Asset Store newest packages

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The newest packages in the Unity Asset Store.
Updated: 10 min 44 sec ago

Minotaur Warriors by cggroup

2017, October 3 - 00:09
The Minotaurs were monsters with the body of a man and the head and tail of a bull. It is mobile-friendly, great for rpg mobile games.

- High-quality low-poly 3d models.
- Texture size: 512x512 pixels.
- Very friendly with mobile game.

- idle
- walkfront
- runfront
- enter1
- enter2
- enter3
- enter4
- attack
- skill1
- skill2
- skill3
- skill4
- skill5
- airhit
- standhit1
- standhit2
- guard
- diagup
- standup
- knockback
- knockout
- ldead
- sdead
- ...

Demo scenes included.

Price $29.90

Low Poly Pack - Environment by Solum Night

2017, October 3 - 00:03
Package contains:
1. Bag x6
2. Barrel x7
3. Bottle x29
4. Box x10
5. Bucket x3
6. Chest x14 ( close x7 and open x7 )
7. Jug x9
8. Сrate x8
9. Bridge x61 ( 4 types )
10. Cart x12 ( 2 types )
11. Cloud x9
12. Fence x79 ( 4 types )
13. Arch x2
14. Column x3
15. Gate x12 ( 2 types )
16. Lock x1
17. Wall x16 ( 2 types )
18. Vegetables and Fruits x9
19. Flower x8 ( 2 types )
20. Grass x19 ( 3 types )
21. Mushroom x7
22. Coffin x6
23. Grave x4
24. Headstone x39 ( 6 types )
25. Hook x2
26. Lamp x5
27. Lamppost x3
28. Shovel x2
29. Church x4
30. House x19 ( 5 types )
31. Market stall x10 ( 4 types )
32. Bonfire x3
33. Cauldron x3
34. Well x2
35. Rock x30 ( 3 types )
36. Stone x36 ( 3 types )
37. Stairs x13 ( 2 types )
38. Bush x18 ( 3 types )
39. Firewood x5
40. Stump x26 ( 4 types )
41. Tree x36 ( 7 types )

This pack includes 590 models.
All 78174 polygons.
Poly counts range from ~8 through to ~2000+

Use this in RPG, strategy or any fantasy games.

Price $10.00

3D Models Office Interiors Pack by Layer Lab

2017, October 3 - 00:02
76 Sources as 3D Modeling

(Wall=33, Floor=10, Ceiling=5)
1 texture(1024x1024)
3 meterials(defuse,light)


- bar
- board1
- board2
- books
- books2
- box1
- box2
- cabinet1
- cabinet2
- cabinet3
- calculator
- canvas
- chair1
- chair2
- chair3
- chair4
- chair5
- clock
- coffee machine
- cup1
- cup2
- desk pad
- desk stand
- desk1
- desk2
- desk3
- desk4
- desk5
- desk6
- drawer
- file book1
- file book2
- file book3
- flower1
- flower2
- flower3
- frame
- information desk
- keyboard
- lamp1
- lamp2
- microwave range
- monitor
- mouse
- notebook1
- notebook2
- paper
- photocopier
- post-it
- rug1
- rug2
- shelf1
- shelf2
- sink
- sofa1
- sofa2
- sofa3
- sofa4
- speaker
- syrup
- table1
- table2
- table3
- table4
- takeout coffee
- telephone
- toilet wall
- toilet1
- toilet2
- trash
- trashcan
- water purifier
- whiteboard

If you have a question about the asset, please send it to following E-mail address.

Price $30.00

Dressing Room in Loft Style by OlegSelivanov

2017, October 2 - 23:51
One room interior of dressing room in loft style. Included 46 models organized in 21 ready to use prefabs. Great for any type of adventure or horror games.
- Demo scene included
- PBR textures with 2048 x 2048 resolution

Price $20.00

3D Low Poly Car For Games (Taxi) by Ruslan

2017, October 2 - 23:38
High-quality 3D models for games.

Ready-to-use 3D car model in the project. Stunning visual quality and detailed study of all elements (Salon, Engine, bottom, wheels). It is carefully optimized for maximum performance on all modern devices.

Price $6.00

3D Low Poly Car For Games (Picap) by Ruslan

2017, October 2 - 23:36
High-quality 3D models for games.

Ready-to-use 3D car model in the project. Stunning visual quality and detailed study of all elements (Salon, Engine, bottom, wheels). It is carefully optimized for maximum performance on all modern devices.

Price $2.00

3D Low Poly Car For Games (Lexi) by Ruslan

2017, October 2 - 23:36
High-quality 3D models for games.

Ready-to-use 3D car model in the project. Stunning visual quality and detailed study of all elements (Salon, Engine, bottom, wheels). It is carefully optimized for maximum performance on all modern devices.

Price $6.00

Fantasy 3D pixel wall crash by Fujack

2017, October 2 - 23:03
This is the complete project, work on android and the ios.
And is easy to custom your own project. This project include follow:
The models
The skill
The UI
Play: Just press the screen the box will jump,escape the block and get more point

Other Complete Project

Fantasy 3D pixel cube crash

Fantansy Fish Game

Flash ball

Fall of box

Other Good Assets

Fantasy Knight

Fantasy Archer

Barbarian Three

Super Lord Pig

Imp Devil

Price $14.99

Translucent Scatter by IndieChest

2017, October 2 - 22:55

Fast, cheap and convincing subsurface scattering look for your objects!
This is the same subsurface scattering technology in EA's graphic engine Frostbite 2.
+Easy to use, just drag and drop.
+Can modify thickness of material
+Uses real lights.
+Exteremely cheap to render
Price $6.99

JsonFormatter by Bayat Games

2017, October 2 - 22:28

JsonFormatter is an Fast, Lightweight Json serialization/deserialization library for Unity projects.

Source Code | Community Thread | Support


- Serializing Collections: Lists, Dictionaries IEnumerable
- Serializing KeyValuePair
- Serializing ISerializable
- Surrogate Serialization
- Serializing Almost anything (Automatically serializes public fields and properties)
- Deserializing IDeserializationCallback
- Fast and Helpful Customer Support
- Free & Open Source
- Easy to Use
- Cross Platform (Let us know if you have any problem with any platform)


Price $0.00

COLLADA exporter for Unity2017 by R&R

2017, October 2 - 21:54
First release of the popular COLLADA exporter for Unity version 2017.
@ant or need to take your content from Unity2017? With this Unity extension to the editor's 'file' menu, you can take assets or your entire scene from Unity to any COLLADA (.dae format) importing application, such as Apple's Preview, iBook, SceneKit, Photoshop, Google Earth, as well as most digital content creation tools.

Changes in v1.6.3 • Experimental gltf2.0 export for Windows only Changes in v1.6.2 Rewrote XML load/save to avoid random fileIO system errors • Replaced lightmapNear and Far with function that replace with new Dir and Light with Unity5.5+ • Fixed Morph export issues • Fixed shader parsing issues, added try/catch for better stability
Changes in v1.6.1: Fixed crash when parsing new (5.3) shaders - added property.params from shader. Need support? Contact
Price $20.00

16 Health bar hight quality by Alchemist Lab

2017, October 2 - 21:21
Demo WebGL

16 Animated health bar hight quality different styles. Many moved, rotated, rocking, flashing. The liquid boils and splashes inside several health bars. Optimized variants this bar can be used in mobile and web platforms. To evaluate the quality it is important to look at the demo program on WebGL!!!!!
Price $0.00

Tiny Fantasy Icons by VespaWarrior

2017, October 2 - 19:54
Set of +150 Fantasy Loot icons for free!.
If you need the 3D version of this loot items you can grab it here:

Tiny Fantasy Loot

- Each icon is 256x256 pixels size (PNG).
- One 512x512 PSD included for customization.

Price $0.00

Chain Bridge Kutaisi by Arman 3DG STUDIO

2017, October 2 - 19:50
The bridge was built by real dimensions
Dimensions textures 2048x2048 / 1024x1024 / 256x256
The road consists of cracks and dirt
You can remove the crack and dirt
here is a pedestrian road
A stone bridge
Texture format. *bmp *PNG

there is an 3d with a red label of the car chassis, this will help you with the dimensions

poly: 12,900 Trees: 25,618 Verts: 23,618

Price $19.00

Overgrown car by ArtZones

2017, October 2 - 19:42

Models of cars are perfect for game in the post-apocalypse settings. Perfectly suitable for filling large levels of eg cities.
Prefabs are configured for easy use in your projects
All models have an optimized polygon mesh for use in virtual reality projects.

- High-quality textures: 2048x2048 (You can change the size of the texture on your own)
- Textures complete -Albedo map, Specular map, Normal map, AO map.
- PBR Shader.
- File complete - .obj
- Textures - .png

Polycounts: 2,360 tris and 1,198 vertice
Price $8.00

Desert Environment 2D by Pathway

2017, October 2 - 19:41

Desert environment for your games.

All parts are separated as prefabs.

This asset contain 7 layers.

1. Floor layer

2. Middle background layer

3. Trees layer

4. Mountains layer

5. Mountains layer 2

6. Clouds layer

7. Background gradient level

Resolution 4360x2140

Price $1.00

Venustas 4D by NTEC

2017, October 2 - 19:40
First package on Asset Store that provides animated depth curve of every image effect and first one that allows to set enter and exit fades of the colored zones colliders and it's also the biggest package of lookup textures.

Main Features:
1. Float Collider 3D and 2D - colliders that can change every float used by camera, so it's possible to manipulate every script, not only effects included in this package. Entering and exiting the collider is handled by white animation curve. What's more, it's possible to choose if float should back to start camera values after exit or if it should take value that was used on entering the collider. It's important to say that it also allows to change colors of box and wireframe, so it's easy to group zones by color!
2. 256 NLUT textures with textures picker. NLUT Image Effect easily blends between two textures. Package also provides NLUT Screenshooter to create new NLUT textures in a much easier way.
3. 52 Fullscreen Image Effects with rotary pixel mask, limitless iterations and fully animated depth white curve.
Included Fullscreen Image Effects (because of their amount, there are 2 FX in each line!):
- Add Noise | Alternative Noise
- Bad Dream | Blend
- Blend Chroma Key | Blur
- Brightness | Bumpy
- Channel Clamp | Channel Curve
- Channel Mix | Channel Split
- Channel Switch | Chroma Key
- Color By Luminance | Color Focus
- Color Freeze | Color Ignore
- Color Switch | Constant
- Contrast | Drunk
- Dust | Factorized Darken
- Factorized Lighten |Factorized Saturation
- Frame | Functions
- Gamma | Glitchy
- Greyscale | Grid
- Horror | Hue
- Infrared | Invert
- Lens Dirt (without textures) | Mirage
- Night Vision | NLUT
- Offset | Photo Filter
- Pixelate | Posterize
- Saturation | Scanner
- Sepia | Sharpen
- Threshold | Vibrance
- Vignette | Weird Saturation
Each one has practically unlimited configuration options due to float sliders or/and due to intensity by RGB channels and by luminance.

Work in Progress Forum Thread
Forum Thread
Need support?
Price $30.00

Truck by ArtZones

2017, October 2 - 19:39

Models of cars are perfect for game in the post-apocalypse settings. Perfectly suitable for filling large levels of eg cities.
Prefabs are configured for easy use in your projects
All models have an optimized polygon mesh for use in virtual reality projects.

- High-quality textures: 2048x2048 (You can change the size of the texture on your own)
- Textures complete -Albedo map, Specular map, Normal map, AO map.
- PBR Shader.
- File complete - .obj
- Textures - .png

Polycounts: Victoria - (7,070 tris and 4,156 vertices)
Price $8.00

Laser by JuniorPro

2017, October 2 - 19:39
A simple game ready Laser prop for your Unity projects.

Low Polygon model.
High-Quality Texture.

For features and functionalities, Refer to the documentation inside the package.
Price $2.75

Jelly Icons by Matteo Baraldi

2017, October 2 - 19:35
Set of 50 unique Square and Rounded icons. Suitable for mobile and desktop applications.

- 6 colors available for every icon, in both round or square version
- 128x128, 256x256, 512x512 available resolutions
- PNG format with transparent background
- Basic white icons without border are included
Price $3.50
