Feed aggregator

Fire Particle Systems by KuJIKA_Pavel

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 21 - 20:26
fire, lava, comet, bubbles. Use only ParticleSystems.
Price $5.00

2K Realistic Rusty Metal Substance by Alessio Regalbuto

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 21 - 20:20
Realistic rusty metal material substance, 2K resolution, highly customizable.

Unlimited combinations of rust and metal properties, including:

- Rust amount
- Rust density
- Rust hue
- Rust saturation
- Rust lightness
- Rust disorder
- Rust opacity

- Metal roughness
- Metal height amount
- Metal ambient occlusion
- Metal tiling amount

This substance can be used to:
- Create realistic 2K resolution metallic materials
- Generate unlimited combinations of realistic metallic materials
- Customize diamond pattern over metallic surface
- Build realistic painted metal

If you liked this asset, feel free to ask me for more and send your feedback to help me create new assets!

Further information about me can be found on my personal website:

Price $4.99

Laboratory Interiors by DNK_DEV

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 21 - 20:18
This pack is suitable for filling horror projects, simulations, etc. In which there are hospitals, labs, isledovatelskie, offices.

Technical Details:
32 Prefab asset models.

- LODs: No
- Collision: Yes
Textures: 2048x2048; 1024x1024

More stuff from me:
Burdock & Reedmace

Abandoned concrete structures. 3d Scan

Door Metal Combination lock.

Village Furniture and Environment

Pack - ECI Environment

Army Security Checkpoint

Brick Fence

PS: I'll be very happy if you leave a review!
Or contact me:
Email | VK Group | Twitter.
Price $20.00

Procedural Tile Materials Pack: 22 pcs by Karen Hovhannisyan

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 21 - 20:15

Introducing you handmade substances and materials pack created with outstanding program Substance Designer!!!


Plug & play: The Substance format is natively supported in applications such as Unreal Engine, Unity, Maya, 3DS Max, Modo and Fuse.

Highly customizable: Create infinite variations using simple sliders to customize your materials in-app.

Lightweight: The Database contains 22 procedural textures, which only weigh a few kilobytes (instead of megabytes).

22 Substances (.sbsar) 

Youtube video is my global package showcase: including this pack

Each Substance features multiple outputs in a single lightweight asset.

Contacts: kar3n.hovhannisyan@gmail.com

For more materials see my page -

Karen Hovhannisyan

Price $20.00

Brick Dodge by Digi Smile Limited

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 21 - 20:13
Keep dodging the falling bricks for as long as possible.
A simple yet challenging game! You control a brick and have to dodge the falling bricks for as long as you can. Each time, 4 bricks will fall down and there is an empty space for just one brick between them and you have to be quick to move to that empty space in time and dodge the other bricks.
Your final score is based on the number of times that you were able to dodge the bricks and you will lose as soon as you hit one the bricks.
Android Demo


Medieval Fortification by 7thDimension

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 21 - 18:42
Pack of six Modular fortification models for your medieval environment.

• PBR materials
• Textures resolution :
- main objects: 4096 x 4096
- small objects: 2048 x 2048
• 6 models
• 6 materials
• 18 textures

Don't forget to leave a review.
Price $5.00

Procedural Ski-Fi Materials Pack: 26 pcs by Karen Hovhannisyan

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 21 - 18:02

Introducing you handmade substances and materials pack created with outstanding program Substance Designer!!!


Plug & play: The Substance format is natively supported in applications such as Unreal Engine, Unity, Maya, 3DS Max, Modo and Fuse.

Highly customizable: Create infinite variations using simple sliders to customize your materials in-app.

Lightweight: The Database contains 26 procedural textures, which only weigh a few kilobytes (instead of megabytes).

26 Substances (.sbsar) 

Youtube video is my global package showcase: including this pack

Each Substance features multiple outputs in a single lightweight asset.

Contacts: kar3n.hovhannisyan@gmail.com

For more materials see my page -

Karen Hovhannisyan

Price $20.00

You Chat by Valeron

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 21 - 17:41
This asset is an excellent base for your future projects, the asset is:

2.Good background
3.Button sprite
4.Change nickname
5.Button exit
6.Detailed instructions for installing and working with the program in 2 languages (Russian and English)

Note:In order to avoid problems before the project build go to the tab layer settings... and enable the function Run In Background*
Price $2.00

Japanese old house_EDO by M.Takano

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 21 - 17:35
This is Japanese old houses pack.
Eight different models and their textures are included.
You can combine these to create an old town.

8 Buildings
Demo scene


Price $5.00

Fast track your development: get further faster with these free productivity tools

Unity Blog - 2017, March 21 - 13:19
Making games is not easy. It takes a lot of time and dedication, especially if you are on your own, learning as you go, or a small team. You might feel like you’re spending the little time you have to work on your project trying to figure things out instead of making progress on the […]

Blood Decals by Karen Hovhannisyan

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 20 - 18:46

Blood decals.

Package contains:

9 different blood decals

2 type of blood: light and dark

package also contains transparent black cut of images


Contacts: kar3n.hovhannisyan@gmail.com

For other my assets visit my page -

Karen Hovhannisyan

Price $5.00

AE2Unity(Pro): After Effect To Unity Animation by OnePStudio

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 20 - 18:44

This is the full version with all source code inside, if you just need to import from After Effect to Unity, you can purchase this tool (http://u3d.as/j5o). if you want to have full source code for editable and write extra additional features, this package is suitable for you.

- High performance using native Unity Animation system. Support export Sprite, Atlas, UGUI, NGUI...
- Full support for skeleton & generation of bone hierarchy
- Capture and play full animation exactly as seen in Adobe After Effects.
- Automatically build and optimize atlas sprites; auto-generate pivot points.
- Auto-generate Mechanism Animators and animation clips.
- Full control and access via Unity animation system.
- No plugin or library requirements. Just native Unity animation and code for best performance.
- Easy to use. - Support resize Atlas Image (1024 to 512,256...or what ever texture size you want). - Support work directly from Photoshop & Adobe illustrator file in After Effect
-Compatible to run with Unity 4.6 and above(all license free/pro), Unity 5.0 and above.
This tool is not support shape and mesh deformation yet.

Contact us: Email: onepstudio@gmail.com
Price $299.99

Collecting effect by LunarCats Studio

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 20 - 18:43
The Collecting effect package is an easy / ready to use solution for collecting items effect, perfectly suited for 2D games.
The prefabs and the animation are fully customizable : control the speed, the emission rate and more!

This assets will help you enhance your players experience.

All source script is documented. Package includes:
- Demo UI scene
- 2D Plateform demo scene
- Gem and coin sprites
- Collecting sound effect
- Scripts and prefabs

Lunar Cats Studio
Web Site: Lunar Cats Studio
E-mail: lunar.cats.studio@gmail.com
Facebook: Lunar-Cats-Studio
Price $3.00

Low-Poly Ice World by False Wisp Studios

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 20 - 18:43
A stylised low-poly ice/winter world environment.

This package includes:

- 2 Different Caves
- 3 Different Dead Trees / Big Logs
- 20 Different Ice Floes
- 4 Different Ice Pillars
- 4 Different Ice Pillars With Plateau
- 4 Different Pine Trees
- 6 Different Rocks
- 5 Different Assets To Create Climbing Ropes
- Aurora
- Bridges (with support / without support)
- Bridge support extension
- Campfire Big (burning / burnt)
- Campfire Small (burning / burnt)
- Flag With Cloth Physics
- Log Cabin
- Log Pile
- Log
- Skybox Day
- Skybox Night

With all assets in use, this package uses 13 materials.
Price $9.00

Photon Bolt by Exit Games

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 20 - 18:43
### NEW: Now with Matchmaking and Relay Service powered by Photon Cloud - 100 CCU Included ###

Peer-to-peer networking engine for Unity realtime multiplayer games

* NEW - Photon's matchmaking service is now included
* NEW - No p2p connection issues as Photon's relay service always connects your players
* Bolt works perfectly on the free version of Unity
* Replicate both game object transforms and user-definable properties automatically, no need for any code. Everything is neatly accessible through a visual editor which lets you define and customize properties at a detailed level.
* Replicate mecanim animations automatically over the network, giving you perfectly replicated animations for all your characters, again without any custom code required.
* If you are building an authoritative game you will enjoy the built in solutions for both authoritative movement with client-side prediction and lag compensated ray-casting.

Read more on our website, check out our online docs and API documentation.
Price $95.00

PBR Workshop by Tirgames assets

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 20 - 18:36
High Quality Workshop with over 35 tools
> Materials - Albedo/Metallic/Normal/AO
> Textures - 1024 to 4096
> LOD groups- tools have 1-2 LODs
> Colliders - Optimized Colliders or Convex
> Demo scene - RealtimeGI/Bloom
Import Standart Assets before importing package and change Color Space to Linear
Similar assets: PBR Garage | PBR Tools

Price $30.00

SD_Warrior_Lowpoly character by dings

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 20 - 18:35
Requires Unity 3.5.7 or higher.
- 2966 tris (Include weapon: 278 tris)
- 1699 verts ( weapon: 143 verts )
- It is set to Biped and Bone
>>Includes original MAX file (Max Ver. 2012)
>>Texture Size : character 1024*1024 , weapon 512*256
Includes 9 Animations:
- Idle
- Run
- Attack
- Guard Attack
- Guard Attack_02
- Skill
- Damage
- Stun
- Death
[My Blog]
Price $28.00

Scifi Battleship Monarch by MSGDI

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 20 - 18:32
This pack contains a Monarch scifi battleship with weapons and equipment. It can be used in space RTS games or in a topdown or sidescroller game. It can also be used in a 3rd person spaceship shooter.

- Scifi battleship
- Modular design
- Turrets, missile silo, radar
- 1 torpedo + 2 missiles included
- Detailed hangar interior
- 7 different texture sets
- PSD with intact layers is included
- All models have 0 rotation
- PBR textures for the unity 5 standard shader (specular)
- Ready to use prefabs of all models are provided
- Texture sizes are 4096 and 1024
- Tris count ca. 15900
- Final tris count depends on how many weapons are used for the ship

Price $25.00

PBRGarage by Tirgames assets

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 20 - 18:30
High Quality PBR Garage (small warehouse):
> Garage - 11516 Polys / 4 Materials
> Garage Door - 5830 Polys / 1 Material
> Door - 1250 Polys / 1 Material
> Lamp - 1000 Polys / 1 Material
Import Standart Assets before importing package

Similar assets: Workshop | Tools | Props

Price $10.00

Casino Dealer Pack by Bunt Games

Asset Store newest packages - 2017, March 20 - 18:23
Casino Dealer Pack
9+ casino dealer characters included.
Resolution : Res1500 x 4000 pixels
Photoshop source file(PSD) included.
More characters will be added.

Case using : Link

Homepage : Link
YouTube : Link
Facebook : Link

Price $20.00


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