Mineworlds: From Minecraft to VRML

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artur's picture
Mineworlds: From Minecraft to VRML


My pupils are finishing their multimedia projects, and some of them chose minecraft. I've started to test their worlds in VRML, and posted the results to sketchfab (because, well, it's very in alpha... upon completion, they'll be published here in Babel). It's pretty amazing what kids create in this game! Pictured is one of their worlds.


Update: changed some models in sketchfab... 


Gallery here: Sketchfab AEVP.



Edited by: artur on 2013/01/26 - 10:31
vcard's picture
Very nice projects in the

Very nice projects in the gallery. yes

Congrats for the idea and congrats to your talented students, cool cool


artur's picture
the really cool thing is that

the really cool thing is that due to the usual time constraints the students had just one class to learn about the selected 3d apps. i did manage to squeeze in one r two free exploration classes, but the time was very limited. now they have a whole month (four classes) to develop their projects and i'm amazed at what they are achieving. it's magical.


p.s.: i've been updating the tic e mundos virtuais topic with screenshots of the students progress. in february, i shall unleash them here :)