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The newest packages in the Unity Asset Store.
Updated: 24 min 19 sec ago

Fantastic Creature #3 by GrigoriyArx

2018, January 27 - 01:03
Monster for your games!

PBR textures 2048x2048.
13 animations.
Mecanim system ready
tris:12822 verts:6416

( scene included )
Price $13.00

Door Interaction Animaions by Irish cream Interactive

2018, January 27 - 00:42
Web demo and setup guide
This package contains:
- animations for character - close pull, close push, open pull, open push;
- corresponding animations for door - close pull, close push, open pull, open push;
- demo scene with example of usage;
- simple character model;
- simple door model;
- basic character controller.
Сompatible with packages "Car Interaction Animaions", "Mine Animations", "Pick Up Animaions".
Price $10.00

POLY STYLE - Cartoon Zombies Customizable Pack by Singularity Art Studio

2018, January 27 - 00:38
POLY STYLE - Cartoon Zombies Customizable Pack can create many unique zombies with over 1000+ , including 10 types of animations and 30 pre-done zombies . Custom user interface for zombies creation , quick and easy way without a pain.

Using POLY STYLE - Cartoon Zombies Customizable Pack can create a low poly style of various types of games , speed up the game development in order to reduce the input .


- Custom Cartoon Zombies x 30

- Idle
- Walk_1
- Walk_2
- Run
- Attack_1
- Attack_2
- Defense
- Suffer
- Death

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Price $9.99

SCAR-L - PP Model by Rakarnov

2018, January 27 - 00:35
Designed and optimized for FPS, high quality SCAR-L

Technical Details

Texture Size: 2048x2048
Faces : 10,660
Tris : 21,404
LODs: None

Price $5.00

M416 - PP Model by Rakarnov

2018, January 27 - 00:32
Designed and optimized for FPS, high quality M416

Technical Details

Texture Size: 2048x2048
Faces : 10,660
Tris : 21,404
LODs: None

Price $5.00

Hand-painted Pirate Ship by NextStepRPG

2018, January 27 - 00:17
This is the model of a hand-painted pirate ship. It's excellent for any kind of RPG or sea game.
Verts: 2101
Tris: 3588

Contains two animations:

Feel free to contact me for info or suggestions:
Price $2.99


2018, January 27 - 00:15
With this asset you are able to create a lot of faction crests for your game.

Everything is kept in RPG/Fantasy style.
This package contain:
- Sliced Images (PNG)
- 3 Different flag styles
- 10 Colors for every style
- 40x flat emblems
- 40x 3D emblems
Feel free to mail me with questions.

Price $6.00

Animated SMG 3-Pack by Ironbelly Studios

2018, January 27 - 00:12
Arm rigs are 100% Mecanim compatible!

3 Ultra High AAA Quality SMGs
• MP7A1 (14,824 Tris / 7,906 Verts)
• P90 (9,428 Tris / 9,343 Verts)
• Micro-SMG (9,220 Tris / 4,907 Verts)

3 Weapon Rigs
• MP7A1 (13 bones)
• P90 (5 bones)
• Micro-SMG (11 bones)

Weapon PBR Textures @ 4096x4096
• Base Color, Metalness, Roughness, Normal Map, Ambient Occlusion, for all 3 weapons

30 Weapon Animations
Idle, Walk, Sprint, Fire, Reload, Aim, Aim and Walk, Aim and Fire, Raise, Lower for all 3 weapons

AAA First Person Arms
• Skeletal Rig (70 bones)

• 5 PBR Textures @ 4096x4096 (Base Color, Roughness, Normal Map, Ambient Occlusion, Metalness) LODs for all Weapons (25%, 50%, 75%)

Featuring the MP7A1, P90, and Micro-SMG, this pack also includes fully rigged and animated FP Arms. This SMG 3-pack was designed to deal major damage. Assets included are easy to drop into any FPS project and are ideal for customization.

Price $39.99

Water Flow Sounds by Sound Ex Machina

2018, January 26 - 23:52

This collection contains 41 recordings of crystal water streams, rivers and waterfalls. Inside you will find various types of slow and turbulent flows, captured at close and distant perspectives, on locations of Northern Greece.

Each recording is between 0:28 and 1:42 long and intended to serve those who want to build calm or dynamic soundscapes which show variations on several time scales.

Attention to flexibility:

All files are loopable, consisted mostly of steady tones to create a sonic bed for the rest of your tracks.

Technical Specifications:

• 41 royalty-free files in total.

• More than 80 minutes of material included.

• 16bit, 48kHz stereo Wav format.

• Library size is 517 ΜB (Unzipped).

Price $25.00

Ultra Realistic Car HD 02 by AthensDazzle

2018, January 26 - 23:40
Ultra high definition car with extreme exterior detailing. Fully customizable car with built in UI. High definition for HD TPS as well as FPS experience. Can be used for VR/AR/mobile projects.

Technical Details
Wheel poly count 2137(x4)
Total Mesh tris - 112k

Texture size: -Body paint and parts: 2048 -Interior: 2048 -Wheels: 1024 -Lights Emissive: 512

- Car Suspension and Momentum Scripts for realistic physics and Camera script for 'shaky' effect with speed and 360 rotation around vehicle.

- UI options include -
(Slider) Wheel Size F/R
(Slider) Wheel Collider Radius F/R
(Slider) Wheel Suspention Distance F/R (Toggle) Lights

- All materials using PBR Unity Standard shader. Albedo, metallic, smoothness, normal and occlusion textures included.
- Emissive texture for lights included with light flares toggle as UI.
- You can make custom painting for body and interior.
- Clear and optimized geometry.
- Normally textured Interior with an inbuilt Driver.
- Separated and properly aligned four wheels, brake discs and brake calipers. Works perfectly with Unity Vehicle.
- Car Momentum can be optimised along with suspension.
- Car paint colour and smoothness can be optimised along with all wheel collider properties set as UI .
- UI has been added on screen realtime to get Garage customisation.
-Added Reflection Probe to get a realistic glow like you see in the screenshots


If You like this product, please rate and comment, it is much appreciated!

Support Email:
Price $25.00

White credenza by Dynamight

2018, January 26 - 23:33
furniture, bureau
Verts: 733
Faces: 355
tris: 1094
texture maps: 2048x2048
Price $1.25

Pick Up Animaions by Irish cream Interactive

2018, January 26 - 23:24
Web demo and setup guide
This package contains:
- animations for character - grab high, grab medium, grab low;
- demo scene with example of usage;
- simple character model;
- basic character controller.
Сompatible with packages "Car Interaction Animaions", "Door Interaction Animaions", "Mine Animations".
Price $10.00

ITG: Infinite Terrain Generator by C47

2018, January 26 - 23:22
ITG procedurally generates any terrain around the player. It’s comprehensive set of options allows you, the developer, absolute control over every aspect of the generated terrain. Want your character to run around in the mountains? A waterworld? Mars? An alien jungle? It is all possible with ITG. When the Object Map and Texture map are used together they create a power full tool that allows you to create biomes throughout the map. The models & textures included are examples, if you wish to use your own ... these options are also included.
Price $10.00

Mine Animations by Irish cream Interactive

2018, January 26 - 23:15
Web demo and setup guide
This package contains:
- animations for character - chop down tree, mine rock;
- demo scene with example of usage;
- simple character model;
- simple pick model;
- basic character controller.
Сompatible with packages "Car Interaction Animaions", "Door Interaction Animaions", "Pick Up Animaions".
Price $10.00

Floating Music Note Particle System by Sage Miller

2018, January 26 - 23:05
This floating music notes particle system is tested and ready-to-use for Mobile, Desktop, and even VR!

It is extremely easy to edit the particle system to fit the unique needs of your project. Rotate the object to make the notes float in any direction. Scale the size of the notes up or down and change their movement speed quickly and easily.

This package contains a texture, material, demo scene, and two prefabs of the particle system.

Please email: for any questions or feedback. Thank you!
Price $2.50

Simple Tools by Aero Games

2018, January 26 - 23:04

A set of common tools that have been packaged from a personal project to aid others.

All tools revolve around ScriptableObject assets for a streamlined workflow. Classes outside of the SimpleTools namespace can access those ScriptableObject assets to easily manage project/realtime data.

Tools Included:

GameObject Painting / Erasing

GameObject Grounder

Asset Creator

Development Tracker

GameObject Painting / Erasing

Paint objects directly in the scene view
Define painting presets with tool options

GameObject Grounder

Easily place selected objects onto the ground
Useful for objects like fences that need to conform to the terrain

Asset Creator

Easily create ScriptableObject assets based on a template class to store both pre-defined and realtime data

Development Tracker

Keep track of the version, builds, and descriptions of each of your builds
Price $0.00

Procedural Dungeon Toolkit LITE by Revision3

2018, January 26 - 22:22

Manual - Forum - Youtube

Procedural Dungeon Toolkit is a powerful toolkit for Procedural Level Generation based on simple tile maps that allows users to generate a procedural level with ease.

The LITE version of this asset comes with a lighter set of features so that you can demo a basic version of this dungeon generator at a much lower price than the complete version.

Get started in minutes using a complete scene, ready to be replaced with your own models and textures.

Generate procedural levels using a randomly generated tile map combined with a bunch of included prefabs acting as building blocks. The main script uses these prefabs to instantly builds levels that are entirely random!

LITE Features :

- Dungeon Generation script

- Original tile map generation algorithm

- Create complex random levels of a simple tile map

- Control the level generation algorithm using seeded generation and layout sliders

- Use the GUI to replace the objects used to generate dungeons or change their position

- Generate random dungeons at runtime and save them as prefab files to make edits directly inside the editor.

- Placeholder models and textures to get started with the demo dungeon

- Placeholder algorithms and extensive comments within source code to help you getting started adding and placing your own objects

- A bunch of helpful scripts for things such as item generation and management , flickering lights , explorable map and more!

Full version features :

- Completely manage the prefabs used by the generation process using the GUI. Add and remove object slots, edit the used prefab and tweak the object's "Requirements" all within the GUI. No programming required.

- Massively reworked and improved tile map generation algorithm to create much cleaner tile maps than the original algorithm

- Room Model Editor Window to create room templates that are stamped onto the generated tile maps, perfect for anything from boss rooms to loot closets.

- Ability to use a saved tile map instead of only being able to use a procedurally generated or seeded layout to create entirely deterministic levels instead of using random generation

- Tile Map Editor Window to open, save and edit a procedurally generated tile map or even entirely create one from scratch

- Integrated Navmesh Generation scripts and a basic AI script that follows the player around the dungeon using the generated Navmeshes

- Dedicated Usage Manual to get a full, detailed explanation of how the asset works


Upgrading to the full version from this LITE version will grant a discount of 5$ on the full version. Official Sales may give a better discount than this upgrade, so be sure to check that the full asset is not on sale before you upgrade.

Upgrade now to benefit from frequent updates and improved features!
Price $5.00

Voxel Play by Kronnect

2018, January 26 - 22:05
Voxel Play is a procedural, fast environment based on cubes. It leverages highly optimized code, including geometry shaders and texture arrays, to generate beautiful, rich, vast infinite worlds which can be customized and modified in many ways.

Voxel Play provides an integrated solution for sky, terrain, water, vegetation, physics, world interaction, UI, inventory and more.

Please note that this is beta 1 - price will be increased in future updates. Join our development forum here.

*** Current Features ***

The goal for Voxel Play is to provide an easy to use but powerful rule-based voxel engine that fills the open spaces of your world while it allows you to edit any number of areas.

Template based
- Voxel Play works with Scriptable Objects to create world, biomes, voxels and model definitions. Each definition is a set of rules plus textures and sounds - a world is composed of several biomes which model the type and shape of terrain as well as the vegetation (bushes, trees, ...).

- Define any number of worlds, biomes, models and voxels within the Unity Editor and model your world in interactive mode at runtime using the same interface (anything you modify gets saved).

- Activate the Constructor: a special area where you can define custom, reusable models (like trees) to plant them massively according to biome rules.

Ready to Use with Demo Scenes
Voxel Play comes with a complete world demo scene ready to use, including lot of textures, sounds and predefined biomes and voxels.

Terrain Features
- Dynamically & procedural, generated automatically at runtime on demand
- Infinite variations based on seed
- Terrain valleys and mountains based on perlin textures
- Integrated distance fog and ambient occlusion
- Fast ray-cast system
- Custom voxel & chunk culling for optimized chunk generation & voxel count
- Destructible environment
- Biome support (grassland, desert, forest, rainforest, tundra, taiga, snow, beach, shrubland and bare)
- Voxel hit and destruction sounds per type
- Voxel damage cracks
- Voxel damage particles with object pooling
- Voxel custom Footfalls
- Standard Unity shadows support
- Light spread / Voxelized Global Illumination
- Torch lights

Water System
- Voxelized water system with no redundant face overlap
- Flooding system

- Voxel style, animated grass and trees per biome

Sky system
- Custom voxelized skybox
- Day/night cycle, blinking stars and cool dawns
- Voxelized animated clouds that cast shadows over terrain

FPS Controller
- A custom FPS controller adapted to work with the voxel environment.
- Walk/Run
- Fly
- Swimming & diving
- Footfalls. Different sounds based on terrain.

- On-screen console, can be shown pressing "F1".
- Shows data useful to debug/help the user customize the world
- Free pixel font included

- Crosshair. Color changes to remain visible depending on background. Animates over targets.
- Thumbnail of currently selected material with name.

- Load and save functionality included. Optimized file size.

*** Under development ***
- Cave generator
- River generator
- Better/massive terrain sculpt tools
- Spawning system
- Inventory system

Support forum | Unity WIP forum thread
Price $40.00

Realistic Super Car HD by AthensDazzle

2018, January 26 - 21:53
Ultra high definition car with extreme exterior detailing. Fully customizable car with built in UI. High definition for HD TPS as well as FPS experience. Can be used for VR/AR/mobile projects.

Technical Details
Wheel poly count 2137(x4)
Total Mesh tris - 135k

Texture size: -Body paint and parts: 2048 -Interior: 2048 -Wheels: 1024 -Lights Emissive: 512

- Car Suspension and Momentum Scripts for realistic physics and Camera script for 'shaky' effect with speed and 360 rotation around vehicle.

- UI options include -
(Slider) Wheel Size F/R
(Slider) Wheel Collider Radius F/R
(Slider) Wheel Suspention Distance F/R (Toggle) Lights

- All materials using PBR Unity Standard shader. Albedo, metallic, smoothness, normal and occlusion textures included.
- Emissive texture for lights included with light flares toggle as UI.
- You can make custom painting for body and interior.
- Clear and optimized geometry.
- Normally textured Interior with an inbuilt Driver.
- Separated and properly aligned four wheels, brake discs and brake calipers. Works perfectly with Unity Vehicle.
- Car Momentum can be optimised along with suspension.
- Car paint colour and smoothness can be optimised along with all wheel collider properties set as UI .
- UI has been added on screen realtime to get Garage customisation.
-Added Reflection Probe to get a realistic glow like you see in the screenshots


If You like this product, please rate and comment, it is much appreciated!

Support Email:
Price $30.00

Jukebox Tabletop by Staralfar

2018, January 26 - 21:46
A classic jukebox tabletop, to complete your diner scene. IMPORTANT! Please note that this model is also included in the Diner Furniture Package.
Price $5.00
