Topic | Replies |
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Last post | Forum | |
Toturial - Mesh Collider in Unity 5 by jmvale on 2015, May 11 - 23:52 |
1,140 |
by jmvale 2015, May 12 - 22:24 |
Tutorials, scripts and code | ||
opções de viewers para open sim by isaseppi on 2018, November 5 - 14:22 |
1,143 |
by isaseppi 2018, November 5 - 14:26 |
Opensim UAb | ||
Realistic 3D Objects From Famous Museums (Free) by goncaloperes on 2020, February 26 - 03:58 |
1 | 1,143 |
by tester 2020, March 16 - 21:25 |
Tools | |
Dinossaur OBJ Library by artur on 2013, April 27 - 14:37 |
1 | 1,146 |
by vcard 2013, April 30 - 03:47 |
Tools | |
Switch using billboards by sonatine on 2013, February 15 - 23:02 |
2 | 1,158 |
by sonatine 2013, February 24 - 02:02 |
General discussion | |
3D Printing with Sketchup by artur on 2015, April 29 - 22:02 |
1 | 1,187 |
by vcard 2015, May 2 - 03:41 |
Tools | |
Tip: use Picasa web to store your forum images by vcard on 2015, April 22 - 14:36 |
1,205 |
by vcard 2017, April 14 - 02:55 |
Support | ||
50 Tips and Best Practices for Unity by babelx3d on 2017, May 17 - 12:11 |
1,210 |
by babelx3d 2017, May 17 - 12:37 |
Tutorials, scripts and code | ||
Looky Luke - Bang Bang! by babelx3d on 2016, February 11 - 01:10 |
1 | 1,210 |
by Alain 2019, December 19 - 09:38 |
Worlds and objects | |
My first FPS, Model in Blender and some Experiences by goncaloperes on 2019, November 28 - 00:55 |
2 | 1,222 |
by goncaloperes 2019, November 28 - 11:24 |
Tutorials, scripts and code | |
Supermercado/loja/virtual by supermercado.lo... on 2012, July 1 - 19:08 |
2 | 1,238 |
by supermercado.lo... 2015, February 2 - 23:43 |
Worlds and objects | |
Zoo 3D by Master3D on 2012, July 2 - 13:53 |
2 | 1,245 |
by Master3D 2012, July 19 - 22:39 |
Worlds and objects | |
How to Install Free SSL From Let’s Encrypt on Shared Hosting by vcard on 2020, January 6 - 17:17 |
1,253 |
by vcard 2020, January 6 - 17:18 |
Babel site/server technology | ||
FBX and BVH by Alain on 2015, September 6 - 20:06 |
1 | 1,264 |
by vcard 2015, September 7 - 00:03 |
Tools | |
Avatars used as objects (dynamic) on worlds by vcard on 2012, June 28 - 00:34 |
2 | 1,265 |
by vcard 2015, February 2 - 23:45 |
Tutorials, scripts and code | |
RobotUnity by RobotUnity on 2021, January 19 - 17:06 |
1,284 |
by RobotUnity 2021, January 19 - 17:06 |
General discussion | ||
Unity 3D Game Kit - Create Worlds and games ... easily ! by vcard on 2018, December 17 - 22:00 |
1,291 |
by vcard 2018, December 17 - 22:08 |
General discussion | ||
Tip: open images in a fancy Colorbox overlay by vcard on 2017, April 2 - 03:16 |
1 | 1,303 |
by PauloNunes 2017, April 3 - 04:41 |
Support | |
25 Real-World Applications Using WebGL by vcard on 2019, December 15 - 17:07 |
2 | 1,317 |
by vcard 2019, December 15 - 18:38 |
General discussion | |
Workshops de Sketchup e Impressão 3D by artur on 2015, November 6 - 10:49 |
1 | 1,318 |
by vcard 2015, November 8 - 09:39 |
General discussion |