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Updated: 46 min 4 sec ago

How Sine Wave turned Unity game assets into an online workspace for remote teams

2020, May 5 - 16:56

When the global quarantine threatened the launch of their new Unity-based virtual world, Sine Wave rapidly created Breakroom, a 3D social hub for teams that suddenly found themselves working completely from home. Find out how they did it. In this interview, Adam Frisby from Sine Wave Entertainment shares how his team leveraged numerous Unity tools […]

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Synthetic data: Simulating myriad possibilities to train robust machine learning models

2020, May 1 - 20:00

Synthetic data helps many organizations overcome the challenge of acquiring labeled data needed for training machine learning models. This blog kicks off our series on synthetic data for training perception systems. In this first post, we will provide a brief overview of synthetic data and the breadth of use cases it enables. Almost every industry […]

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Learn to create AR and VR apps in Unity

2020, May 1 - 17:07

Designed for creators new to AR and VR development, these comprehensive courses on the Unity Learn platform teach you the skills to build AR and VR apps for a variety of use cases. As AR and VR headsets become more affordable and user-friendly, fields from marketing to construction are using AR and VR to design […]

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Buckle up: Create your own karting game at Your First Game Jam

2020, April 30 - 17:00

The Karting Microgame video game template just got a serious makeover to help new users get started in Unity, and we’re inviting you to mod your own version at Your First Game Jam on May 3. The fun, simple, playable game template comes with guided tutorials so you can customize the game to make it […]

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Pixyz’s 2020.1 update brings grit and gloss to data preparation

2020, April 29 - 17:26

For their 2020.1 release, our partners at Pixyz have focused on improvements ranging from core geometry capabilities and new import formats to visualization and user interface enhancements. Taken together, these improvements result in tools that are more capable, polished, and controllable than ever. Pixyz is a critical companion to Unity for many of our users. […]

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Accelerate and enhance creativity with an example-based workflow

2020, April 27 - 15:04

When rapid, truly disruptive progress occurs in an industry, instabilities are created – and unstable systems don’t last. We see many examples of this everywhere, but most of us rarely think about what it means and how this kind of instability might be taking place within the computer graphics industry.  Why an example-based workflow? Computer graphics […]

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Working from home can help us be well

2020, April 24 - 20:03

Like others during this unique and uncertain time, we at Unity are following many of the fully remote work best practices that have been circulating over the last month. In this blog, Jeff Collins, VP of Engineering in the Monetization group at Unity, shares his perspective and tips for how to feel good while working […]

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Combatting the COVID-19 crisis with interactive safety training for healthcare workers

2020, April 24 - 17:00

Learn how the digital studio, Immersion worked with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to quickly create and deploy an interactive training experience for healthcare workers fighting COVID-19 on the frontlines. Every day, doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel risk their lives caring for COVID-19 patients. Occupational exposure to this infectious pathogen can put workers […]

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MARS Companion Apps

2020, April 23 - 17:01

The Mixed and Augmented Reality Studio (MARS) for Unity is a suite of authoring tools and runtime systems for creating the next generation of spatial computing applications. Companion apps that allow for authoring and data capture on augmented reality (AR) devices are a key part of this suite. We believe that the combination of PC […]

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Augment your spaces with Vuforia Engine

2020, April 21 - 17:00

Vuforia 9.0 is here. The latest release lets you easily create immersive augmented reality (AR) experiences for large environments with Area Targets. The spaces where we live, work, and shop have an abundance of valuable information – but it can be difficult to access relevant data in context. Current object-based augmented reality (AR) is limited […]

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Hundred Soul: How Hound13 created a stunning mobile ARPG with Unity

2020, April 21 - 01:00

In January 2019, a Korean indie studio Hound13 launched Hundred Soul as a mobile-only, action role-playing game (ARPG) in Korea. After over 1.6 million mobile downloads and positive Korean Google Play and AppStore ratings, this fast-moving, game with near-console graphics quality has set its sights on North America by the end of April 2020.  Realistic […]

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Unity 2020 events update

2020, April 20 - 15:51

In our Unite Now blog post a few weeks ago, we announced that Unity would not be hosting a physical event this year. Instead, Unite 2020 will be completely digital. Since that post, we’ve received a lot of questions, so we wanted to take a moment to bring everyone up to speed on the details […]

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Supporting educators in a changing world

2020, April 16 - 16:55

In a rapidly changing landscape, the need for students to acquire computational thinking skills is great. At Unity, we’re committed to empowering you to help prepare your students for the jobs of tomorrow. Join our Unite Now sessions to learn more about the resources available to help you coach lifelong learners. Future-proofing our learners The […]

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Spring Sale highlight: Protofactor on the art of Asset Store publishing

2020, April 15 - 15:50

Find your new favorite assets during the Spring Sale, happening now at the Asset Store. Get 50% off over 500 tools, complete project packs, 3D art, and more, including some of our most popular assets. Meet one of the Asset Store’s most popular publishers, Protofactor, to see just how much hard work and skill goes […]

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Learn to save memory usage by improving the way you use AssetBundles

2020, April 9 - 17:00

Whether your application streams assets from a content delivery network (CDN) or packs them all into one big binary, you’ve probably heard of AssetBundles. An AssetBundle is a file that contains one or more serialized assets (Textures, Meshes, AudioClips, Shaders, etc.) and is loadable at runtime. AssetBundles can be used directly or through systems like […]

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Build times: Get the details

2020, April 9 - 16:48

Updated BuildReport API in Unity 2020.1 beta gives more details about the build times of your project, breaking them down to the asset level. This information will help you optimize your iteration times. Jump to BuildOptions.DetailedBuildReport manual page to check out directly how to use the new API, and drop the Build Report Inspector into […]

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The 2-year support for the first LTS release, 2017.4, ends in April 2020

2020, April 8 - 16:59

Unity 2017.4.0 was released on 20th March 2018. It was our first Long Term Support (LTS) version and a significant shift in how we support Unity releases. The next release, 2017.4.40, will be the last in the 2017-stream. With 2019 LTS due to be released soon, it is time to end support for 2017 LTS […]

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Artists’ best practices for mobile game development

2020, April 7 - 16:59

Our partners at Arm have put together a series of in-depth guides to help technical artists and game developers optimize their game art and improve performance when building for varied mobile hardware. Technical artists face the challenge of wanting to build stunning mobile games while keeping assets in line with mobile hardware limitations and performance […]

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Unity 2020 roadmap: Recapping the tech and solutions coming this year

2020, April 6 - 17:00

A lot is happening at Unity this year, and we’re excited to share some of the highlights. So grab your favorite beverage and dive into this post to learn about our recently shared roadmaps on core Unity technology and game-changing offerings for live content, as well as the upcoming Unite Now digital programming series. Unity […]

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Introducing a new way for you to connect 1:1 with Unity community experts

2020, April 3 - 17:32

We launched Live Help so that anyone – whether a beginner or an advanced Unity user – could get help with Unity on demand. Live Help lets you connect with an expert one-on-one to learn about any given topic. Have you ever taken guitar lessons? Piano lessons? How about game development lessons? No? Well now’s […]

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