Active forum topics

Topic Replies Views Last postsort ascending Forum
Normal topic Centro de Interpretação Virtual do Castro de Guifões
by Antonio Pacheco on 2012, December 10 - 23:39
1,022 by Antonio Pacheco
2015, February 2 - 23:24
Worlds and objects
Hot topic TIC e Mundos Virtuais (II)
by artur on 2012, September 28 - 14:37
14 8,295 by fabiapimentel
2015, February 2 - 23:23
Free expression!
Normal topic TIC e Mundos Virtuais
by artur on 2012, June 29 - 11:04
596 by artur
2015, February 2 - 23:23
Free expression!
Hot topic Galeria Vrtual na Educação
by mariasaomartins on 2012, February 19 - 12:05
5 2,301 by mariasaomartins
2015, February 2 - 23:23
Worlds and objects
Normal topic First tests with CopperCube
by Pedro Andre Silva on 2014, December 10 - 21:58
2 1,762 by artur
2015, February 2 - 23:22
Normal topic Uma feira de Natal
by vcard on 2011, December 26 - 18:16
550 by vcard
2015, February 2 - 23:21
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Virtual Solar System a Short Overview Português
by Fanny on 2011, November 30 - 21:29
891 by Fanny
2015, February 2 - 23:21
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Create sounds
by Fernando Pinho on 2013, March 1 - 00:28
1 919 by artur
2015, February 2 - 13:47
General discussion
Normal topic O ano da Web3D?
by artur on 2015, January 10 - 11:58
2 1,329 by artur
2015, February 2 - 12:57
General discussion
Normal topic Kinect, 3D printing e Windows 8
by artur on 2014, October 25 - 13:17
3 2,337 by vcard
2014, November 13 - 18:41
Normal topic Nairi Labs
by artur on 2014, October 25 - 13:18
614 by artur
2014, October 25 - 13:18
Normal topic Qubism: Modelar 3D no tablet
by artur on 2014, October 22 - 09:59
1,135 by artur
2014, October 22 - 09:59
Normal topic TIC@Portugal Meeting
by artur on 2013, May 13 - 10:15
1 970 by vcard
2013, May 15 - 23:36
Free expression!
Hot topic Game Development
by nmcarvalho on 2013, March 14 - 23:33
15 7,883 by artur
2013, May 13 - 07:49
General discussion
Normal topic Dinossaur OBJ Library
by artur on 2013, April 27 - 14:37
1 1,146 by vcard
2013, April 30 - 03:47
Normal topic School of Games - Escola de Jogos
by vcard on 2013, April 21 - 15:21
483 by vcard
2013, April 22 - 00:59
General discussion
Normal topic Playing with augmented reality
by artur on 2013, April 20 - 15:02
523 by artur
2013, April 20 - 15:02
General discussion
Normal topic IPCE conference
by artur on 2013, April 20 - 14:57
649 by artur
2013, April 20 - 14:57
Free expression!
Normal topic Blender PT Conference 2013
by artur on 2013, April 2 - 10:59
629 by artur
2013, April 2 - 10:59
Free expression!
Hot topic Lendas e Mitos da História de Portugal
by marina on 2013, February 10 - 12:37
7 3,459 by Fernando Pinho
2013, March 4 - 23:36
Worlds and objects


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