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The newest packages in the Unity Asset Store.
Updated: 8 min 53 sec ago

3D LowPoly HeroCharacter Mobile-ready by BIGINDA

2017, March 27 - 23:38
3d Cartoon - Low poly character - !!Mobile ready!! -over 15 animations -2 different outfits -1 rifle
Price $10.00

luxury car 2 by Mehdi Rabiee

2017, March 27 - 23:31
Luxury car 2


* Low poly

poly count: 30000 tris.

* Textures size : 2048 * 2048 (BMP)

* Textures High Quality

* inside design

* ability open doors


Price $25.00

luxury car 1 by Mehdi Rabiee

2017, March 27 - 23:30
Luxury car 1


* Low poly

poly count: 32000 tris.

* Textures size : 2048 * 2048 (BMP)

* Textures High Quality

* inside design

* ability open doors


Price $25.00

"Trio" Double-Barreled Flintlock Rifle by Don_Falcone

2017, March 27 - 22:49
The intended use of these models is the game of the first or third person.

High resolution textures exported out of Substance Painter. Materials, meshes and texture names follow an easy to understand naming convention. Every element per weapon which requires animation has been detached and given the proper name. Each weapon material has the same name as the textures for it. You can downscale the textures from 4K to 2K or 1K depending on your needs but you'll get the highest resolution to decide for yourself.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Rig, animations, arms or sounds are not included! Weapon models and textures only.

Technical Details

Texture Size: 4096x4096 (png)
Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Polycount: 4667 trisses
3 skins: Aristocratic, Classic and Darkwave editions
LODs: None

Let me know if you have any questions.You can write to my email.
Price $14.95

Character Werwolf by Maksim Bugrimov

2017, March 27 - 22:48
Characters Werewolf for Most of the games.
Characters can be inserted into an RPG,
Shooter, Horror, fantasy.
Location of creating a forest,
swamps,caves,sewers and other dark places.

Character Werewolf

PBR textures(Metallic Sheder)

Contains 13 animations

-Get Hit(401-430)

PBR textures.

(all 2048-2048 size)

Polys: 7,579

Tris: 13,979

Verts: 7,669

Price $24.90

Sound Setup Props by MeowingMammoth

2017, March 27 - 22:44
The perfect bundle of Modern sound system (Speakers, DJ deck, Boombox, Spotlight).

Sound Setup Props includes:

7 different speakers with average tris of 90.
Boombox - 522 Tris
DJ Deck - 1602 Tris
DJ Table - 12 Tris
SpotLight - 160 Tris

FBX file with all objects included. Set up prefabs with Diffuse and Specular maps.
Price $5.20

ORCSLAND by Craftwork Mobile

2017, March 27 - 22:39
This package is MOBILE FRIENDLY.

Enjoy atmosphere of Orcsland in SHOW REEL

This pack contains 116 prefabs to construct your very own MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena), RPG, Strategy or Tower Defense Game.
With a wide range of plants, trees, bushes, rocks and stones, miners stuff and much more. Of course You can use this pack not only on mobiles.

Triangle counts, materials and textures strongly optimized for best performance on mobile devices without loosing quality and beauty.

116 prefabs
163 meshes
11 visual effects
19 materials (default mobile shaders)
19 textures

If you like this package - please rate it and post a review below. Also check my other packages by clicking on my publisher name. Thanks!
Price $65.00

Buggy v1 by Rusik3Dmodels

2017, March 27 - 22:37
Hi, I want to introduce you to May, a new model with realistic animation Buggy suspension.
Texture 2048x2048
Texture 4096x4096
3000 poligons.
The DEMO folder contains customized Buggy models.C# Script
Price $12.00

Persistent Save Data - Try It by caLLowCreation

2017, March 27 - 22:34
Try it free, complete asset package for use with no restrictions in the Editor Only.

With Persistent Save Data any Unity developer can save and load data cross-platform in many ways. The main purpose of this asset is to provide an easy way to accomplish this task without the need to write a single line of code. Just add a Persistent component and you choose the data to save/load in the the inspector. Out of the box the basic data formats are available: JSON, Binary (Serialization), XML, CSV and PlayerPrefs.

Persistent Save Data works without the need to script/code anything. This package was designed from the ground up to provide a robust and flexible component based persistent system. Just add a component and select the properties you would like to persist.

Persistent Save Data was developed to be extensible for the coders out there. With the API you can create new save/load data formats and data types. Primitive data types are supported but any data type can be added with ease as the example scripts provided will show.

Slide Tutorial - Readme - YouTube Playlist

- NO setup required.
- Completly component based.
- Save/Load multiple formats (ie XML and JSON) at once without code.
- Save/Load primitives, vectors, colors and more without code.
- Update other object from save/load data without code.
- Compatible with 2D and 3D projects
- Example code provided
- **Any public field or property can be saved/loaded from any component without coding
- Custom Unity property inspector
- Extensible API to create your own formats and data types.

** A custom formatter and Parser may need to be written. Contact us for help if needed!


Persistent Save Data by caLLowCreation

2017, March 27 - 22:33

With Persistent Save Data any Unity developer can save and load data cross-platform in many ways. The main purpose of this asset is to provide an easy way to accomplish this task without the need to write a single line of code. Just add a Persistent component and you choose the data to save/load in the the inspector. Out of the box the basic data formats are available: JSON, Binary (Serialization), XML, CSV and PlayerPrefs.

Persistent Save Data works without the need to script/code anything. This package was designed from the ground up to provide a robust and flexible component based persistent system. Just add a component and select the properties you would like to persist.

Persistent Save Data was developed to be extensible for the coders out there. With the API you can create new save/load data formats and data types. Primitive data types are supported but any data type can be added with ease as the example scripts provided will show.

Slide Tutorial - Readme - YouTube Playlist

- NO setup required.
- Completly component based.
- Save/Load multiple formats (ie XML and JSON) at once without code.
- Save/Load primitives, vectors, colors and more without code.
- Update other object from save/load data without code.
- Compatible with 2D and 3D projects
- Example code provided
- **Any public field or property can be saved/loaded from any component without coding
- Custom Unity property inspector
- Extensible API to create your own formats and data types.

** A custom formatter and Parser may need to be written. Contact us for help if needed!

Price $15.00

Wheelchair - Fully Rigged - Multiple Colors by MultiFlagStudios

2017, March 27 - 22:31
This modern everyday wheelchair pack comes with 6 different colors, a fully rigged version as well as a lower detail version meant for use as a LOD or on projects not in need of the higher detailed one.
The chairs are:

6716 verts
4904 verts

A demo scene displaying all colors and variations is included.

Like what you see? Have a look at our other packs:

Click Here!

Price $2.50

Stone Well by Stanislav Sivachek

2017, March 27 - 22:28
3d model of stone well
Sketchfab link: stoneWell
model contains:
2930 triangles;
2275 vertices.
color (2048x2048 px);
normal map (2048X2048 px);
metallicSmothness (2048X2048 px);
ambient Occlusion (2048X2048 px);

Price $30.00

59 HQ Hand Painted Grass & Tree by Super Brutal Assets

2017, March 27 - 22:27
High-Quality hand painted day, evening and night grass & tree backgrounds pefects for a RPG, a role, or a dungeon fantasy game.

Subscribe to our newsletter for our news about new asserts, offers, promotions, gifts and our monthly raffle. If you subscribe to our newsletter, you will participate in our monthly raffle where you can win a free asset! You could subscribe to our mailing list in the following link:

Price $2.50

Toon Soldier Male by HorngYeuan Digital

2017, March 27 - 22:24
Toon Soldier Male Pack:

This pack contains cute 3D Middle-Ages soldier models.

- Male soldier
Triangles: 753 ; Texture res: 512x512

- Male soldier (Royal Guard)
Triangles: 770 ; Texture res: 512x512

Price $4.00

Toon Soldier Female by HorngYeuan Digital

2017, March 27 - 22:23
Toon Soldiers Female Pack:

This pack contains cute 3D Middle-Ages soldier models.

- Female soldier
Triangles: 724 ; Texture res: 512x512

- Female soldier (Knight)
Triangles: 745 ; Texture res: 512x512

Price $4.00

Bridge by Arman 3DG STUDIO

2017, March 27 - 21:42

The bridge was built by real dimensions
Dimensions textures [1024x1024] [256x256]

The road consists of cracks and dirt
You can remove the crack and dirt
There are tram lines, and a pedestrian road
Rusty bridge
Texture format. *jpg *PNG
Prefab [+]

Price $5.00

Win and Lose Vol.4 - Organ by Alchemy Studio - Matteo Bosi

2017, March 27 - 21:38
Initial release! Buy it now and get the future updates for free!

A collection of 10 "win" and 10 "fail" organ phrases played live with an hammond. In retro style, perfect for casual and retro games.

You also get 2 loops and 10 misc" clips, useful for different game events.

This is the initial release of the pack. In the near future it will be updated with a lot of more content: up to 40 win clips, up to 40 fail clips, more than 30 misc phrase and more than 10 mini loops.

Price $4.99

Octopus toon by lachin

2017, March 27 - 21:37
Octopus toon model
PBR textures (2048x2048 Albedo,Metallic,Normal)
Tentacles move freely due to the physics of Unity (Hinge Joint)
LOD0 Verts 34,045 Faces 34,038 Tris 68,076
LOD1 Verts 8,502 Faces 8,524 Tris 16,990
No Animations(!)

Price $10.00

ScreenShotMer by Tachyon

2017, March 27 - 21:35
ScreenShotMer by Tahion Studios


Best flexible Screenshot Tool for Unity Editor
- Preview Window with all Cameras for best screenshot position;
- Supportt different Resolutions
- Support Custom Resolutions
- Support up to 8K Screenhots
- Full source code

Price $9.99

Shadow Detect by Gloomy Glow Studio

2017, March 27 - 21:31

Hi, I'm a young developer whose the pseudo is Kayuzo. I have been working with Unity for 4 years. I have worked on many projects, and I’m embarking on a personal project. For this purpose, and to share my passion, I will put at the disposal the tools, scripts and other assets that I would have created for my video game Gloomy Glow.


This first tool is Shadow Detect. This is a easy way to detect that your character enters in a shadow. This script uses the raycasting system of Unity. This script is used to call event when a character enters (or exit) in a shadow, or detect the object which makes this shadow.

You can modify the “Shadow Detect” easily to evolve it. I’ll try to improve this script according to your comments. Do not hesitate if you have any questions or to give me any advices.

Supports on all plateforms
If you have any questions:
Price $7.00
