vcard's blog

A Video Style Viewer for WebGL Scenes


Unity's default WebGL template is handy but has some shortcomings:

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A player Flying Kit for Unity


Hi all,

As posted before in BabelX3d forum:

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Video 360 is a blast!


An incredible midstep between classic video and virtual reality.

Remember the 360 panorama technique that let us see a place in a 360 degree interactive perspective? This media effect appeared decades ago in VRML (later in several other technologies like Java and Flash) and became popular by the fascinating effect of its use in landscapes, buildings, museums, ... and of course Google Street View, .

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How computer vision, graphics and IA is about to change the world. A practical demonstration!


Yes, we have been hearing such promises for a long time. There are obvious advances in technology but they appear a bit scattered in a wide range of areas lacking integration among them. Because of this we use several devices (partly redundant), spend more money and suffer with their "different" interfaces. 

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