VRML Repository - Music

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vcard's picture
VRML Repository - Music

Hi, came up with the idea of reporting/discussing interesting worlds/objects alphabetically by themes, one subject in each. it is important for students starting on this technology and for advanced users as well. Some title examples for message threads:

- VRML Repository - Music
- VRML Repository - Games
- VRML Repository - History
- VRML Repository - History - Art       (this one is about about art/history of art)
- VRML Repository - SciFi
- VRML Repository - Paleontology
- VRML Repository - Paleontology - Education

This thread is about music worlds/objects (in general) so I gave this name to the message: VRML Repository - Music.
You can create your own threads on other subjects or answer to this thread if the subject is about music.

Please add your own findings to this thread. If possible with a small description, a picture (~400x400) and the link to open the world in a multiuser server (see how here) so we, by chance, could meet online yes



Edited by: vcard on 2013/01/06 - 16:34
vcard's picture
VRML Repository - Music - cyberGourds.wrl

This message is a direct answer to the theme music worlds/objects (in general) so I gave this name to the message:
VRML Repository - Music - cyberGourds.wrl

A fun and interactive musical world: cyberGourds.wrl, by sgi (please remember to open the world in IE)

Open the world and click the objects. Highly intuitive, interactive and fun!


Please add your own findings to this thread. If possible with a small description, a picture (~400x400) and the link to open the world in a multiuser server (see how here) so we, by chance, could meet online yes

