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Normal topic MakeHuman version of me in Unity
by goncaloperes on 2019, November 23 - 16:09
561 by goncaloperes
2019, November 23 - 16:09
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Tutorial videos for Vivaty Studio
by vcard on 2012, December 13 - 13:42
799 by vcard
2012, December 13 - 13:42
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Tip: Unity 3D "build" optimization
by jmvale on 2015, April 28 - 22:58
1,650 by jmvale
2015, April 28 - 23:24
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Unity3D in WebGL the Player doesn't have animations
by goncaloperes on 2019, December 12 - 19:34
2 2,260 by goncaloperes
2019, December 12 - 21:21
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Tinkercad Tutorials
by artur on 2016, May 28 - 18:37
1,997 by artur
2016, May 28 - 18:37
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic PIFuHD: Multi-Level Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function for High-Resolution 3D Human Digitization
by goncaloperes on 2020, July 1 - 17:13
2,538 by goncaloperes
2020, July 1 - 17:14
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic draw in 3d ( 2)
by Alain on 2011, October 24 - 12:26
620 by Alain
2015, February 2 - 23:44
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Optimization Techniques for Games Developed in Unity
by vcard on 2017, September 25 - 20:26
914 by vcard
2017, September 25 - 22:05
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Tutoriais Vídeo sobre Sketchup
by artur on 2018, December 7 - 22:23
1 1,351 by vcard
2018, December 10 - 13:34
Tutorials, scripts and code
Hot topic Ripple effect on a surface... how to?
by artur on 2012, July 1 - 19:31
9 3,788 by vcard
2013, February 13 - 20:03
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic My first 3D Model in Blender and Substance Painter
by goncaloperes on 2019, November 28 - 09:00
905 by goncaloperes
2019, December 14 - 18:41
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Tutoriais Sketchup
by artur on 2014, November 18 - 12:28
547 by artur
2015, February 2 - 23:25
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Tip: How to reduce the Project size in Unity3D
by vcard on 2015, May 12 - 22:55
1 5,022 by tester
2019, December 10 - 11:52
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Make low poly scenes look good
by vcard on 2020, January 18 - 23:54
1,468 by vcard
2020, November 9 - 23:58
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Mouse interaction in Unity
by vcard on 2017, April 23 - 23:49
1 2,655 by vcard
2017, May 2 - 18:34
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Flux X3D wiki
by artur on 2012, February 12 - 20:16
578 by artur
2012, February 12 - 20:16
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Trabalhos feito com Unity3D, Makehuman e Sketchup
by lpornelas on 2018, December 3 - 00:46
518 by lpornelas
2018, December 3 - 00:46
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Getting 3D from photos - the easy way
by vcard on 2019, November 1 - 10:37
1 962 by artur
2019, December 5 - 11:32
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic light effects
by Alain on 2012, August 8 - 17:34
1 863 by vcard
2012, August 16 - 17:49
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Unity3D 5 and Blender 3D a perfect Blend
by jmvale on 2015, April 20 - 02:11
1 1,921 by vcard
2015, April 23 - 16:39
Tutorials, scripts and code


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