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Super Soldier by DEXSOFT-Games, 3DModels-textures

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 7 - 18:46
Animated model with 40 animations! 11.000 polygons, 63 bones, 2 materials (gun and body).
Textures are 2048*2048px.
MECANIM compatibile model.

Animation list: alertAutoFire, alertdamaged, alertGrenade, alertGo, alertIdle, alertReload, alertSearch, alertSingleFire, alertStop, alertWalkBackward, alertWalkForward, alertWalkLeft, alertWalkRight, crouchAutoFire, crouchBackward, crouchForward, crouchGrenade, crouchIdle, crouchLeft, crouchReload, crouchRight, crouchSingleFire, death, idle, idleLookaround, idleToAlert, idleToCrouch, jump, point, proneCrawl, proneGrenade, proneRollLeft, proneRollRight, roll, run, salute, walkBackward, walkForward, walkLeft, walkRight, watchBack
Price $30.00

CLog by AiUnity

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 7 - 18:38
Website | Videos | Manual | APIs | Forum

CLog is a flexible Unity logging framework based upon the highly popular open source project .NET Common Logging. CLog provides a powerful and generic wrapper around an included or custom logger, allowing loggers to be freely exchanged. Available loggers include Unity Console, In-Game Console, and the powerful NLog logger (Separate product). The In-Game Console allows you to debug from inside your game while the Unity Console will enhance your familiar debugging experience. From the GUI, loggers can be configured to inject information such as associated class, calling method, timestamp, log level, and exception message.

CLog can be configured to have a different logger for each platform. You could configure CLog to use UnityConsole in editor, the In-Game Console on XBox, and exclude logging for mobile devices. Every facet of CLog can be configured via the intuitive and comprehensive Unity Editor GUI. The configuration is stored an XML, which completely separates the GUI from CLog runtime.

CLog can improve performance by compiling out your logging statements on unselected platforms or logging levels. A log tester is built into to the GUI to help you verify and tweak your configurations. The available logging levels are Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal, and Assert. CLog extensibility make it easy to create new targets.

-Total control over logging during development through a comprehensive Unity Editor GUI.
-Log message levels are Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal, and Assert.
-Log message API overloads allow format arguments to eliminating the need to use string.
-Control what messaging level is enable for each platform independently.
-Ability to assign a different logger for each platform.
-Logging statements on unselected platforms/levels are compiled out of existence.
-Adapters provided for loggers UnityConsole logger, In-Game logger, Null logger, and NLog logger.
-Ideal for Asset or Library projects because it is lightweight, dynamic configurable, and freely distributed.
-Configure CLog via the Unity Editor GUI which includes edit access to the underlying XML.
-A log tester is built into to the GUI so you can verify the configurations.
-Retain the ability to double click log messages to take you to GameObject and source code line.
-GUI themed for light and dark skin.
-Easily extend CLog by adding custom targets for your log messages.
-Highly extendible with full source code provided.
-Dynamically switch between using CLog source code or DLLs.
-Timeless asset in that logging will always be a fundamental debug tool.
-Works with AiUnity products ScriptBuilder, NLog, and MultipleTags.
-Dedicated website and forum available for support issues.
-Tested on .NET 3.5 and 4.6.
-Full source code provided.

Price $15.00

NLog by AiUnity

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 7 - 18:37
Website | Videos | Manual | APIs | Forum

NLog is a comprehensive Unity logging framework based upon the extremely popular open source project .NET NLog project. From the provided editor GUI you have dynamically control of logging levels, platforms, targets, content, and format. With NLog you can route your logging statements based upon class, namespace, or custom name to various targets. The available targets include Unity Console, In-Game Console, Remote Log Viewer, Log File, Email, or create your own. The In-Game Console allows you to debug inside your game while the Remote Log Viewer will have you debugging remotely in minutes.

Each target has a layout property that controls message content and format. Select from the dropdown variable list to inject content like logging level, calling method, and timestamp into log messages. Alternatively use Unity Rich Text formatting to color code messages from a particular class or namespace. The logging level of each logger can also be controlled, allowing you to increase logging verbosity of the namespace(s) under development.

With NLog you can improve performance by compiling out your logging statements on unselected platforms or logging levels. A log tester is built into to the GUI to help you verify and tweak your configurations. The available logging levels are Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal, and Assert. NLog extensibility make it easy to create new targets and layout variables. Automatically instantiate NLog in new scripts using the AiUnity flagship product ScriptBuilder (Automatically generate any Unity script).

-Complete logging control with a comprehensive NLog Editor GUI.
-Extended log levels are Trace, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal, and Assert.
-Logging API overloads accept formatted arguments to eliminate string.format().
-Control what messaging level is enable for each platform independently.
-Compile out logging statements on unselected platforms and levels.
-Create rules to direct log messages to various targets on a class, namespace, or platform basis.
-Use target properties to customize message content and destination features.
-The Remote Log Viewer target can send log messages over UDP to a remote viewer.
-The ugui base In-Game console target enables gameplay debug.
-Target wrappers enables advanced features like multiple targets.
-Add message content by using custom text or selectable internal variables.
-Format messages with Unity Rich Text.
-Use the comprehensive GUI to configure NLog or the underlying XML.
-Verify configuration with build in tester.
-Drop down menus give you quick access to targets and content variables.
-GUI themed for light and dark skin.
-Retain the ability to navigate to Source code and GameObject with double clicks.
-Dynamically switch between NLog source code and DLLs.
-Extend NLog with custom targets, wrappers and layout variables.
-Timeless asset in that logging will always be a fundamental debug tool.
-Works with AiUnity products ScriptBuilder, CLog, and MultipleTags.
-Dedicated website and forum available.
-Tested on .NET 3.5 and 4.6.
-Full source code provided.

Price $30.00

MulitpleTags by AiUnity

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 7 - 18:36
Website | Videos | Manual | APIs | Forum

MultipleTags enables you to apply multiple tags to a GameObject, solely using the existing Unity tag system. This is done by stitching tags together to form a tagPath (i.e. T1/T2/T3). By delineating tags with backslashes the Unity tag system will present a tagPath in a concise hierarchical menu structure. To augment the Unity tag interface an extremely powerful and elegant tag manager editor GUI is provided. The tag manager makes it easy to add/remove tags, find gameObjects by tag, optimize tags, generate a type safe tag access file, and much more (See screenshots). The tag manager also displays the tags associated with the currently selected gameObject(s). MulitpleTags provides the ability to use tag groups to facilitate organization and discovery (i.e. Color.Red).

At runtime an intuitive set of APIs are available to harness the power of having multiple tags. FindGameObjectsWithTags API exists to find gameObjects with specfied tag(s), while gameObject extension methods allow you to refine your search. The extension methods also allow you to add/remove tags at runtime (Tags must exist in Unity). When searching for gameObjects a boolean enumeration is available or for greater flexibility use a free-form expression (i.e. (Tag1 | Tag2) & !Tag3). The search expression also supports regex syntax (i.e. Tag.*). To help form and test a search expression use the dropdown menu in the GUI "Find tags" section.

MultipleTags can manually or automatically generate a type safe tag access script (i.e. TagAccess.cs). This enables type safety, code completion, and boosts performance of the tag search APIs. Also related is the AiUnity flagship ScriptBuilder product, which uses builders to generate any Unity script. It includes the builder TagBuilder, if you wish to gain direct control of the Tag Access script generation.

-Completely utilizes Unity tag system.
-The Unity tag manager is augmented by a comprehensive tag GUI control panel.
-Select GameObject(s) in hierarchy to reveal and modify tags in GUI.
-Search/modify Unity tags from GUI.
-Search/modify gameObject tags from GUI.
-Use tag access script to reference Unity tags in a type safe manner.
-APIs available to find gameObjects using tag name, logic expression, or Regex.
-APIs can find gameObjects using group tag syntax (i.e. Vehicle.Car).
-APIs can find all gameObjects in a particular group (i.e. Vehicle).
-GameObject extension methods enable search refinement and tag modification.
-Automatic or manual creation of a type safe tag access script (TagAccess.cs).
-GUI optimize command allows quick cleanup/optimization of existing tags.
-GUI themed for light and dark skin.
-Works with AiUnity products ScriptBuilder, NLog, and CLog.
-Website, API Reference, Videos, and forums available for support.
-Tested on .NET 3.5 and 4.6.
-Full source code provided.

Price $15.00

ScriptBuilder by AiUnity

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 7 - 18:36
Website | Videos | Manual | APIs | Forum

ScriptBuilder automatically generates C# scripts based upon a supplied or custom builder script. Make a custom builder that creates multiple ideal starting scripts or use it to generate a commonly used complex script. Alternatively use an existing builder like AnimatorBuilder (Tutorial), which probes the internal Unity Animator system to generate an Animator access script. This generated script will provide strongly typed access to your animator controller layers, states, parameters, and hash Ids using corresponding names (i.e. IsIdleState(), SetSpeed(), and UpperBodyLayer.​CurrentStateName()).

TagAccessBuilder creates a script that provides type safe access to the Unity Tags, and is compatible with AiUnity MultipleTags (Enables multiple tags on a gameObject). The SkeletonBuilder creates a basic starting script and is easily altered to add boiler plate code like a custom logger (i.e. AiUnity logger NLog). Other supplied builders include ExampleBuilder, SceneAccessBuilder and LayerAccessBuilder.

Every facet of ScriptBuilder can be configured via the intuitive and comprehensive Unity editor GUI. The GUI tracks all generated scripts so they can be updated or overwritten via the Editor GUI or file context menu. In addition a builder can be set to automatically regenerate its script whenever an update is available (i.e. Animator changes). A configurable template exists to give you control of how the members of your generated script are formatted and organized. Custom builders can also be shared using the Share Builders forum.

Any C# file you create in a deterministic way is an opportunity to allow ScriptBuilder to take over.

-Script generation/management is handled by a comprehensive Unity Editor GUI.
-Included Animator Builder creates an indispensable animator access file.
-Included Skeleton Builder Builder creates a starting point for a custom builder.
-Included Skeleton Script Builder yields an alternative starting C# script.
-Intuitive APIs to build custom builders.
-Comprehensive API reference manual.
-Public builder variables are adjustable from ScriptBuilder GUI.
-Regenerate existing script from GUI or project view context menu.
-Builders can automatically regenerate a script whenever update is available.
-Regenerated scripts can update or overwrite previous script.
-Use GUI preview button to view potential updates to a previously generated script.
-The GUI provides a revert button to undo the last script update.
-GUI themed for light and dark skin.
-Create custom template to control format and order of class members.
-Alternative region template inserts #region sections into generated class.
-Timeless asset in that script creation will always be part of Unity.
-Works with AiUnity products MultipleTags, NLog, and CLog.
-Website/forum available for support.
-Forum category provided to share builders.
-Tested on .NET 3.5 and 4.6.
-Full source code provided.

Price $40.00

Get Started in Unity with Interactive Tutorials

Unity Blog - 2017, September 7 - 17:11
Interactive Tutorials are a new fully interactive way of getting started in Unity. The new Tutorial panel in Unity 2017.2 guides you and responds to your actions, leading you through a series of tutorials for absolute beginners to help you understand the interface and basic Unity concepts. Each tutorial gives you the opportunity to interact […]

Sinespace – RGU Oil Rig at Night

Austin Tate's Blog - 2017, September 7 - 11:01

The RGU Oil Rig 3D model and virtual world environment in OpenSimulator create by the team involving Jo-Anne Tait and Colin Hetherington at Robert Gordon University (RGU) Oil & Gas centre in Aberdeen Scotland has been ported to Unity3D via the OpenSimulator OAR Converter Tool and provided in the Sinespace virtual world platform. Recently the region has been augmented by wave effects, sea wash around the oil rig legs, sounds sources, lighting and the replacement of the active information “i” signs for training purposes.

Now a night time version has been provided. Scripts to provide a realistic day or night skybox provided by Adam Frisby at Sine Wave and a changing day/night cycle have been used for experimentation. But the initial “Oil Rig at Night” is a dark late at night fixed time scene.

Visit using the Sinespace desktop viewer or in a WebGL compatible viewer (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox) via…

uMMORPG Whole Bundle Addon Package by FunBytez Studio

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 7 - 00:46
Requires uMMORPG

New Quests System

• Quest Dialogue System
• Add NPC(s) to visit as a quest requirement
• Add place(s) to go to as a quest requirement
• Weather conditions to spawn a quest
• Multi-chain tasks into one quests
• Ability to autocomplete quests
• Multiple enemies support
• No script modifications required
• Weather, Day, and Night Cycle

Seasonal Sun

• Realistic customizable Day/Night cycle
• Multiplayer compatible
• No script modifications required

Spawn Manager

• Create customizable spawn regions
• Set different types of enemies in a spawn region
• Adjust rarity for each type of monster(s) in a spawn region
• Adjust spawn region's radius
• Spawn collision handling
• Spawn conditions
• No script modifications required

Direction Pointer System

• Quest Directional Arrow that points to goal(s) or target(s) by order of distance nearest to player.
• No script modifications required

Traveler System

• Traveling/teleporting System
• Teleport menu
• Set destination/spawn points
• Set costs to teleport
• No script modifications required

Character Creation/Selection System

• Customize your character in character creation!
• Customize your character's hair, outfit, torse, legs, hands, or anything else you need
• Choose your race/model and class
• Adjust according to different body models types within your race/model
• New selection screen that aesthetically lerps your characters!

Sound Manager

• Customize footsteps sound
• Customize casting/combat sound
• Customize trading sound
• Customize death sound
• Customize background music
• Customize introduction music
• Customize day/night sound
• Adjust player sounds based on different classes


NPCs now offer Professions! Customize any professions you so wish! You can make any professions like miner, botanist, fisher, hunter, and more!

• Professions Level system
• Customizable collectibles!
• Adjust the harvest length, collectible by, minimum level, reward experience, collectable item, amount, spawning, respawn, and growing length!


• Customize your pet animation, name, design and more!
• Customize how they can be obtained (e.g. shop, loot, default class item, etc)!
• Pets fight alongside their owner
• Simple AI system
• Pets unsummon upon command or player's death
• Compatible with the Mount addon
• 1 pet active per client
• Tested in dedicated server.


• Mounts boost your player's speed, helping him/her travel quicker
• Mounts unsummon upon command or while in combat
• Customize your mount's speed, player and mount animations for summoning and ride, name, design and more!
• Customize how they can be obtained (e.g. shop, loot, default class item, etc)
• Compatible with the Pet addon
• 1 mount active per client
• Tested in dedicated server.


•Make your game livelier! Players can now hire a npc for gold to fight with them!
•UI time tracker for Mercenary
•They will follow you for a certain time
•Attack who the player attacks
•When the time is finished, return to their spawn position
•Brings a lot more interaction into your game!


What are the most popular games? The ones that support multiple languages! Why target just one country when you include everyone else to your game? This Translation asset will be a key part to making your game ever more popular!

Speech Bubbles

This AddOn will display Speech Bubbles for regular local chat
Price $65.00

Steel Buckets PBR by GamePoly

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 7 - 00:23
Steel Buckets PBR

Very Detailed Steel Bucket with 7 Different Color / Style Variations in High-Quality PBR Texturing

Fits perfect for any PBR game as Interior / Exterior Decoration.

The Handle is separated and can be rotated

7 Prefabs Included

The Mesh is unwrapped, and UV Mapped PBR Painted.

Albedo, SpecularSmoothness, Normal, AO Maps

2048x2048 Texture Maps TGA

Please Note, this PBR Textures Only.

Low Poly Triangles

1948 Polys 1002 Verts
Price $3.50

Mobile Background 2D #2 by Bunt Games

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 7 - 00:21
Package contains PSD files.
10+ designed backgrounds.
512 x 2048 pixels.
Soon, more backgrounds will be added.

Please contact hompy@buntgames.com for full license consultation.

Case Using : Video Link

Homepage : Link
YouTube : Link
Facebook : Link

Price $100.00

Medieval Everyday Props by KK Design

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 7 - 00:09
This package contains 9 different hi-quality medieval props. Textures are baked from hi-poly models and textured using AAA standards. Every model comes with 1k PBR textures and materials.

Prefabs are already included so you just have to drag and drop models to your game.
Price $5.00

Low Poly Styled Super Car 1 by Polytiger77

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 7 - 00:01

A low poly styled super car ready for use in games.

In the pack there are 4 assets with a model and prefab each. Also a scene that showcases all the prefabs and a demo scene.

Asset 1: Car 1 front wheel

Asset 2: Car 1 rear wheel

Asset 3: Car 1 body (just body no wheels)

Asset 4: Car 1 wheels and body (as one model)

Asset 5: Car 1 body and wheels prefabs all positioned correctly and stored in one prefab

Also all the materials for the car and wheels can be changed so all the colors are completely up to you.

Wheel models FBX files are correctly rotated for easy use with unity standard assets vehicle tools and other packages like that.

Thank you and please rate. Feel free to message me at polytiger77@gmail.com regarding feedback or technical issues with the pack. Thank you.

Price $8.00

Modular Stone Wall Kit by KK Design

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 6 - 23:50
With this kit you can make different levels easily. What you are getting is a set 20 modular pieces that you can use to build all sort of buildings and level elements.
Stone and wood models are using only one material each so you can batch assets and save those precious draw calls for things that really matters.
Textures are baked from hi-quality hi poly models so you are getting the best possible quality. All of the materials are using Unity PBR shaders so these assets will work in any lighting and game situations.
Package contains pre made prefabs so all you have to do is drag and drop assets into your level!
View example here: https://skfb.ly/6sUUZ
Price $8.00

Teen Patti by Huriyasoft Studios

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 6 - 23:36
3-Patti is a card game similar to other casino games like Poker, Texas Hold'em Poker, Flash or Flush, Three card brag.This game just simulates the game with virtual currency, and is not involved in any gambling. Play 3-Patti with your friends or AI players around the world. In the game level of A.I. is carefully designed to play like real players. Fast emoji chat makes the game lots of fun with other A.I. players.
Price $49.00

Autocomplete dropdown by Glen Hunter

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 6 - 23:27
This simple tool allows users to input characters into an input field and display a list of possible options (scroll rect / buttons) relative to the specified string.

For example if we assume that the inputted text will be relative to all the games ever published and the inputted text contains 'Call' you could use this tool to display a list of games that contain the words 'Call' for example 'Call of Duty'.

- Source code
- Dynamic scaling (scale to any size)
- Limit the amount of options that are on display at once
- Two example scenes
- Hook up events to the onclick button events

Should world on Unity 4.6+, I have tested on 5.5 and 2017.1+
Price $10.00

Asian Bundle for Kids by SPiN AG

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 6 - 23:24

Tired of low poly assets? You want something with a lot of detail and atmosphere that looks great on high resolution retina displays for a kids or family game?

Then this set is for you. It features 21 high quality characters and props. You can instantly try the look, prototype your game idea and save weeks of design work for a very reasonable price.

This set features 6 cute characters, rigged with (generic) idle and walk animations and a script for texture eye blinks:

- Asian Girl
- Asian Boy
- Ninja
- Dragon
- Panda
- Peacock

Additionally you will get these 15 props:

- Asian House Base
- Asian House Roof Part A
- Asian House Roof Part B
- Asian House Second Floor
- Asian House Big Roof Part A
- Asian House Big Roof Part B
- Well
- Bridge
- Pond (animated water texture)
- Cherry Tree
- Redpine Tree
- Hedge
- Daisy
- Tulip
- Bamboo Fence

All assets feature high resolution textures.

Please be aware that these assets are not intended for older mobile devices and don't contain LOD versions. If you want to use them nevertheless you will have to spend time to reduce texture sizes and vertices.

If you need help with optimization or if you need different assets, please don't hesitate to contact us at assets@spin.de

Price $25.00

Hand-Painted Turrets Pack by Noman

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 6 - 23:19

- Three low-poly FBX turrets: Laser (912 polygon), Gathling (1384 polypon) and Rocket (832 polygon);

- This models using 2K textures;

- Simple animation included.

Price $5.00

Food Bakery Goods by KK Design

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 6 - 22:43
This package contains some medieval bakery and food assets. You are getting 6 hi quality models like berry pie, sweet roll, bread, cheese, ale with hi-res PBR textures made with AAA quality.
Prefabs are included so you just have to drag and drop assets into your game and you are good to go.
Price $5.00

Space Mines by Ebal Studios

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 6 - 22:37
A set of PBR space Mines for in game or blockout use.
* 6 different Mines
* each Mine have different material
* 512*512 texture available.

Your feedback is always welcome, We are also open to any suggestions and requests for future assets :)
Price $1.99

SkyForge by Shadowstar

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, September 6 - 22:34
SkyForge is a complete 3D Sky Volume which can function either as an addon to Unity's built-in Skybox system, or as a replacement for it. SkyForge allows you to create a miniature scene which is then projected into your level's skybox. 3D Sky Volumes have been used in many AAA games for over a decade and are very versatile and easy to use. With SkyForge this technology is now available in Unity, no scripting required!

Because a SkyForge Sky Volume is an actual 3D space, you can put any Unity gameobjects inside, and create your own customized skyboxes with animation, moving elements, unique lighting effects, and more!

This project comes with five pre-made sky scenes and assorted pieces to demonstrate what can be done with the system, as well as to provide you with a foundation to build your own Sky Volumes for your projects!
Price $19.95


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