
VR & AR content - Vision Awards 2016

Despite an exaggerated VR & AR hype in news and social media, real world developers and creators opinions are far from that hype in news. The enthusiasm is moderate and some tech concerns remain (key devices are still not ready for consumers), usability is not great and ... main concerns are about content availability so the devices once acquired will not ... get dust in our desks!. This video gives a glance on the most recent VR & AR content.

InforAbERTA 2016 - 12 de march 2016

InforAbERTA 2016 - é já a 12 de março em Reguengos e o acesso é gratuito!

"A Informática e Média-Arte Digital... Em qualquer lugar!".
Evento anual onde se reúne uma comunidade de investigadores, docentes, estudantes, empregadores e outras entidades que participam e colaboram ou têm interesse em projetos, investigação e ensino nas áreas de Informática e Média-Arte Digital.

O acesso é gratuito e aberto a todos os interessados. Inscreva-se!


Unity 3D Easy First Scene tutorial - new version

The tutorial has been used successfully by students aiming to start building 3D Virtual worlds and games.
In version 3 the text was revised to accommodate users feedback and new useful tips and hints have been strategically added.

To download and get more details about the tutorial please check the blog post:



keep your Onedrive 15 GB free storage

Microsoft surprised many last month by announcing plans to reduce its free OneDrive storage from 15GB to 5GB.
Now Microsoft backward and is going to allow OneDrive users to keep their existing 15GB of free storage and the 15GB camera roll bonus (30GB in total of free storage). This won't be automatic though, and OneDrive users will need to opt-in to keep their storage. To keep the storage go here:

Unity3D new version 5.3

A special version with new features and improvements. A mention to the fact that with this version the WebGL builder has matured and is no longer a preview version. All the details at:

SketchUp 2016 arrived

The new version is out. Check the novelties and download it here:

Invitro - Digital Arts exhibition in Lisbon

INVITRO - A Digital Arts exhibition in Lisbon opening at Universidade Aberta
More info on facebook below

3D Creative Magazine is Free in August

This month’s issue of 3D Creative Magazine is free.
Hurry and get your copy of this top notch 3D:

(info via hiperia 3D news)

We have a new page on Facebook!


We have created a dedicated page on Facebook. You can subscribe right now!

Tell us what you think!

Digital Media Art at Bienal de Cerveira 2015

Meet serious digital Art at "retreat of students, teachers and guests from the Doctoral Course in Digital Media-Art to be held in Vila Nova de Cerveira between 25 and 31 July 2015, part of the XVIII Bienal de Cerveira and adopting the slogan "Look at the Past Building the Future".

Retiro dos estudantes, professores e convidados do Doutoramento em Média-Arte Digital que decorrerá em Vila Nova de Cerveira entre 25 e 31 de Julho de 2015, integrado na XVIII Bienal de Cerveira e adoptando o seu lema "Olhar o Passado Construir o Futuro".


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