Over time, Windows PCs get slower; it’s the nature of the beast! Read below our 2017 basic advice on free tools and good practices to help restore your computer to its glory days and improve the 3D experience.
Beware that changing stuff in your PC has always some degree of risk. Although the risk is minimized on the proposals made here, before rushing to the tools please read the basics about this subject and do a complete virus scan:
- Microsoft essential info on how to keep/improve PC performance in Windows 10 (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4002019/windows-10-improve-pc-performance).
A - The basics of system maintenance:
- Update your OS. Windows auto update should be enabled in order to get all updates in due time. For security reasons avoid using OS versions prior to Windows 10.
(hint: a recent Windows 10 creators update makes it even safer and with more performance options. Windows update will upgrade automatically when time is right for your system to update. MS does not advise the manual update in order to avoid driver issues and other on older PC's). - Scan for virus and other malware everyday, the quick mode at least. Any serious PC cleaning and optimization should begin with malware scan so, before you get too hip-deep in trying to speed up your PC, a sweep for virus and other malware must be run.
Also, from time to time you should:- Use your antivirus to do a complete virus scan (if you don't have a paid one, Microsoft Windows Defender, the version already included in windows 8 and 10 is adequate).
(hint: since Windows 10 Creators update a new and powerful scan mode is available, "Windows defender offline scan". It restarts the PC and scans it in offline mode. Do it weekly). - As punctual double check it is advisable the use of other more specific tools, such as Malwarebytes (www.malwarebytes.org) which has a free version, to scan your PC from time to time. No need to make Malwarebytes resident in your system. Simply run it periodically.
- malicious-software-removal-tool from Microsoft. This is a program that searches specifically the latest and more significant menaces to your PC. Should be downloaded monthly.
- Use your antivirus to do a complete virus scan (if you don't have a paid one, Microsoft Windows Defender, the version already included in windows 8 and 10 is adequate).
Finally: never install a program in your PC without previously scanning the installer for malware. Even if it comes from your usual software provider or a company you trust.
- Check system files integrity. Sometimes windows system files get damaged and we do not notice it immediately but can originate errors and reduce performance. Windows includes two relevant commands you should use regularly to check and repair system files integrity: SFC & DISM. Get all the info on using them here:
B - Check disks, clean disks, registry and remove unnecessary programs from windows startup:
- Check your disks integrity. Checking your drives for errors every once in a while can help fix some performance issues and avoids damaging or loosing files. Drive errors can usually be caused by bad sectors, improper shutdowns, bad software, corruption, physical damage, etc... To begin the scan, right-click on the Drive which you wish to check and select Properties. Next, click on Tools tab and under Error-checking, click on the Check button (see image). This option will check the drive for file system errors.
- Clean your PC every week. One useful program, Ccleaner (https://www.piriform.com/CCLEANER), does it efficiently:
[A] cleans your temporary/trash files but also [B] your registry. It has other useful functions, one of them [C] assists in editing and removing undesirable (sluggish) programs from windows startup.
Ccleaner is widely used and one of the top popular applications for windows cleaning but there’s much more to it than clicking a single button. You may benefit a lot by knowing a bit more about: How to Use CCleaner
C - Update device drivers:
- Intel Driver update (http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect)
Old drivers can impact negatively on performance. Updated drivers are essential to tune up a PC. Some PC's leading brands come with update driver tools (for the bios, graphic cards, main boards, etc.) installed, but others don't and since windows own update utility (very) rarely updates hardware drivers, your PC may be using some very old drivers (from the nineties, lol). Intel Driver update can help a lot, it scans your PC and updates Intel drivers.
Other vendors of graphic cards, main boards, etc., have their own update tools and/or the updated drivers to install manually.
Remember: always use driver update tools very carefully, because problems may occur otherwise! - Update your graphic card drivers, this is crucial for 3D performance.
- If you still got them from when you bought your PC, you should use those specific vendor tools to update; if not look for them, or updated drivers, in the vendors web site.
- If you know your graphics card engine, AMD, NVIDIA, ..., you can look at their web sites for tools:
These 7 points should be enough for standard users that want to keep the PC safe and with a good level of performance.
If you want to adventure yourself into more deeper waters search the web and you will find plenty of advice but keep in mind that changing stuff in your PC has always some degree of risk. Be careful, don’t just start ripping things out of the OS without knowing what you’re removing.
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