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The newest packages in the Unity Asset Store.
Updated: 27 min 40 sec ago

Female Character Portraits. by Jaroslav Grafskiy

2018, March 28 - 19:32

Female Character Portraits. 330x210 px

Customize your own female character heroic portrait by using:

- 3 unique heads,

- different hairstyles,

- makeup and clothes.

Pack contains 12 portraits of women that you can use immediately in your game.

Each portrait has:

- 330x210 pixels size,

- .PNG format,

- transparent background.


colored backgrounds,


Enjoy creation!

Price $0.00

Specular General Purpose, Shader Smart, Professional Edition by Interactive Arts

2018, March 28 - 19:30

Document | Updates


This package contains a set of 24 shaders for PBR based materials with specular characteristics, including: 6 professional shaders with tessellation displacement features, 6 advanced shaders with parallax height features, 6 standard shaders for PC and Consoles, and 6 shaders for mobile games and applications development.

High customizable features are introduced for each shader, including: contrast, brightness, gray-level strength, maximum/minimum channel values (for linear interpolation 1.0 and 0.0), normal bias, ambient occlusion base value, parallax height strength/density, and tessellation displacement fine tune and adjustment options. Users can modify most of the texture input properties in real time.

Varies input functionalities are introduced to each shader for optimizations of the rendering power, and enhancements for the graphic quality.


Albedo: Color Bias | Contrast | Brightness

Specular: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Threshold | Strength | Shift

Roughness: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Strength

Normal: Strength | Bias

Ambient Occlusion: Contrast | Black Channel Strength

Parallax Height: Contrast |Strength | Minimum | Maximum

Tessellation Displacement: Multiplier | Amplitude | Strength | Base Shift

Texture Coordinates: Rotation | UV Tiling | UV Offset

Specular input generated by the invert of the Roughness map is introduced to some shaders

Uniform specular adjustment is introduced to some shaders

Roughness input generated by the invert of the Specular map is introduced to some shaders

Uniform roughness adjustment is introduced to some shaders

Tech Details and Specifications

Numbers of Shaders: 24

Numbers of Sample Materials: 24

Numbers of Sample Textures: 6

Numbers of Demo Scenes: 8

Numbers of Demo Assets: 1 (background material)

Number of Display Cameras: 40

Parallax Height

Tessellation Displacement

PBR Based Rendering

Sm 5.0 for Tessellation Shaders

SM 3.0 | Full Forward Shadows | Standard Specular

Supported Platforms: PS4 | Xbox One | PC | iOS | Android 

Render Type: Opaque

Price $19.99

Wooden Alpine Hut by MultiFlagStudios

2018, March 28 - 19:22
A simple Alpine Hut. Includes the Hut, Textures and a Tree.

Like what you see? Have a look at our other packs:

Click Here!
Price $1.50

Antique lighting by Maria Cranberry

2018, March 28 - 19:20
Game ready with PBR Textures;
Unity3d optimized;
Polygons: 4025;
Lamp 1969;
Candle 150;
Candlestick_1 798;
Candlestick_2 1108;
Vertices: 4260;
Textures resolution 512 x 512; 1024 x 1024; 2048 x 2048;

Price $6.00

Medieval survival forge pack by Dmitriy Dryzhak

2018, March 28 - 19:12
Includes 43 unique models with full PBR textures pack.
Price $25.00

Pixel Fonts by Henry Software

2018, March 28 - 19:06
Three pixel perfect bitmap fonts. SuperWhite, SuperBlack and Venice.
Price $4.00

Interactive Elements Script Solution C# by Gregory W Lyons

2018, March 28 - 18:34

Want to add some interactive environmental elements to your game like what Don't Starve or other similar survival games have? Here's a package to get you started!

This package includes a scripting system that allows 4 element types to interact with each other:

The element type is defined by a base script, and the base script can be added to any Unity3D gameobject! That's it, everything can be customized via the inspector, no coding necessary!

Interactions include:
-Fire sets Wood ablaze
-Fire propagates across Wood objects
-Fire evaporates Water
-Ice freezes Water
-Fire melts Ice into Water
-Ice or Water can extinguish Fire

The interactions can be configured to work via OnCollisions or OnTriggers with a simple button click. Advanced users will be able to integrate their own physics systems seamlessly.

How to implement the system in your own game is briefly described in the videos and shows how easy it is. Just add 1 script! The underlying systems behind the interactions are also described in the YouTube videos.

Please let me know what you think! I'm always looking for things to add to the system to help people make their games.

Price $0.00

Firebase Authentication Android/iOS by Acaplay

2018, March 28 - 18:20
Firebase Authentication Android/iOS is a full Unity template that gives you a quick and easy way to authenticate with Firebase system.

1. Password Authentication
2. Google Sign-In
3. Facebook Login
4. Twitter Login
5. Check Log
6. Get Photo Profile

Price $30.00

Basic Random Terrain Generator by Feather Brain

2018, March 28 - 18:15

Unity's Terrain component allow for a wide variety of environments, but creating them by hand may require a lot of time.

Basic Random Terrain Generator allow you to generate new terrains in a few clicks.

Playable demo available for download.

Price $4.99

Colonial Ship by Nokobot

2018, March 28 - 17:42
Colonial Ship

A very detailed model of a colonial era ship

Sketchfab: HERE

74.8K polygon
2K Textures

3 Barrels
4 Boxes
Cannon ball
Fore mast
Front basket
4 Hatchet
2 Masts
Sand bags
Ship body
2 Stairs
Treasure box
Window glass

Sketchfab: HERE
Price $0.00

Metallic General Purpose, Shader Smart, Standard Edition by Interactive Arts

2018, March 28 - 01:00

Document | Updates


This package contains a set of 12 shaders for PBR based materials with metallic characteristics, including a set of 6 shaders designed for PC/console, and another set of 6 shaders for mobile game and application development.

High customizable features are introduced for each shader, including: contrast, brightness, gray-level strength, maximum/minimum channel values (for linear interpolation 1.0 and 0.0), normal bias, and full ambient occlusion adjustment. Users can modify most of the texture input properties in real time.

Varies input functionalities are introduced to each shader for optimizations of the rendering power, and enhancements for the graphic quality.


Albedo: Color Bias | Contrast | Brightness

Metallic: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Threshold | Strength | Shift

Roughness: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Strength

Normal: Strength | Bias

Ambient Occlusion: Gray Level | Base Value

Texture Coordinates: Rotation | UV Tiling | UV Offset

Uniform Metallic adjustment is introduced to some shaders

Uniform Roughness adjustment is introduced to some shaders

Tech Details and Specifications

Numbers of Shaders: 12

Numbers of Sample Materials: 12

Numbers of Sample Textures: 6

Numbers of Demo Scenes: 4

Numbers of Demo Assets: 1 (background material)

Number of Display Cameras: 20

PBR Based Rendering

SM 3.0 | Full Forward Shadows | Standard

Supported Platforms: PS4 | Xbox One | PC | iOS | Android 

Render Type: Opaque

Price $9.99

Metallic General Purpose, Shader Smart, Mobile Edition by Interactive Arts

2018, March 28 - 00:49

Document | Updates


This package contains a set of 6 shaders for PBR based materials with metallic characteristics and is designed for general purpose mobile games and applications development.

High customizable features are introduced for each shader, including: contrast, brightness, gray-level strength, maximum/minimum channel values (for linear interpolation 1.0 and 0.0), and normal bias. Users can modify most of the texture input properties in real time.

Varies input functionalities are introduced to each shader for optimizations of the rendering power, and enhancements for the graphic quality.


Albedo: Color Bias | Contrast | Brightness

Metallic: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Threshold | Strength | Shift

Roughness: Contrast | White/Black Channel Strength | Strength

Normal: Strength | Bias

Texture Coordinates: Rotation | UV Tiling | UV Offset

Uniform Metallic adjustment is introduced to some shaders

Uniform Roughness adjustment is introduced to some shaders

Tech Details and Specifications

Numbers of Shaders: 6

Numbers of Sample Materials: 6

Numbers of Sample Textures: 4

Numbers of Demo Scenes: 2

Numbers of Demo Assets: 1 (background material)

Number of Display Cameras: 10

PBR Based Rendering

SM 3.0 | Full Forward Shadows | Standard

Supported Platforms: PS4 | Xbox One | PC | iOS | Android 

Render Type: Opaque

Price $4.99

Weapons and Tools Low Poly Pack by Terra Nova Creations

2018, March 28 - 00:43

Collection of 20 low poly weapons and tools.

Full list of all 20 models:
- Arrow
- Axe
- Battle Axe
- Bow
- Bucket
- Dagger
- Fishing Pole
- Hammer
- Mallet
- Pickaxe
- Quiver
- Rake
- Scythe
- Shield (Leather)
- Shield (Metal)
- Shovel
- Spear
- Sword (Large)
- Sword (Small)

Price $2.49

Turbo Backup PRO by crosstales LLC

2018, March 28 - 00:22
Safety for everyone!

"Turbo Backup" is the fastest and safest way to backup your Unity project.
It only stores the difference between the last backup, this makes it incredible fast.

Fast & efficient
• Extremely fast backup and restore of your
  Unity project!
• Support for various VCS like Unity Collab,
  git, svn & Mercurial!
• Select your custom backup target
  external HDD/SSD or NAS!
• Control it with CLI and integrate it
  seamlessly in your build pipeline
• See the total backup space usage

Documentation & control
• Powerful API for maximum control!
• Comprehensive documentation and
• Full C# source code

• Works with Windows, Mac and Linux
• Compatible with Unity 4.6 - Unity 2018
Information about this edition:
This is the PRO edition (full source code) of the asset. If you only need the DLL-version, consider buying the Standard edition.
Price $19.90

Turbo Backup by crosstales LLC

2018, March 28 - 00:19
Safety for everyone!

"Turbo Backup" is the fastest and safest way to backup your Unity project.
It only stores the difference between the last backup, this makes it incredible fast.

Fast & efficient
• Extremely fast backup and restore of your
  Unity project!
• Support for various VCS like Unity Collab,
  git, svn & Mercurial!
• Select your custom backup target
  external HDD/SSD or NAS!
• Control it with CLI and integrate it
  seamlessly in your build pipeline
• See the total backup space usage

Documentation & control
• Powerful API for maximum control!
• Comprehensive documentation and
• Full C# source code in the PRO version

• Works with Windows, Mac and Linux
• Compatible with Unity 5.3 - Unity 2018
Information about this edition:
This is the Standard edition (DLL, no source code) of the asset. If you are using Unity prior to 5.3 or need the source code, consider buying or upgrading to the PRO edition.
Price $9.90

Fruit Crate [PBR] [10 Props] by Milos Baskic

2018, March 28 - 00:14
PBR and low poly package that contains:

-Red Apple 100 verts
-Yellow Apple 100 verts
-Green Apple 100 verts
-Yellow Banana 100 verts
-Green Banana 100 verts
-Brown Banana 100 verts
-Green Pear 100 verts
-Brown Pear 100 verts
-Pineapple 1000 verts
-Crate 300 verts

All textures are 1024 x 1024 px.

Funtional for Unity 5.0 and upwards.

feel free to contact me at :

Price $4.99

ichthyosaurs by Koban

2018, March 28 - 00:00
All Models built by Koban studios are specifically designed for optimum performance and effect.
The careful distribution of triangulated polygons assure the lowest polygon count for maximum game rendering as demonstrated in the profiler.
The balance is in minimising the vertices without sacrificing the end realistic effect.
The Ichthyosaurs skeleton is a fully working aquatic reptile.
It has many dramatic animations included,

swimming, short and long attacks,

it can catch smaller ichthyosaurs from a distance,

flicking its tail and propelling itself forward.
The animator controller allows you experience what it would feel like to swim in the Mesozoic era seas,

filled with other ichthyosaurs that act both as predator and prey.
included are AI ichthyosaurs that can either follow set markers or make their own random paths. The Sensors included help them avoid objects and each other, creating realistic looking scenes.
AI models are capable of following targets that can easily placed throughout the scene.
The AI’s automatically sync their speed and turning velocity to the targets so the user will not need to adjust.
This native project and its unique scripts will provide the user with a plug and play facility that combines the features of many other unity projects. The model can be easily adapted to replicate specific species of ichthyosaurs,

its bones can be rescaled and a higher polygon version of the scull is included.
Its value is in combining a high quality model with all the other features such as target led AI,

multi animations in one single project.
To see other ongoing projects and unique mesh collections visit our web page and our Facebook page .
Price $20.00

Industrial Buildings Pack v1 by Nauthilus Games

2018, March 27 - 22:54
Create your own industrial district with this pack!

20 different buildings
30 modular props
4 skydom
62 prefabs

Custom shader :
Add snow on the ground/buildings and control the intensity
Add emissive

2 particles system : snow and smoke

1 atlas albedo texture + roughness (2048*2048)
1 atlas texture emissive + metallic (1024*1024)
4 skydom textures (1024*512)
1 smoke texture (256*256)
1 ground texture albedo (1024*1024)
2 Mask textures (1024*1024)
Average +- 1500tri / building

Contact :

Have fun !
Price $20.00

Low Poly Kart With Player 1 by Macrobian

2018, March 27 - 22:38
This package includes:

- 1 original GoKart vehicles.
- 1 player skins to go with each separate kart.
- Player model is split with 3 animations like - left turn, right turn, raise hand.
- 1 helmet skins to go with each separate driver.
- 1024x1024 size textures including diffuse and normal maps.
- Simple collision mesh for each model, set up inside a Prefab.
- Kart, Player, Wheels & Helmet are separated.
- Ready for mobile devices
- Good quality, save and enjoy the low poly kart with player.

Other Models Download

Price $7.00

Low-poly Garbage Truck by Pro 3D models

2018, March 27 - 22:36
I want to introduce you asset, with a low-poly garbage truck.
The car has a high-quality body texture in 4096x4096px size, interior and 4 LOD.
This car is suitable for projects on PCs and mobile devices.


-Body: 4096
-GarbageBox: 4096
-Interior: 1024
-Light(Emissive): 512
-Misc: 1024
-Wheel: 1024
-Windows: 1024

Type textures:
-Albedo map
-Metalness map
-Normal map
-Gloss map
-Ambient occlusion map

-LOD0: 42759 tris
-LOD1: 19955 tris
-LOD2: 7261 tris
-LOD3: 383 tris

- PBR textures
- 4 levels of LOD
- Emissive texture for lights included
- Ready for animation steering wheel and windshield wipers
- Two type car plate
- Separated mesh body (for painting)
- Has an interior

Please, rate and comment.

For all questions:
Price $19.00
