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X3D to the Rescue

Austin Tate's Blog - 2010, August 6 - 14:08

With the Web3D Conference and SIGGRAPH 2010 behind us, one question on everyone’s mind is – “when will the 3D Web be ready for everyone?” And “where does X3D fit in this evolution?”

The 2010 SIGGRAPH conference in Los Angeles gathered 3D graphics and web developers from around the world. Whether the company was a start up or an industry giant there was mention of 3D Web in their present strategy. But it seems that 3D adoption is slower than predicted. Why? The issue here is extending 2D processes to 3D and making them easy…

Web3D Consortium at SIGGRAPH 2010

Austin Tate's Blog - 2010, July 25 - 22:28

SIGGRAPH 2010 in Los Angeles, the biggest graphics industry gathering is just days away and The Web3D Consortium is geared up to showcase innovative X3D solutions for the 3D web and wow the 3D graphics community.

Come visit us in booth 1024 and attend our BoFs and Tech Talk.

Web3D Tech Talk and Reception
Wednesday,  July 28 from 3:30 to 5:30 PM

Web3D BoFs
X3D-Earth (Carto)…Tue, 27, Jul, 12:30 - 2:00   - 287                    

EU research project "Fine" for interactive 3D soccer technology on future TVs

Unity Blog - 2010, July 13 - 11:48
(pressebox) Berg near Munich, 07/13/2010 - Project "Fine" to make passive watcher active participants of football matches / Bitmanagement has been mandated with the development of 3D software and a user...

EU research project "Fine" for interactive 3D soccer technology on future TVs

Unity Blog - 2010, July 13 - 11:48
(pressebox) Berg near Munich, 07/13/2010 - Project "Fine" to make passive watcher active participants of football matches / Bitmanagement has been mandated with the development of 3D software and a user...

EU research project "Fine" for interactive 3D soccer technology on future TVs

Unity Blog - 2010, July 13 - 11:48
(pressebox) Berg near Munich, 07/13/2010 - Project "Fine" to make passive watcher active participants of football matches / Bitmanagement has been mandated with the development of 3D software and a user...

EU research project "Fine" for interactive 3D soccer technology on future TVs

Unity Blog - 2010, July 13 - 11:48
(pressebox) Berg near Munich, 07/13/2010 - Project "Fine" to make passive watcher active participants of football matches / Bitmanagement has been mandated with the development of 3D software and a user...

EU-Forschungsprojekt "Fine" für interaktive 3D Fußballtechnologie im Zukunfts-TV

Unity Blog - 2010, July 13 - 11:42
(pressebox) Berg bei München, 07/13/2010 - Projekt Fine lässt aus passiven Zuschauern aktive Beobachter an live Spielen werden / Mit der 3D Software sowie einer Vorab-User-Befragung wurde Bitmanagement beauftragt...

EU-Forschungsprojekt "Fine" für interaktive 3D Fußballtechnologie im Zukunfts-TV

Unity Blog - 2010, July 13 - 11:42
(pressebox) Berg bei München, 07/13/2010 - Projekt Fine lässt aus passiven Zuschauern aktive Beobachter an live Spielen werden / Mit der 3D Software sowie einer Vorab-User-Befragung wurde Bitmanagement beauftragt...

EU-Forschungsprojekt "Fine" für interaktive 3D Fußballtechnologie im Zukunfts-TV

Unity Blog - 2010, July 13 - 11:42
(pressebox) Berg bei München, 07/13/2010 - Projekt Fine lässt aus passiven Zuschauern aktive Beobachter an live Spielen werden / Mit der 3D Software sowie einer Vorab-User-Befragung wurde Bitmanagement beauftragt...

EU-Forschungsprojekt "Fine" für interaktive 3D Fußballtechnologie im Zukunfts-TV

Unity Blog - 2010, July 13 - 11:42
(pressebox) Berg bei München, 07/13/2010 - Projekt Fine lässt aus passiven Zuschauern aktive Beobachter an live Spielen werden / Mit der 3D Software sowie einer Vorab-User-Befragung wurde Bitmanagement beauftragt...

The New Paradigms of Scientific Visualization

Austin Tate's Blog - 2010, June 10 - 17:02

The COLLAVIZ project team has organized a workshop on 16 June, 2010 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the TER@TEC 2010 conference to discuss New Paradigms of Scientific Visualization. Web3D consortium’s Dr. Johannes Behr, Fraunhofer, Germany will present the X3D interchange format as one of the Scientific Visualization Norms and Standards.
As a real decision-making support tool, scientific visualization faces new paradigms. With scientific tools multiplication and their respective evolutions, questions regarding 3D exchange formats norms have risen and must be addressed. X3D, Collada or VRML are examples (among many others)…

AR in a box – An X3D solution

Austin Tate's Blog - 2010, June 7 - 20:57

The Web3D Consortium will be presenting at the ARE2010 Augmented Reality Event, taking place June 2-3, 2010 - Santa Clara Convention Center, CA.
The Web3D consortium will have a special interest group meeting in Room 204 on June 2 from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM with AR application developers and industry leaders interested in using open standards. Come see our AR heroes developing X3D AR applications, meet these trend setters and see how you can get involved in outlining a roadmap for open standards in AR.
AR in a box – An X3D solution

Erstes Web 3D online Game hat bereits eine Community aus 10.000 Beta-Testern

Unity Blog - 2010, May 11 - 06:53
(pressebox) Berg bei München, 05/11/2010 - Bitmanagement visualisiert erstes europäisches Web3D MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) Online Game / Mit User Generated Game Logic kann der...

Erstes Web 3D online Game hat bereits eine Community aus 10.000 Beta-Testern

Unity Blog - 2010, May 11 - 06:53
(pressebox) Berg bei München, 05/11/2010 - Bitmanagement visualisiert erstes europäisches Web3D MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) Online Game / Mit User Generated Game Logic kann der...

Erstes Web 3D online Game hat bereits eine Community aus 10.000 Beta-Testern

Unity Blog - 2010, May 11 - 06:53
(pressebox) Berg bei München, 05/11/2010 - Bitmanagement visualisiert erstes europäisches Web3D MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) Online Game / Mit User Generated Game Logic kann der...

Erstes Web 3D online Game hat bereits eine Community aus 10.000 Beta-Testern

Unity Blog - 2010, May 11 - 06:53
(pressebox) Berg bei München, 05/11/2010 - Bitmanagement visualisiert erstes europäisches Web3D MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games) Online Game / Mit User Generated Game Logic kann der...

10,000 Beta-Testers checking first major European Web 3D online Game

Unity Blog - 2010, May 11 - 06:49
(pressebox) Berg near Munich, 05/11/2010 - Bitmanagement to visualize first European Web3D Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPGs) /Based on user generated game logic scenarios and games...

10,000 Beta-Testers checking first major European Web 3D online Game

Unity Blog - 2010, May 11 - 06:49
(pressebox) Berg near Munich, 05/11/2010 - Bitmanagement to visualize first European Web3D Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPGs) /Based on user generated game logic scenarios and games...

10,000 Beta-Testers checking first major European Web 3D online Game

Unity Blog - 2010, May 11 - 06:49
(pressebox) Berg near Munich, 05/11/2010 - Bitmanagement to visualize first European Web3D Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPGs) /Based on user generated game logic scenarios and games...

10,000 Beta-Testers checking first major European Web 3D online Game

Unity Blog - 2010, May 11 - 06:49
(pressebox) Berg near Munich, 05/11/2010 - Bitmanagement to visualize first European Web3D Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPGs) /Based on user generated game logic scenarios and games...


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