Asset Store newest packages

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The newest packages in the Unity Asset Store.
Updated: 18 min 37 sec ago

PBR Containers Pack by Zakk Arnolles

2017, May 1 - 18:55
Package contains 5 conteiners with 2k textures and lod's (2.5k and 1k tris)
Price $10.00

Boxing by David villa

2017, May 1 - 18:54
This package is perfect for your boxing game.

Stadium Poly Tris : 9450
Practice area garage Poly Tris: 1896
20 texture.

Package includes:
-Two boxing areas( stadium and practice area)
-Boxing Stadium with out chairs
- Boxing Ring only individual FBX .
-Crowd seating.
Boxing bag
Practice area Garage look.
-Light systems
-Boxing ring three type of color combination.

This package includes texture PSD. Its us full to change Logos and ads boards.
Price $45.00

Fantasy Male Charcter : Armoured Warrior by CenturuK

2017, May 1 - 18:24
Hand Painted Texture Character Model.

Body 6,686 Tris
Weapon 628 Tris

texture size

14 Animations
Jump(start -> loop -> land)
(If you want another animation, please write a comment.)
Price $5.00

Mutant Brute by Juras Rodionovas

2017, May 1 - 18:23
A mutant brute that can be used in post-apocalyptic projects as an enemy or a boss. Comes with 2 different textures: vanilla, and bloody.

Video example bellow uses free Mocap Data from Unity Technologies.

Technical details:
-Humanoid rig
-18031 tris
-PBR Standard Metallic Shader Textures
4096x4096 textue maps
-Mecanim Ready
Price $25.00

Match 3 Art Pack by Sergey Zagorulko

2017, May 1 - 18:18
Match 3 Art Pack includes:

3 types of terrains (3072x4096 pixel size);
3 types of bricks for each terrain;
20 game icons;
small GUI art.
Price $9.00

Modular Road Block [FREE] by RK.Team

2017, May 1 - 18:17
Modular road block for you game! Absolutly free!

Modular block consist of 9 parts, each of these can be broken and unbroken.

Asset include script with custom editor that make work with modular system really easy, so you can create a lot of differents road blocks just by a few clicks!

Model are textured in PBR using Standard Metallic workflow.

Inside package you can find demo scene and ReadMe file.


Easy Poly Map Creator--Custom your LowPoly world by Game&AI Programmer

2017, May 1 - 18:13
This is a Low Poly Map auto creation tool based on the simple lines and points you draw. It is very easy to use and enables you to custom your own Low Poly Terrain within 2 minutes!

The idea came out when I want to build a low poly game but lack of terrain composer to use. I don't want the terrain totally random, and the terrain generated should be mobile friendly. So I create my own. Since it is not fully tested, and your support is more important to me, I decided to set the price free here, all source code is free to use or change.

Special thanks to authors of all the open-source code I used in my project.
I'm now looking for jobs in USA, if you interest my work, Please give me a refer : )

Any Questions, feel free to give me an email

semi transparent outline by ZhangGameMaker

2017, May 1 - 17:58

The shader can draw object outline and object been semi transparent state.

The shader is not based-on post-image process and can get better performance


Office Meeting Room and College Interior by MLX

2017, May 1 - 17:52
Release week promotion - 30% off!

An office meeting room and art college hallway perfect for business or university scenes.

⚪2 main models - meeting room and hallway
⚪17 additional models for detailing
⚪2 demos - with baked lighting and with realtime lighting
⚪All the art on the posters and walls is original, done by us
⚪We have provided you with prefabs for all the separate objects in the pack. Doors, clock, posters, benches, chairs, etc.
⚪Optimized - Runs at very high fps even on low spec PCs and mobile - what you see in the screenshots and video is completely baked static with minimal texturing and works at this quality even on older phones and slow PCs.
⚪Everything is UVed so you can apply textures if you want.

Price $9.00

Simple Quest Manager by OctoMan

2017, May 1 - 17:48
Simple Quest Manager is an easy to setup and quick solution to create your own quests for your games in minutes.
Overview | Manual

★ Create your quests directly in the Inspector
★ No coding required
★ Quests can be taken and completed by differend NPC’s
★ You can create Chain Quests (unlock quests by completing others)
★ Currently only 1 Questobjective supported
★ You can save/load all Quests and their states at any point you want.
★ QuestObjectives are updated with just one line of code.

★ Rewards need to be setup on your own, depending on your systems like inventory/exp/currency

★ 1 Demo Scene (see Image above)
3d Models included:
★ 1 Low Poly Chara (walk and idle) 1 LowPoly NPC (wink anim)
★ 1 Low Poly Tree
★ 1 Low Poly Barn
★ 1 Low Poly Fence
★ 1 Low Poly Key

Price $25.00

Modular detailed zombie (male) by Real Dynamics

2017, May 1 - 17:45
Extremely detailed destructible modular zombie.
- modular externals;
- modular interior (heart, intestines, etc...);
- a lot of variation possible: zombie with broken head, zombie without head skin, zombie without torso, without eye, etc...
- ragdolled;
- damage system example;
- bullet impact blood marks system;
- fully compartible with "ZOMBIE PRO: MoCap Animation Pack";
- compartible with any humanoid animation.

Textures: diffuse, normal, gloss. (AO and heightmap available in beta).

WebGL demo
(It works fine in Firefox browser)
Animation, blood, sound SFX is not included!
Price $10.00

Easy Input for Gear VR by Ladmer Technologies, Inc.

2017, April 29 - 01:13
Also supports new Gear VR motion controller!

Easy Input for Gear VR makes supporting input for the Gear VR and the new Gear VR Controller a breeze. Whether you want support for the headset, Bluetooth controllers or the brand new motion controller, everything that is unique about the platform is accessible in one easy to use API. Many common tasks even expose high level components to attach to your objects so you don't need to write a single line of code. The versatility is left in though so if you do want to write custom code it is easy to do so.

* Gear VR headset support
* Gear VR controller support
* Gamepad support
* Prebuilt controls so no coding required
* Grabbing, moving, etc. made easy
* Emulated in editor for quick prototypes
* Motion support
* Laser Pointer support
* 7 example scenes
* Easy callbacks to do anything custom

Enjoy our all-in-one asset for Gear VR!

Price $35.00

Ace Bike Stunts by Ace

2017, April 29 - 01:08
Ace Bike Stunts a complete game project for iPhone and Android devices

The package includes:
- Scripts
- Scenes
- Shaders,Meshes & Textures
- Sound Effects
- UI

WebGL Demo
Apk Demo

This package comes with the expectation that you already have a basic understanding of Unity C# scripts, the new UI system, and some experience programming assuming you want to modify the scripts.Before purchasing this asset,play the game once on your devices .
Price $90.00

Factory Interior Vol1 by ESFGames

2017, April 29 - 01:08
A very nice and high quality package
containing modular assets that can be used to create a factory interior.

There are 2 demo scenes one for day-time and one for night-time that are fully set-up with baked lightmaps and collision.

All objects have prefabs with their own materials.
Objects are all low poly and optimized. Great to use on any device.
All assets are modular And the demo scene that you see has been made up out of only modular assets.

All assets have been set up to work with the PBR metallic/roughness method.

This pack contains:
9 Modular Assets.
6 unique materials.
2 Demo Scenes.

Textures maps for most objects:

Diffuse map.
Normal map.
Metallic map.
Roughness map. (in alpha of Metallic)

All textures are 2048x2048 and can be downscaled to your liking

Price $17.99

Modular Medieval Town by Dokyo

2017, April 29 - 00:58

Over 130 high quality assets ready to drop into your game including:

• PBR materials
• Albedo, normal, roughness and occlusion maps
• 4096x4096 textures
• Paintable floor materials
• Animated winds on trees
• Collision also included

Technical Details:

• 100x props including barrels, walls, tables, doors, chairs and baskets
• 37x modular house pieces
• 50x materials
• 146x textures
• 4x ground landscape materials
• 2x trees with animated wind
• 4x grass and shrubs

Demo level included.

Price $49.99

Elevator Vol1 by ESFGames

2017, April 29 - 00:57
A nice and good quality package containing an elevator, both the interior and exterior so that you can build your level around it.
The doors are separate so you can animate them to open and close if needed.

The demo scene includes a simple set-up of the elevator with some basic lightmaps.

The elevator has its own prefab and collision and is optimized and made up out of tilleable textures.

All assets have been set up to work with the PBR metallic/roughness method.

This pack contains:
1 Elevator asset.
5 materials.
1 Demo scene.

Textures maps:

Diffuse map.
Normal map.
Metallic map.
Roughness map (in alpha of Metallic )

All textures are 2048x2048 and can be downscaled to your liking.

Price $5.99

Roulette Framework Pro by BLab Dev. (SA)

2017, April 29 - 00:44
High quality casino roulette game project template.

Roulette Professional is a French(One Zero) and American(Double Zero) style roulette game It follows the real rules.

Ready to publish.

Main features:

- Works on all platform mobile and not
- Follow the real roulette game rules
- French roulette (single zero)
- American roulette (double zero)
- Multiplayer, one vs one player, game creator player acts as Casino owner, the other can play on table.
- Integrated Unity advertising, to get coins and just advertising between game hands
- Integrate Unity In-app purchase to get coins viewing rewarded videos

A simple roulette table is provided, you can reach great result using “European and American Roulette” asset store package!/content/39118 the integration is fast and easy.

Lot of great feature:

- HD graphic
- Voices effects(French And English)
- Play Vs. Casino
- Predefined bet and custom bet value
- Auto spin possibility
- Complete stats system
- Announced bets
- Repeat last bet
- Zoom on table
- Chat

Increase the winning chances, perfect app to test gaming projects in a real casino.

Demo Web-Gl

Unity Forum

Price $120.00

Texture Set Vol.38 Hand Painted Ground by LowlyPoly

2017, April 29 - 00:33
A set of six hand painted, perfectly tillable textures !

- 6 Textures
- 2048px by 2048px ( easy to downsize to 512*512px )
- PNG format
- Tillable
- Hand Painted
- Normal Map included

Feel free to contact us for any inquiries or if you need any custom textures or 3D asset. TWITTER | FACEBOOK | EMAIL
Price $9.00

Texture Set Vol.37 Hand Painted Tiles by LowlyPoly

2017, April 29 - 00:27
A set of five hand painted, perfectly tillable textures !

- 5 Textures
- 2048px by 2048px ( easy to downsize to 512*512px )
- PNG format
- Tillable
- Hand Painted
- Normal Map included

Feel free to contact us for any inquiries or if you need any custom textures or 3D asset. TWITTER | FACEBOOK | EMAIL
Price $9.00

PBR Gun by Maksim Bugrimov

2017, April 29 - 00:26
Model of the Gun Browning Hi-power

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

PBR textures.

(all 2048-2048 size)




Price $15.00
