Asset Store newest packages

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The newest packages in the Unity Asset Store.
Updated: 23 min 2 sec ago

Shop Props by Red Crystal

2017, April 4 - 19:01
A collection of 46 models, 48 ​​prefabs. Separate mesh for creating animations.

Textures of 2040x2048.
Albedo, Normal, Specular, AO.

Low Poly models for shelves and refrigerators.
Price $12.00

Bed07 HD by Shailendra

2017, April 4 - 19:00
.....Bed07 HD.....
You can use for professional game
. 2k HD Texture(diffuse map , ambient occlusion map ,Normal Map ).
Prefabs are available.
All uv are unwrap
free skybox
4K tris

Price $4.99

PBR Abandoned Vending Machine by Jesper Molander

2017, April 4 - 18:49
An abandoned vending machine with a 50's fallout theme and a open panel on the right side.

The Obj. mesh comes with 2048X2048 PBR textures(roughness in alpha).

2995 Verts. Works in both Unity and unreal engine!
Price $1.99

Photo-Textures Ground With Puddles by DigitalAntichrist

2017, April 4 - 18:29
This package includes :
6 HQ (Smoothness(A)) Photo-Texture (5 Ground and 1 Puddle) for the standard Unity Terrain.
All textures seamless with a resolution of 2048x2048
Albedo texture formats TGA(Smoothness(A))
Normal map formats PNG
Textures made specifically for the terrain shader Unity(Built in Standard Metallic)
Textures are aimed to create AAA quality games
""If there are problems on newer or older versions of Unity, texture settings you need to put a tick "For PC"
Price $6.00

PBR Weapons - World War II Polish Gun by Lugia Games

2017, April 4 - 18:08
A Polish machine gun, used on the World War II.

- Low Polygon Model. (~5.2k tris, ~2.9k verts)
- PBR Textures.
- 4K Texture Resolution. (Works great with smaller resolutions as well)
- Ready for Unity 5.
- Customizable Textures: Procedural Controls - Direct on Engine interface (Substance).
* Two dirt controls.

- Ready for rigging.
* All gun elements were created with animation in mind.

- Clean UVs and topology.

Feel free to mail us all your questions and requests!
Price $15.00

2D General Pack Vol 1 by Dayplay

2017, April 4 - 17:54

Package contains PNG files.

340 X 394 pixels.

These characters are suiterble for Trade-Card games, Oriental-based Role-Playing games, etc.

We have different price lists for higher resolution images, and original image files (PSD, etc)

If you need higher resolution characters, please contact us at

For more information feel free to contact us at

Price $18.00

2D Complete General Pack by Dayplay

2017, April 4 - 17:54

Package contains PNG files.

340 X 394 pixels.

These characters are suiterble for Trade-Card games, Oriental-based Role-Playing games, etc.

We have different price lists for higher resolution images, and original image files (PSD, etc)

If you need higher resolution characters, please contact us at

For more information feel free to contact us at

Price $35.00

2D General Pack Vol 2 by Dayplay

2017, April 4 - 17:49

Package contains PNG files.

340 X 394 pixels.

These characters are suiterble for Trade-Card games, Oriental-based Role-Playing games, etc.

We have different price lists for higher resolution images, and original image files (PSD, etc)

If you need higher resolution characters, please contact us at

For more information feel free to contact us at

Price $16.00

Tents Pack Volume 1 by Ricochet

2017, April 4 - 02:15
The pack contains the models of three different types of tents: waterproof tarp, simple tent (open and closed), tent with a shed (folded and unfolded). There are four pattern variants for each type: solid color, vertical stripes, diagonal stripes and checkers pattern. The pack also contains psd-sources of an albedo map for you to change easily the pattern and its colors.

The models can be used in RPG projects, quests, strategies and others. Well-detailed patterns and a bit of a stylized design will allow you to get an amazing rendering and to use it as a sprite for 2D projects or just as a part of an interface.

Technical annotation:
waterproof tarp – 430 tris, 281 verts;
simple tent (open) – 7038 tris, 4752 verts;
simple tent (closed) – 5566 tris, 3686 verts;
tent with a shed – 10206 tris, 6646 verts;
tent with a shed (unfolded) – 8910 tris, 5911 verts;
LOD – none;
collisions – none;

For every models one set of maps with the resolution 2k (PBS-Metallic) is used. It includes: normal, albedo, a metal/smoothness, and an occlusion map. In order to optimize some meshes are used twice in different prefabs.

Check out some more packs in our store.

Suggestions, comments, feedback are highly appreciated! Contact info:
Price $5.00

Explorer's Music pack 2 by FunFant

2017, April 4 - 01:44
The Explorer's Music Pack 2

Includes 6 songs, 11min40sec
from industry professionals with quality

Whether it is platform, exploring in isometric or perspective, the explorer's music pack brings life into the search of new worlds.
THIS pack suits many genres!
Relaxing moods, hopeful, exciting, good moods, longing...

seamless loops, some have tailed versions
Rhythms, melodies, guitars, flutes, strings, choirs...

Price $5.95

Pines and Mountains HDRI Pano Pack by DiSculpt

2017, April 4 - 01:09
8 full spherical HDR panoramas with pines and mountains.
Contains source images, cube maps, materials and a demo scene for each panorama.

8192 x 4096 resolution.

You can go to this website for an interactive preview:

Price $8.00

Non Convex Mesh Collider by Betriebs UG (haftungsbeschraenkt) & Co KG

2017, April 4 - 00:42
Compatible with all Unity Versions starting with Version 5.

Super easy to use.

Solves the 'Non-convex Mesh Collider with non-kinematic Rigid Bodies are no longer supported in Unity 5.0' problem.

Works with every mesh.

Is blazing fast.

The script can be added to a gameobject at runtime or in the editor.

Generated colliders are absolutely storable as part of a prefab.

Allows using physics controlled objects of any shape, also non convex (=concave) ones, together with a Rigidbody, which has IsKinematic turned to false.

Works by creating compound colliders that approximate the shape of any mesh.

Save tons of time compared to creating colliders manually, let a script do the work!
Price $9.95

Model Tank Tiger and Tiger 2 by FastCore

2017, April 4 - 00:39
In this package there are two tanks.
All models are fully supported mobile games.
Model Tiger (German heavy tank).
Model Tiger 2 (German heavy tank).
Model Tiger average poly count: 5000 tris.
Model Tiger 2 average poly count: 5000 tris.
Features: 8 textures in Tiff file format (TIF).
Price $7.00

PoolGen by YounGen Tech

2017, April 4 - 00:38
PoolGen is a multi-object pooling system with a unique inspector to help you setup your object pools super quick!

Features -
- Easy to use inspector with object previews
- Handles different objects in a single pool manager
- Random weighted chance spawning system
- UnityEvents for OnPooled, OnSpawn, OnDespawn so you can setup events either through inspector or script
- A scene with a very basic example of how to use this system
- A handy ResetRigidbody component to zero out the velocities of the Rigidbody upon spawning

Note: Some C# knowledge required to incorporate this into your project via scripting. Variables that need to be reset upon spawning/despawning must be implemented by you as this system will not automatically do it for you (ex. character health, level, etc.).

Price $15.00

Model Tank Panther and Panther 2 by FastCore

2017, April 4 - 00:38
In this package there are two tanks.
All models are fully supported mobile games.
Model Panther (German medium tank).
Model Panther 2 (German medium tank).
Model Panther average poly count: 5000 tris.
Model Panther 2 average poly count: 5000 tris.
Features: 8 textures in Tiff file format (TIF).
Price $7.00

FlyingMage Groundversion by WeMYG

2017, April 4 - 00:34
Spread out your characters! recommand : RPG Character / Boss Monster.
Also, Compatible with [Disable Triangle Pelvis and Enable Triangle Neck]
Animation List :

Flying Mage version!/content/77575

Price $20.00

Wooden tableware Pack by KumaBeer

2017, April 4 - 00:31
The Wooden tableware Pack contains 9 models for PC games.
(3 cups, 2 plates, 2 spoons, knife and fork)
(2048x2048)Diffuse, Metallic, Normal

Price $10.00

PC & Consoles Controller Buttons Icons Pack by Qubits

2017, April 4 - 00:28
- Xbox One Icons Pack
- PS4 Controller Icons Pack
- Steam Controller Icons Pack
- Nintendo Switch Controller Icons Pack
- Mouse & Keyboard Icons Pack

- TTF Font Format files
- PNGs Format
- 64x64
- 128x128
- 256x256
- SVGs Fortmat included
- Frontal Controllers image - Fully editable Adobe Illustrator files included

Price $9.50

Low Poly Fantasy Weapons by Broken Vector

2017, April 4 - 00:26

Contains 72 low poly stylized fantasy melee weapons and shields as ready-to-use prefabs.
Each color can be customized as you want (read more about custom colorschemes).

Now with custom shaders, optimized for low poly models!

Weapon Types:
- Swords
- Swords without handles
- Spears
- Spears without handles
- Axes
- Axes without handles
- Shields
- Shields without handles

- Red
- Green
- Blue

- PBR Realistic
- PBR Simple
- Unlit
These materials use custom shaders (included), which are optimized for low poly models. All models work just fine with Unity's default and other shaders.

Read more about our assets

Featured Assets:
Free Low Poly Pack | Persistent Components

Our other assets
About Us

Price $6.90

Low Poly Top Down Nature by Emotive Robot

2017, April 4 - 00:23

Highly optimized 3D nature with terrain tiles perfect for top down 3D worlds.

-5 fir trees with 2 colour variants
-3 stones
-2 grasses
-3 bullrushes
-10 modular terrain tiles
-1 log
-1 campfire
-1 fire particle prefab
-1 demo scene

More assets to be added over time. Contact me if you are interested in specific assets.

Price $10.00
