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The newest packages in the Unity Asset Store.
Updated: 16 min 49 sec ago

Voxel Universe - City Pack by Poly Unit

2017, April 29 - 00:24
Have you ever dreamed of building your own city for your game but you just lack the modeling skills? Are you an indie developer or studio who lacks of time to build your own assets? You just need an amazing pack with every asset you need for that incredible game changer scene you imagined last night?

Say no more, here is the Voxel Universe - City Pack made by Poly Unit!! Every asset you ever imagined for a city scene is here (or at least we tried to make all the possible assets for you to have enough tings to add =P). With a voxel art style and only 1 (Yes only one!!!) texture for all the game objects included, this is a no brainer!! What are you expecting to have this awesomeness??? =D

Seriously, we really made a lot of assets that we could imagine for a city scene and we included them in a single package. To be specific, you'll find 267 prefabs ready for you to be used! They are divided in the following categories:

- Bridges (9 prefabs)
- Buildings (40 prefabs)
- City Props (60 prefabs)
- Clouds and Rocks (16 prefabs)
- Roads (39 modular prefabs)
- Sports Courts (15 prefabs)
- Trees (48 prefabs)
- Vehicles (40 prefabs)

We know that just seeing a grid with all the objects aligned is not enough for you to take a purchase decision so we made a city scene (included in this package) were you can see how we imagine an amazing scene with the models included in here.

Do you need more assets to make you buy this package? Did we miss to create some specific item you need? Don't worry, just contact us and we'll make our best effort to create the asset for you and include it in the next update! We plan to make continuos improvements to this pack so that in every update you can have more and more items to play with!

In the attached images you'll find the Sketchfab models with everything included in here. We hope you like Voxel Universe - City Pack as much as we do creating this lovely asset
Price $46.00

Retro Cartoon Cars Pack#2 by Retro Valorem

2017, April 29 - 00:11
Second Package In Retro Cartoon Cars Series


1965 - Legendary Retro Sports Car With Stripes.
Pickup - Old But Trusty Workhorse Of Local Farmer (Comes With Free Pumpkins)
Truck - Pickup On Steroids, Ready To Crush The Competition.

Features For Each Model:
* High poly model with interior and separate doors, wheels, window glass, headlight and tail-light glass, and steering wheel.

* Low poly model with separate wheels.

* Low poly body mesh collider.

* 4096x4096px PSD Texture

All .PSD files are unmerged so you can edit them to your needs. For example, remove rust, change the color of body or interior etc.

If you have any problems or have a specific model in mind for my next pack, please contact me
Price $10.00

Phantom Sound Effect by yann

2017, April 29 - 00:07
Mystical, fearly and warm sound effect.
Sound like paranormal or presence of a phantom.
Suitable for logo or intro with paranormal and mystic theme.

More music & sfx:

For any questions:

Price $2.00

Mystic Sound Effect by yann

2017, April 29 - 00:07
Mystical, fearly and warm sound effect.
Suitable for logo or intro with paranormal and mystic theme.

More music & sfx:

For any questions:

Price $2.00

MCS Male: Casual Style Outfit by Morph 3D

2017, April 29 - 00:05

The MCS Male Casual Style Outfit is a business casual suit for every day and semi-dress. The set is compatible with the MCS Male. As an add-on pack, this product is compatible with the Morph Character System (MCS) and all of the clothing and accessories contained in it will conform to the shapes and sizes of any MCS character that you design.

Features and Assets Include:

PBR Materials
MCS Compatible
4 LODs
Casual Style Outfit with 5 Texture Variations

This product requires MCS Male 1.6

Price $15.00

Sci-Fi Objects BIG Pack 2 by Blacksmith

2017, April 29 - 00:04

This sci-fi styled package
contains the following objects:

- Pallet (constructor)
- Barrel
- Box
- Box 2
- Box 3
- ElectricBox
- Weapon Box
- Battery
- Battery2
- Balloon
- Balloon 2
- Pallet 2
- Ventilation (Constructor)
- Weapons Rack (Constructor)
- Barrel 2
- Solar battery
- Antenna
Assets are low poly and can be used on mobile devices.

This package uses atlas textures of 4096 x 4096 resolution
Including the following textures:
- Diffuse
- Metallic
- Normal Map
- Occlusion / AO
- Emission map

Unity 5 standard shaders are used.
Diffuse map is present in four color variants.
Image effects are used in the demonstration video.

Color Space "Linear" are used in the demonstration video.

support herePrice $45.00

2D Atlas Speech bubbles Alphabet Numbers by RAFMANIX

2017, April 28 - 23:53

2D Atlas Speech bubbles Alphabet Numbers

The package contains:

- 1 Atlas Speech bubbles Alphabet Numbers
- 1 Atlas Example Scene

Please rate and comment our work. Let us know if something is wrong or needs to be improved.


Giraffe by Junnichi Suko

2017, April 28 - 23:51
This is a semi realistic 3d model and animations of a Giraffe.
WebGL Demo
-Models folder contains GiraffeModelLowPoly.FBX, GiraffeModelMiddlePoly.FBX and GiraffeModelTwoLODs.FBX.
Bone count:66
mesh size
z axis is the forward direction of root node of these models.
-Textures folder contains textures.
texture size
Tex_GiraffeDetailN.png(normal for detailmap), Tex_GiraffeFur.png(for tail, eyelash and mane):512x512
-Animations folder contains FBX file of animations.
The animation names are listed on the screen shots.
-Upgradeable to Land Mammals Pack

for more information
Price $14.99

Black Rhinoceros by Junnichi Suko

2017, April 28 - 23:47
This is a semi realistic 3d model and animations of a Rhinoceros.
WebGL Demo
-Models folder contains RhinoModelLowPoly.FBX, RhinoModelMiddlePoly.FBX and RhinoModelTwoLODs.FBX.
Bone count:48
mesh size
z axis is the forward direction of root node of these models.
-Textures folder contains textures.
texture size
albedo, normal :4096x4096
-Animations folder contains FBX file of animations.
The animation names are listed on the screen shots.
-Upgradeable to Land Mammals Pack

for more information
Price $14.99

Land Mammals Pack by Junnichi Suko

2017, April 28 - 23:46
This package contains 3D model and animations of 8 land mammals.
This pack contains Deer, Bear, Capybara, Maned wolf, Jerboa, Gorilla, Rhinoceros, Giraffe.
For details of each model, refer to the description of each package below.
-Deers Pack
-Brown Bear
-Maned Wolf

-Upgradeable to Complete J. Suko Animals pack

Price $54.99

Hangar Building by LaikaBOSS

2017, April 28 - 23:44
The package contains:

20 separate fbx models
8 prefabs with colliders
5 textures
7 materials
1 demo scene with 4 lightmaps and 1 reflection probe
1 scene with all prefabs

All objects have two UVs.
Price $15.00

Dwarf & Battle Boar by Gabriel Pavan

2017, April 28 - 23:38
This package includes two PBR animated characters: Battle Master Dwarf and Battle Boar.
The Battle Dwarf model has 20 animations included:
-Spinning attack;
-Combat Idle;
-Defends 1;
-Defends 2;
-Idle Armed;
- Ride boar idle unarmed;
- Ride boar idle draws weapon;
- Ride boar idle sheath weapon;
- Ride boar idle armed;
- Ride boar full throttle;
- Ride boar full throttle armed;
- Ride boar walk;
- Ride boar walk armed;

The Battle Boar has 3 animations:
- Idle;
- Throttle;
- Walk;

The package also includes 3 PBR weapons: two-handed-axe, war Hammer and helmet. Other items included are boar's armor and its attachments: an orc's head, rolled blanket and mini barrel.
Emission maps are provided for the main assets: glow of the weapons and armors can be adjusted using the standard shader parameters.
All main assets include ambient occlusion maps.
Master Dwarf: |verts: 12k | faces: 16k | tris:25k|
Battle Boar: | verts: 9k | faces: 8k| tris 18k|
Price $40.00

Deep Space Skybox Part-3 by Swan Animations

2017, April 28 - 23:36
Deep Space Skybox Pack is a collection of PREMIUM Space Skybox for High End Games.

Also check other Deep Space Skybox packs:
Deep Space Skybox Part-1
Deep Space Skybox Part-2
Deep Space Skybox Part-4

• 5 premium Skybox • Single / multi colored • 2048px x 2048px seamless textures • Texture Format - PNG • Contains no planets or moons but stars in a unique set of designs, without repetitions.

★★★★★ Unity 5 compatible!
Price $15.00

Treasure Chest - AKU by Aku

2017, April 28 - 23:36
High quality Treasure Chest, with separate cover so it can be opened. The chest also contains doubloons as independent object, that you can easly deactivate to make it empty.

Modern, stylized look.

Standard shader with 2k Albedo, Specular/Smoothness, Normal, Occlusion textures.
Price $5.00

Deep Space Skybox Part-4 by Swan Animations

2017, April 28 - 23:36
Deep Space Skybox Pack is a collection of PREMIUM Space Skybox for High End Games.

Also check other Deep Space Skybox packs:
Deep Space Skybox Part-1
Deep Space Skybox Part-2
Deep Space Skybox Part-3

• 5 premium Skybox • Single / multi colored • 2048px x 2048px seamless textures • Texture Format - PNG • Contains no planets or moons but stars in a unique set of designs, without repetitions.

★★★★★ Unity 5 compatible!
Price $15.00

PBR Industrial Props Pack by Zakk Arnolles

2017, April 28 - 23:27
Package contain more then 25 hight quality models with lod's and 2k textures.

➨ 4 types of containers

➨ 4 types of barrels

➨ 3 types of dumpsters

➨ 3 types of concrete barriers

➨4 types of crates

➨ jerrican

➨ 3 types of pallets

➨ gas ballon

➨ Hesco Bastion

➨ 3 types of electric poles
Price $24.99

Deep Space Skybox Part-2 by Swan Animations

2017, April 28 - 22:33
Deep Space Skybox Pack is a collection of PREMIUM Space Skybox for High End Games.

Also check other Deep Space Skybox packs:
Deep Space Skybox Part-1
Deep Space Skybox Part-3
Deep Space Skybox Part-4

• 5 premium Skybox • Single / multi colored • 2048px x 2048px seamless textures • Texture Format - PNG • Contains no planets or moons but stars in a unique set of designs, without repetitions.

★★★★★ Unity 5 compatible!
Price $15.00

Deep Space Skybox Part-1 by Swan Animations

2017, April 28 - 22:33
Deep Space Skybox Pack is a collection of PREMIUM Space Skybox for High End Games.

Also check other Deep Space Skybox packs:
Deep Space Skybox Part-2
Deep Space Skybox Part-3
Deep Space Skybox Part-4

• 5 premium Skybox • Single / multi colored • 2048px x 2048px seamless textures • Texture Format - PNG • Contains no planets or moons but stars in a unique set of designs, without repetitions.

★★★★★ Unity 5 compatible!
Price $15.00

Yippy Kawaii by SURIYUN

2017, April 28 - 22:19
Yippy Kawaii
Kitty 1268 Polygons
Bunny 1352 Polygons
Bear 1354 Polygon.
Accessories 46~236 Polygons

90 prefab
17 Humandroid Animation Mecanim support

Buyer will get all of showcases. I hope that this asset will able to help you to make best quality game.

Thank you so much.

Price $29.19

Tennis Stadium Pack by sugarpixels

2017, April 28 - 22:13
This package contains Tennis Stadium Complete Assets
Tennis Court net,Umpire chair, Realistic court dimensions,
please check the Screen Shots to see stadium
optimized for mobile gaming

Price $25.00
