565

_Textures included (Tiff):

_3 differents color schemes / PBR Materials (see previews)

_3 Diffuse map 4096x4096

_1 Normal map 4096x4096

_1 Glow (Emission) map 4096x4096

_1 Specular/Metallic map 4096x4096

_1 Roughness map 4096x4096

Price $28.00

2D Sci-Fi Platformer by FORGE3D

2018, April 6 - 00:51
2D Sci-Fi Platformer contains everything you need to create cutting edge game with beautiful art, animations, and effects.

Demo: WebGL | PC | Mac
Read more: Forum thread

This pack is in active development phase with new features, fixes, and improvements planned in the upcoming updates.

• 6 Detailed characters cut for animation. Interchangeable armor, helmets and weapons. Editable layers on all character parts, easy to change design, color and shape.

• Weapon Constructor: 120 unique parts including: base, panels, stocks, handles, barrels, magazines and more.

• 22 Premade weapons of different classes and types: pistols, shotguns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, heavy weapons and special weapons such as tesla gun, grenades, melee and more.

• World and buildings constructor of more than 100 parts. A variety of foreground and background elements such as ground, stones, crystals, planets, construction platforms, buildings and miscellaneous props.

• More than 30 HUD elements including 15 crosshairs, health and armor bars, icons etc.

All art assets are presented in PSD files with smart objects and structured layers for your convenience.

• Physical based character controller built on Unity 2D physics engine with character animations included.

• Weapon controller script with various modes supported: pistol, beam, shotgun, automatic rifle, minigun with the spin-up, melee, and others.

• Parallax example scene featuring all the art assets: movable platforms, hanging cables, base buildings and a nicely scrolling background.

Sound effects are implemented for the sake of WebGL demo purposes only, and not included in the final package.

WebGL Demo tested with Opera 51.0, Firefox 59.0.1, Safari 11.0.3, Chrome 65.0

Price $39.99

Orion Class Battlecarrier by MSGDI

2018, April 6 - 00:15
This pack contains an Orion class battlecarrier with modular weapons. It can be used in a space RTS game, a 3rd person spaceship shooter or in a topdown or sidescroller game.

- Scifi battlecarrier
- Modular design
- 6 turrets, 3 missile launchers, 1 torpedo launcher, gun batteries and hangars
- 1 torpedo + 3 missiles included
- 6 different texture sets
- PSD with intact layers is included
- PBR textures for the unity 5 standard shader (metallic)
- Ready to use prefabs of all models are included
- Texture sizes are 4096 (ship), 2048 (weapons) and 1024 (missiles)
- Tris count ca. 20600
- Final tris count depends on how many weapons are used for the ship

Screenshots are made using Unitys “Post Processing Stack” – available for free on the asset store.

Price $30.00

Dresser Cabinet Collection by studio lab

2018, April 6 - 00:08
Detailed Description Info:
*Model: Dresser Cabinet Collection
*Media Type: 3D Model
*Geometry: Quads/Tris
*Polygon Count: 21213
*Vertice Count: 23324
*Textures: Yes
*Materials: Yes
*UV Mapped: Yes *
Unwrapped UV''s: Yes Overlapping
*all pbr textures included in tga format, spec, gloss, diffuse and normal
Price $29.00

Medieval Marketplace - Stall by aerolife

2018, April 6 - 00:04

Realistic, high quality and low polygonal Medieval Marketplace Pack. Old town markets created with great attention to details and realistic proportions with correct geometry. Textures are very quality. The mesh topology is clean, efficient and has only tri and quad polygons. This pack is very optimized and ready to use in games and other applications for all platforms.

Poly count: 4.772 tris

Quality 1 textures in size 4096x4096px with Diffuse, Normal and Specular maps.All colors can be easly modified

Everything shown in screenshots. Also don't forget rate and comment. If You have sugestions please send message or comment.

Price $7.00

Riot Gears Pack by akamx

2018, April 6 - 00:04
High quality gears for your riot scene and characters,with multiple textures and colors. this pack includes:
12 Meshes.
21 Prefabs.

*Textures in 2k.

* some meshes have multiple parts(like grenades) with centers positioned correctly.

Meshes info (triangles count is approximate):

1- Molotov 542 Triangles.

2- Car Tire 1.4k Triangles .

3- Crowbar 212 Triangles 2 Colors.

4- Glove 1.2k Triangles .

5- Oil Barrel 1.3k Triangles 2 Colors.

6- Flash Light 412 Triangles.

7- Emergency Flare 308 Triangles.

8- Spray Can 778 Triangles 3 Colors.

9- M48 Flash Bang 4.6k Triangles .

10- M18 Smoke Grenade 2.3k Triangles 4 Colors.

11- Tear Gas Grenade 2.5k Triangles .

12- Baseball bat 510 Triangles 2 Textures.

Price $5.00

Grand Chairs Collection by studio lab

2018, April 5 - 23:58
Detailed Description Info:
*Model: Grand Chairs Collection
*Media Type: 3D Model
*Geometry: Quads/Tris
*Polygon Count: 30273
*Vertice Count: 30679
*Textures: Yes
*Materials: Yes
*UV Mapped: Yes *
Unwrapped UV''s: Yes Overlapping
*all pbr textures included in tga format, spec, gloss, diffuse and normal
Price $39.00
