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Amino: about social networks series

Amino logoAmino is an American online application developed by Narvii, Inc. It was created in 2014 by Ben Anderson and Yin Wang.

The main feature of Amino is communities dedicated to a certain topic that users can join. Users can also chat with other members of a community in three ways, text, voice, or video chat. Other features include polls, blog posts, wiki entries, and quizzes.
Source and more detailes info: Wikipedia.
An article about "The best VR headsets", published in Wareable

Here's an article about "The best VR headsets", published in Wareable.

Hyperlinks to maker's sites!

An Introduction to Materials & Standard Shader in Unity

Hi all,

Getting the right look for a 3D scene use to be defined essentially by good modeling, texturing and basic lighting, but not anymore. The search for realism, and other top notch effects incorporated many fine tune controls, now standard in game engines and modelers. Among them sophisticated light effects, reflections and coloring, controlled by materials and shaders that if not handled right can difficult or damage the intended appearance of a scene.

'If configured right, the  Standard Shader in Unity can handle a wide variety of different surfaces: wood, metal, rubber, plastics, holograms, shiny alien artifacts, and so on' 

An handy concise text
Unity includes a Standard Shader that can handle a wide variety of different surfaces: wood, metal, rubber, plastics, holograms, shiny alien artifacts, and so on, but unity's online manual has the information a bit dispersed and new users may have a hard time handling the Standard Shader.  "An Introduction to Materials & Standard Shader in Unity" is a compact and comprehensive text that helps the newbie understanding and using the Standard Shader in Unity, do not miss it:

A video
Also relevant for new users is this comprehensive video: The Standard Shader - Unity Official Tutorials

These links are saved in BabelX3D additional selection of tools/tutorials page.





An undersea world

Hi all,

I am part of a team working on a undersea world created with Unity 3D. This project is our semester final work in the field of Virtual Reality at Open University "Universidade Aberta", Portugal. We are a group of three students under the supervision of our professors V. Cardoso and L. Morgado to whom we say a big thank you for all the support.

Short, the story is about a mistery Island to be explored by our Ethan or by the Nautilus.The two available scenaries have four fish species: Tuna, Shark, Salmon and Sardines, all animated and swiming along. While Ethan does his own incursion and find useful information about each species, the Nautilus lets you navigate throughout the scenary and choose you prefered view with its three cameras.

Have a look and have fun at




aNobii: about social networks series

aNobii logoaNobii is a social networking site aimed at readers. Its website was launched in 2006 by Greg Sung. It was acquired by the publisher Mondadori in 2014 from a venture backed by HMV Group, HarperCollins, Penguin and Random House.

The service allows individuals to catalogue their books and rate, review and discuss them with other readers. The service is available via the aNobii website and iPhone and Android apps. The apps allow individuals to barcode scan books and read both community and expert reviews.

aNobii has readers in over 20 countries, but is most popular in Italy.

Source and more detailed info: Wikipedia.


Another proposal to a sturdier “Google Cardboard”

A Portuguese company is selling “VR glasses” called SmartTalk Glasses right now and they seem sturdier then the cardboard model that Google offers.

However, I can´t see any access to the selection type that the Google Cardboard magnet’s allow.

The price is 64.99 €.

The article is here:

There is a review in Portuguese here.

Arc de Triomphe, Lisete Lapa
Art and artists

I dont know where to post that:

Indeed I wonder if some of you have or had any relationship with Leonel Moura

( answer in public or in private, lol)

Art Gallery, Vitória Silva
Artech 2015 March 18-20, 2015

Do not Miss ARTECH 2015!

ARTECH 2015, the 7th International Conference on Digital Arts - Creating Digital e-Motions. Óbidos, Portugal, March 18-20, 2015

