Active forum topics

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Hot topic S. Cucufate's Project - Exploring Digital Reconstitution and Virtual Worlds
by Pedro Andre Silva on 2012, December 14 - 22:54
10 3,883 by joaogdelgado
2013, March 1 - 14:14
Worlds and objects
Normal topic City Engine and ArcGIS web viewer
by artur on 2013, February 16 - 14:02
2 2,270 by artur
2013, February 27 - 10:07
Worlds and objects
Normal topic 3D and education: why using it with children?
by artur on 2013, February 24 - 13:46
614 by artur
2013, February 24 - 13:46
Free expression!
Normal topic Switch using billboards
by sonatine on 2013, February 15 - 23:02
2 1,158 by sonatine
2013, February 24 - 02:02
General discussion
Normal topic Create weapons and armory - Melight tutorials
by vcard on 2013, February 13 - 19:18
2 1,102 by artur
2013, February 14 - 18:05
Tutorials, scripts and code
Hot topic Ripple effect on a surface... how to?
by artur on 2012, July 1 - 19:31
9 3,788 by vcard
2013, February 13 - 20:03
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Conheces o teu país? Do you know your country?
by joaogdelgado on 2012, December 2 - 23:18
2 1,459 by joaogdelgado
2013, January 30 - 01:35
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Mineworlds: From Minecraft to VRML
by artur on 2013, January 14 - 21:57
2 1,655 by artur
2013, January 26 - 10:31
General discussion
Normal topic FPS (frames per second), a new feature for Babelx3d worlds
by vcard on 2012, August 4 - 23:54
537 by vcard
2013, January 22 - 15:00
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Bs Contact Cache - issues and solutions
by vcard on 2013, January 12 - 23:03
497 by vcard
2013, January 12 - 23:04
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Moon Films (beta 2)
by artur on 2013, January 6 - 21:23
1 831 by vcard
2013, January 7 - 00:28
Worlds and objects
Normal topic VRML Repository - Music
by vcard on 2013, January 6 - 15:50
1 900 by vcard
2013, January 6 - 16:34
Worlds and objects
Normal topic Print your vrml models in 3D, in true color ... using paper!
by vcard on 2013, January 1 - 10:11
1 916 by artur
2013, January 2 - 18:25
General discussion
Normal topic Deep Matrix Multi-user System
by Pyth7 on 2012, December 27 - 13:41
1 806 by vcard
2012, December 27 - 13:44
General discussion
Normal topic Guimarães 2012 - European Capital of Culture is on Babelx3D
by babelx3d on 2012, December 22 - 21:44
765 by babelx3d
2012, December 22 - 23:51
General discussion
Normal topic Babelx3d multiuser server is windows 8 and IE 10 ready!
by vcard on 2012, December 17 - 02:45
515 by vcard
2012, December 22 - 21:23
General discussion
Normal topic Tutorial videos for Vivaty Studio
by vcard on 2012, December 13 - 13:42
799 by vcard
2012, December 13 - 13:42
Tutorials, scripts and code
Normal topic Minecraft
by artur on 2012, November 26 - 17:32
4 3,367 by artur
2012, December 10 - 16:17
Hot topic Augmented Reality in the classroom
by artur on 2012, October 15 - 21:49
11 8,404 by artur
2012, December 8 - 13:03
Free expression!
Normal topic Lisbon, 1755
by artur on 2012, November 29 - 19:45
1 888 by vcard
2012, December 3 - 02:14
Worlds and objects


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