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The newest packages in the Unity Asset Store.
Updated: 12 min 46 sec ago

Police Pinboard by Reberu Game Studio

2018, March 1 - 18:12
Here is a PBR textured Pinboard you can use as Weapon or environment object, research, Urban Criminal games of found based games.

1.496 POLY

For Texture maps ; Pbr Maps Contains

4096 x 4096 Diffuse TGA
4096 x 4096 normal TGA
4096 x 4096 ao map TGA
4096 x 4096 specular TGA

Price $3.00

Poets in Pain - Out of Time by irrelevant games

2018, March 1 - 18:09
Limited-time introductory offer!

Wanna really rock your game?
Here's a heavy alt rock music track with vocals and killer wah lead guitar. This purchase gives you full rights to use the song in your games. The package includes the instrumental version as well.

Out of Time - 3:25
Out of Time - Instrumental version - 3:25

WAV (16 bit 44.1 kHz)
MP3 (256 Kbit/s)
Price $19.95

Tombstone_b by Diana

2018, March 1 - 18:04
Triangle count: 1.991
Textures: 2048x2048

3d model of a tombstone made for a realistic style is great for computer games
Price $1.00

Cartoon Bomb Effect by taecg

2018, March 1 - 17:16
The cartoon style special effect specially designed for hand tour can be used directly in the project.

- 12 Cartoon Bomb Effects.

- for mobile phones (IOS and Android).

- Different explosions, expressive power.

- Can be used quickly in Engineering.

Price $8.00

TrashPack by Dynamight

2018, March 1 - 17:14
1 container with particles system flies
1 Skid
1 TrashCan with particles system flies
2 Garbage bags
Price $5.00

MYSQL Data Connection (Mobile Integration) by Yasin Kaygın

2018, March 1 - 16:29
MYSQL Data Connection include 8 features:

1) A library that contains all the function required for interact with a MySql database.
2) An extension for the UnityEditor that use the library for make a MySql Client.
3) It provides recording operations with MySQL database.
4) Listings are done with mysql database.
5) Updates are made with the mysql database.
6) You can see the number of players online.
7) You can post and view the announcement.
8) It also works on mobile devices.

NOTICE : It contains the database. You need to install it on your own server.

Competible with:

- Windows Standalone
- Mac OS X Standalone
- Linux Standalone
- Android

Price $10.00

VR Gesture and Signature (for VIVE Wave) by AirSig

2018, March 1 - 16:29

The best gesture recognition accuracy you can find in asset store. You can define any gesture you want to recognize by giving some gesture samples, very easy, with high accuracy.
In addition, it also provides an alternative solution for password (It's a big hassle to use keyboard to enter password in VR environment.) We utilize the characters of everyone has there own unique way perform air writing to achieve this feature. Just writing the password in the air, no hassle keyboard anymore, and others can't exactly copy your movement of writing.

Document | Forum

* Key Features
(1) Developer-define Gestures:
You can define the gestures you want to recognize, by giving gesture samples. More Detail Here

(2) User-defined Gestures:
To make it even more fun for players, AirSig SDK allows players to easily create whatever gestures they want in the VR applications.

(3) Signature Authentication:
AirSig SDK can make players fast authenticate themselves via signing their own signatures in the air with a VR controller. A player creates his signature at first. Then he can just sign his signature in the air to authenticate in 1 second whenever he needs to login or pay in VR, instead of typing passwords.

* Notice:
▲ If developers need more gestures or customized functions, please contact us.
▲ Get promotional code by giving us feedback of using AirSig SDK.

* Compatible With:

* FAQ:

* Contacts:

Price $0.00

Mega Shields 2D (Source) by Quadrante Studio

2018, March 1 - 01:31
The Mega Shields 2D (Source) package contains a total of 345 Shields:
Medieval: 60 models.
Cartoon: 60 models.
Chrome: 105 models.
Gold: 30 models.
Wood: 45 models
Sci-fi: 30 models
Horror: 15 models.

Vector files, allowing various combinations.

The package includes demo scene.

If you enjoy this package - please feel free to rate it. :)

Quadrante Studio

Price $82.00

2D Shapes PRO by Rickious Productions

2018, March 1 - 01:29
2D Shapes Pro pack
• 60x 2D shapes
• 10x line weights/thicknesses
• 9 resolutions from 16x16 right up to 4096x4096 (4K)
• A total of 5400x sprites!!

Need shapes for HUDs? menus? buttons? web interfaces? educational games? platform games? particle effects? or anything at all? Then here is the unity asset for you!

This Asset pack contains 2D sprite assets for coders, game and app developers and Unity users of all levels to use as they wish.

Circles, Squares, Triangles, Stars, Hexagons, Stars, Arrows, Clouds, Waveforms, and more in 9 different resolutions (all power of two for maximum compression and efficiency) 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048, 4096x4096 with 10 outline thickness variations for each size including no outline. So that's aan immense 5400 sprites in total!!!

All reasonable requests to improve this and all my asset packs will be considered.
Price $12.50

360 Headmap Analyzer by SG-DiGital

2018, March 1 - 00:53
Display the most watched scene areas in a 360 environment, using a heat map image. The heat map is shown in an equirectangular projection at the moment you want, creating a screenshot of the current point of view. Easy to apply and use. All platforms supported. See the Release Notes for full details.
Price $15.00

PIDI - African Buffalo (Mobile version) by Irreverent Software - PIDI Game Development Framework

2018, March 1 - 00:14
This package contains a very optimized African Buffalo as a 3D model (rigged and animated) in 2 different qualities (40 and 26 bones)

The full contents of the package are :

- High quality 3D model in 2 versions ( 1.2K, and 910 triangles)
- Fully rigged (40 and 26 bones)
- Animated ( 21 animations for the first release )
- Fully textured (diffuse, normals) This is the mobile version of a high quality, AAA oriented asset which also includes an advanced fur shader. If you need the desktop version as well as the mobile version of this asset, please visit this publication :
African Buffalo + Fur Shader

For any suggestions, feedback and questions, please contact us at
Price $15.00

SpiritFountain by Paul van Leeuwen

2018, February 28 - 23:24
3D model of a SpiritFountain,
with seperate collision mesh.

(2nd FBX with all pieces separated included)

Fountain 816 tris.
Collision 558 tris.

4K Texture maps :
Emissive (2048)

Comes with sounds, effects and controll script.
Call one function to activate/deactivate.

May not Import/work properly on Unity versions older than 5.6.
Price $2.00

Language Changer by Game Alchemists

2018, February 28 - 23:23
The Language Changer allows to switch between different languages during the game. The script was made as simple as possible. Therefore it is appropriate for beginners, too. The Language Changer supports all text-based UI components. It also supports dropdowns. Not only the options will be translated but the current selection, too.

How it works: The Texts will be saved in an XML file and will be read out as strings.

Instruction step by step:

1. Create the UI object with it`s Text.

2. Mark the Text components, that are supposed to be translated, in the hierarchy with a star (*) at the end of the name.

3. Texts without a star will be ignored by the script.

4. There are three possibilities how to continue now. In every case all Text components with a star will be read by the script. Therefore an interface between the Text components and the XML file will be created.

4.1. A GameObject, that includes a Text component, are assigned to the script.

4.2. A group of GameObjects, that include Text components, are assigned to the script.

4.3. Dropdowns must be assigned separately, not as a group. The script will search for all options (Text components) in this dropdown automatically.

5. A root named language is waiting for you in the XML file. You have to create a node for every new language. The possible amount of languages is unlimited. Please deposit the strings and their translations in the nodes.

6. The language must be changed with a methods call. Only a single script call is needed for this.

7. No the script will search in the XML file for the names of the GameObjects that are marked with a star. It will read the strings of the respective langage.
Price $10.00

Puppet3D by Puppetman

2018, February 28 - 23:22

Puppet3D is a professional rigging toolset for Unity.


- AUTORIG - Rig it in a minute! Makes rigging a biped really fast.

- Create bones and skin them to any character or asset.

- IK & FK - Make IK controls for the limbs, which can blend between IK and FK.

Create a "Mod-Rig" on a humanoid in 1 click, to modify or make new animations.

- Advanced Rigging - Spline Controls for tails and bendy things, Parent, Orient, IK and Global controls.

- Paint the Skin Weights.

- Voxel based default skin weights. Spreads the weights through the characters volume.

- Pose Saving & Loading

- Bake Control Animations Onto Bones

Price $50.00

Enkar Republic Battleship Horkonor by MSGDI

2018, February 28 - 23:19
This pack contains a Horkonor battleship of the Enkar Republic with weapons. It can be used in space RTS games or in a topdown or sidescroller game. It can also be used in a 3rd person spaceship shooter.

- Scifi battleship
- Modular design
- 9 turrets and missile silo
- 1 torpedo + 1 missile included
- 6 different texture sets
- PSD with intact layers is included
- All models have 0 rotation
- PBR textures for the unity 5 standard shader (metallic)
- Ready to use prefabs of all models are included
- Texture sizes are 4096 and 1024
- Tris count ca. 5300
- Final tris count depends on how many weapons are used for the ship

Price $25.00

Photorealistic Photoscanned Tree by DigitalAntichrist

2018, February 28 - 23:17
-The set includes 5 Dry Photoscanned Tree model.
-Models polygons 10888 - 19506 Tris.
-LOD 3505-8402 Ttris
-Textures : 2048X2048 png, 2048X2048 Normal png,2048X2048Specular(Gloss(A)) tga .
-Render in unity 2017.1
-Model format obj
-The names of objects correspond to the number of polygons
Price $25.00

Home Needs by Dynamight

2018, February 28 - 23:15
14 Assets

3 types of Couches(2 modular)
1 audio/video center
4 types of Cofee tables
5 types of Chairs
1 Credenza
1 Bed
1 Kitchen Table With 6 Chairs, Light Fixture and plants.
Everything is available separately for very low prices.
Price $12.50

Dark fantasy studio- Mindhunter (epic/ crime/ thriller/ investigation music) by Dark Fantasy Studio

2018, February 28 - 23:10
MINDHUNTER is the perfect album for crime/ thriller/ investigation project! All tracks are normal+ seamless!
1- Bio hazard
3- In search for
5- Gunshots
6- Mindhunter
7- Secret agent
8- Virtual reality
9- DNA
10- As it happenned
11- Forensic
Sound design and production by Nicolas Jeudy.
Please, mention DARK FANTASY STUDIO and Nicolas Jeudy if you use these music !
Price $10.00

uMoveFPS First Person Character System by Johannes Nienaber

2018, February 28 - 23:05
Try the demo : Download Here

uMoveFPS First Person Character System is the ideal solution to implement into your projects for smooth and intuitive movement and functionality.

Use uMoveFPS to add easy yet effective movement to your games.

The system is compatible with Unity's Mechanim system for easy animation.

The system is designed to be drag and drop meaning you dont have to do any coding or alterations.

Includes PDF documentation that covers all you need to start and build your first person game.

Features :

- Character Controller based first person movement and camera.
- Crouching functionality that uses a raycasting system to check when the player can stand or crouch and when he cant to ensure smooth transitions.
- Jumping functionality that uses custom gravity.
- Walking and running functionality with degenerating and regenerating stamina. Player can only run if he has the stamina to do so.
- Includes a health system for the player coupled with falling damage.
- Includes an easy to replace animated character template with Idle, Walk and Run and crouched animations.
- Uses Mechanim for easy animation.
- Easy to use system
- Includes documentation
- Great performance

For support email me at

My portfolio website : Visit Here

Price $18.00

Mountain warrior by AndreiCG

2018, February 28 - 23:03
Mountain warrior is a 3D character, rigged and animated.
It comes with 2 PBR materials and 12 different animations including idle, walking, running and combat.

For any questions, please use the following links:

Facebook Page
My official website
Price $7.00
