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3D CAD goes into the Cloud

Unity Blog - 2011, February 7 - 11:22
(pressebox) Berg, 02/07/2011 - Today 3D animation of CAD models is getting standard / growing demand for powerful rendering engines / US companies like Broomfield based Spatial Corp. apply 3D...

3D CAD goes into the Cloud

Unity Blog - 2011, February 7 - 11:22
(pressebox) Berg, 02/07/2011 - Today 3D animation of CAD models is getting standard / growing demand for powerful rendering engines / US companies like Broomfield based Spatial Corp. apply 3D...

New Release of Instant Reality

Austin Tate's Blog - 2011, February 1 - 16:23

After a long beta version Instant Reality has an official version 2.0 release. Besides several bugfixes this release includes many new features.

New Base Features
New and much easier license installation process with xxx.irlicense mime-types
Realtime texture-compression to improve cluster-rendering (e.g. for movies)
SAI plugins now support DOM access for X3DOM (www.x3dom.org)
New download/ creation manager which creates a context in parallel – used in Inline and GeoLOD nodes
New W3C XMLHttpRequest object in JavaScript

New Nodes
Geospatial: GeoPositionInterpolator, GeoProximitySensor, GeoElevationGrid, GeoLOD, GeoOrigin, GeoTouchSensor, GeoMetadata, GeoViewpoint, GeoLocation, GeoCoordinate
TreeSensor: BboxSensor2D

Web3D Korea Chapter Workshop, 14-15 December 2010 in Seoul, Korea

Austin Tate's Blog - 2010, December 13 - 10:19

The Web3D Korea Chapter will be presenting a workshop on Web3D based 3D Environments at the COEX Convention Center on 14 and 15 December 2010 in Seoul, Korea. This workshop is open to all. 
Some of the topic to be discussed include:
* Mixed and Augmented Reality
* Visualization of military modeling and simulation
* GPS interface for virtual environment systems
* Security services in 3D virtual space
* Geometric medical data

Details and Agenda for the Workshop are available at: Web3D Korea…

Web3D Consortium to present X3DOM at W3C TPAC 2010

Austin Tate's Blog - 2010, November 4 - 01:26

Web3D Consortium’s HTML5/X3D Working Group will present Fraunhofer’s X3DOM a JavaScript-based layer for X3D that runs in any browser that supports HTML V5.
at the W3C TPAC 2010 in Lyon, France.
Dr. Johannes Behr from Fraunhofer will present updates and progress of X3DOM.  This includes HTML-integration aspects like encoding, CSS and HTML-Events.
See us on Monday, November 1 in the “3D on the Web” AC-sessions meetings block from 10:00 to 11:00.
Wednesday, November 3 in the “Bringing new work”-session (part II) at…

X3DOM Release V1.1

Austin Tate's Blog - 2010, October 26 - 17:10

Fraunhofer’s X3DOM,  a JavaScript-based layer for X3D. It runs in any browser that supports HTML V5 and JavaScript-based WebGL rendering layer, which include beta releases for Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Google Chrome web browsers. It supports native X3D within an HTML page. 
New features in this release include - CSS 3D Tranformation, multiple lights, large meshes and more.
Check out X3DOM’s Tutotrials, Blogs and Examples.
Some examples of use of X3DOM are CAE Prototypes for Volkswagen, Flicker Data and

"Mit unserer 3D Viewer-Technologie können wir den gesamten GIS Markt bedienen"

Unity Blog - 2010, October 11 - 07:31
(pressebox) Berg, 10/11/2010 - Bitmanagement präsentierte auf der Intergeo 2010 die Palette ihrer 3D Software für den GIS Markt / Peter Schickel: "Unser Angebot befindet sich mitten im Fokus des...

"Mit unserer 3D Viewer-Technologie können wir den gesamten GIS Markt bedienen"

Unity Blog - 2010, October 11 - 07:31
(pressebox) Berg, 10/11/2010 - Bitmanagement präsentierte auf der Intergeo 2010 die Palette ihrer 3D Software für den GIS Markt / Peter Schickel: "Unser Angebot befindet sich mitten im Fokus des...

"Mit unserer 3D Viewer-Technologie können wir den gesamten GIS Markt bedienen"

Unity Blog - 2010, October 11 - 07:31
(pressebox) Berg, 10/11/2010 - Bitmanagement präsentierte auf der Intergeo 2010 die Palette ihrer 3D Software für den GIS Markt / Peter Schickel: "Unser Angebot befindet sich mitten im Fokus des...

"Mit unserer 3D Viewer-Technologie können wir den gesamten GIS Markt bedienen"

Unity Blog - 2010, October 11 - 07:31
(pressebox) Berg, 10/11/2010 - Bitmanagement präsentierte auf der Intergeo 2010 die Palette ihrer 3D Software für den GIS Markt / Peter Schickel: "Unser Angebot befindet sich mitten im Fokus des...

"With our 3D Viewer Technology we can serve the GIS market as a whole"

Unity Blog - 2010, October 11 - 07:28
(pressebox) Berg, 10/11/2010 - Bitmanagement presented its complete palette of 3D Software for GIS market at the this Year's Intergeo (October 5. to October 7. 2010) in Cologne / Peter Schickel:"...

"With our 3D Viewer Technology we can serve the GIS market as a whole"

Unity Blog - 2010, October 11 - 07:28
(pressebox) Berg, 10/11/2010 - Bitmanagement presented its complete palette of 3D Software for GIS market at the this Year's Intergeo (October 5. to October 7. 2010) in Cologne / Peter Schickel:"...

"With our 3D Viewer Technology we can serve the GIS market as a whole"

Unity Blog - 2010, October 11 - 07:28
(pressebox) Berg, 10/11/2010 - Bitmanagement presented its complete palette of 3D Software for GIS market at the this Year's Intergeo (October 5. to October 7. 2010) in Cologne / Peter Schickel:"...

X3D/VRML for 3D Simulation

Austin Tate's Blog - 2010, September 27 - 15:11

Proprietary 3D authoring tools present a challenge to simulation engineers who want to import the tools into a simulation environment. Open standards for 3D scene authoring enable engineers to build, share, and connect to the tools across simulation environments. X3D an ISO XML-based standard and a predecessor of VRML contains sufficient intuitive 3D constructs that can be used to author 3D scenes. As an example, Simulink 3D Animation provides connectivity to drive 3D worlds authored in VRML from Simulink, thus enabling easy collaboration across different computing platforms. Choosing an open 3D standard also encourages vendors of proprietary tools to support…

Bitmanagement - Entwicklungspartner von SpaceTime 3D, Inc. USA

Unity Blog - 2010, September 21 - 07:33
(pressebox) Berg, 09/21/2010 - Space Time stellt die Suchergebnisse auf dem Monitor im dreidimensionalen Raum dar / Search Engine unterstützt die populären Suchfunktionen im World Wide Web / SpaceTime...

Bitmanagement - Entwicklungspartner von SpaceTime 3D, Inc. USA

Unity Blog - 2010, September 21 - 07:33
(pressebox) Berg, 09/21/2010 - Space Time stellt die Suchergebnisse auf dem Monitor im dreidimensionalen Raum dar / Search Engine unterstützt die populären Suchfunktionen im World Wide Web / SpaceTime...

Bitmanagement - Entwicklungspartner von SpaceTime 3D, Inc. USA

Unity Blog - 2010, September 21 - 07:33
(pressebox) Berg, 09/21/2010 - Space Time stellt die Suchergebnisse auf dem Monitor im dreidimensionalen Raum dar / Search Engine unterstützt die populären Suchfunktionen im World Wide Web / SpaceTime...

Bitmanagement - Entwicklungspartner von SpaceTime 3D, Inc. USA

Unity Blog - 2010, September 21 - 07:33
(pressebox) Berg, 09/21/2010 - Space Time stellt die Suchergebnisse auf dem Monitor im dreidimensionalen Raum dar / Search Engine unterstützt die populären Suchfunktionen im World Wide Web / SpaceTime...

Bitmanagement - development partner of SpaceTime 3D, Inc. USA

Unity Blog - 2010, September 21 - 07:29
(pressebox) Berg, 09/21/2010 - SpaceTime locates search results in a three dimensional space on monitors / Space Time supports the popular search services from Google to RSS feeds / Space Time...

Bitmanagement - development partner of SpaceTime 3D, Inc. USA

Unity Blog - 2010, September 21 - 07:29
(pressebox) Berg, 09/21/2010 - SpaceTime locates search results in a three dimensional space on monitors / Space Time supports the popular search services from Google to RSS feeds / Space Time...


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