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The newest packages in the Unity Asset Store.
Updated: 3 min 48 sec ago

Magical Rock by Old Tree Studio

2017, November 1 - 21:58
This is a model of a Magical Rock.

The prefab is composed of 3 LODs
- LOD2 : 772 tris (low poly)
- LOD1 : 4 632 tris
- LOD0 : 18 528 tris (high definition)

The rock has got 2 states :

1. Magic : Animated with green texture and sound fx, a visible diamond with emissive texture.

2. Normal : Animation stopped, no green texture, diamond invisible and no more sound fx.

It's ready to use, properly scripted with an interface to dynamically switch between the two states in an easy way.
Price $0.00

2D game sprites pack by Sergey Kornev

2017, November 1 - 21:41
This is a set of sprites for your game. The set consists of 47 individual sprites.

Resolution of each image 1024x1024.

Here is a list of all the sprites...
coin with "c" symbol, coin with dollar symbol,
aid kit with green cross, aid kit with red cross,
repair key,
shield, sword,
blue key, green key, red key, yellow key,
closed blue lock, closed green lock,
closed red lock, closed yellow lock,
open blue lock, open green lock,
open red lock, open yellow lock,
blue exclamation mark,
green exclamation mark,
red exclamation mark,
yellow exclamation mark,
blue question mark, green question mark,
red question mark, yellow question mark,
blue large potion, blue middle potion,
blue small potion,
green large potion, green middle potion,
green small potion,
purple large potion, purple middle potion,
purple small potion,
red large potion, red middle potion,
red small potion,
yellow large potion, yellow middle potion,
yellow small potion.

Price $3.00

Fork Particle Celebration Pack by Fork Particle

2017, November 1 - 21:28

Do you want celebration VFX after level completion or any stage of your Game? Are you looking for some high quality Confetti, Party Poppers and some Stylized Fireworks for your projects? This Celebration Pack is for YOU then.


1) Diverse Celebration VFX
2) Free Unity plugin to run these effects as is

Fork Particle Celebration Pack includes multi behavior high quality stylized celebration particle effects ready to use for your Unity Games. Available for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android

The Celebration pack includes VFX related to Winning points, Level Completion effects, multi behavior Confetti and party showers and much more. You can use these effects as is or tweak to your project needs for example color, scale, and other attributes.

Crafted in Fork Particle studio, A real-time particle FX solution to create fantastic particles effects.


1) Confetti Balloons
2) Confetti Ribbons
3) Confetti Stars
4) Ribbons Shower
5) Stars Shower
6) Cartoon Fireworks 1
7) Cartoon Fireworks 2
8) Coins Spray
9) Fountain Coins 1
10) Fountain Coins 2
11) Winning Points 1
12) Winning Points 2
13) Winning Points 3

Get full Windows Mac Plugin to create super awesome particle effects for your PC Games

Create awesome VFX for Mobile games with our iOS and Android Plugin

Fork Particle Forums

Fork Particle on Unity Forums

Fork Particle Website
Price $2.00

3D Coins pack (PBR) by Lightning Man

2017, November 1 - 21:21

Pack includes 3 detailed coins with PBR materials. Penny, nickel, and dime. Objects are scaled to real-world values.

All textures are 2048x2048. Albedo, metallic, normal, and occlusion included.

570 verts, 560 tris

Demo scene from preview video included.

Price $5.00

Road Creation by Mabega

2017, November 1 - 21:04
The Road Creation Asset is a scipt libary to create grid based roads.

- define your own road kinds
set your individual road segments with mesh and material.

- roads with edges

- road segment merging for better performance

The example scene contains:
- road placement and road removement during run mode
- two kinds of roads

Price $38.00

Simple Sonar Shader by Drew Okenfuss

2017, November 1 - 20:53
This shader lets you make waves go across objects in your scene! You can customize this shader to look many different ways to fit your needs.

Customizable Features:
- Color
- Texture
- Width
- Speed
- Range
- Color Intensity
- Number of concurrent rings

Price $0.00

EC725 Caracal by Thibault Jaouen

2017, November 1 - 20:42
3D Model "EC725 Caracal"

3 LOD :

Lod0 = 35410 Tri
Lod1 = 14541 Tri
Lod2 = 9778 Tri

Texture size : 4096x4096 px

Maps : Albedo, Metallic, Normal, Occlusion

Extra Maps : Curvature, Ddna, Gloss, ObjectSpaceNormals, Rglossiness, Roughness, XYZgradiant, Id, Uv.

Extra Flat Blades

Custom Mesh Colliders

PSD Source Files

Demo Scene (Trailer Scene)

New Content in progress

Any questions?
  o 0

Price $35.00

Ultimate Progress Bar by Adham

2017, November 1 - 20:18
Ultimate Progress Bar is the easiest progress bar solution in unity. In just a few clicks, you implement a nice looking and powerful progress bar in your unity game project, which is also adapted to mobile platforms.
You can use the sprites included in this package or you can use your own sprites.
The package contains:
- 1 linear progress bar prefab
- 1 circular progress bar prefab
- progress bar sprites:
- 1 violet progress bar
- 1 green progress bar
- 1 blue progress bar
- 1 green circular progress bar
- progress bar script

Price $1.99

Adventure Loot Pack by The Pocket Dimension

2017, November 1 - 20:17
This set contains 75 high quality assets, ideal for a Medieval/Fantasy setting. You can use it as a starter pack for your first person or third person game or spice up your current project. It includes a wide variety of assets from weapons to food and jewelry and provides the basic supply for your new game project.

Showcase Video: AdventureLootPack

- Highly optimized game ready assets with AAA quality
- Nicely rendered icons for each object, ready to use for an inventory system (with and without background)
- Nearly every asset has 1-3 LODs
- Some assets like the potions, books and ingots have different materials for more variation

Technical Details

Physically-Based Rendering: Yes
Collision: No Collision
Vertex Count: 8 - 3050
LODs: 0-3
Meshes: 79
Materials: 48
Textures: 182
Icons: 169

The Pocket Dimension on Artstation
Price $89.99

Simple XML Inventory by Glitch Squirrel

2017, November 1 - 20:15

Simple inventory interface with XML Save & Load ability.

— C#
— XML Save & Load
— Based on Unity UI systems and layouts, no custom design and ready for UI designers.
— Drag&Drop controls.
— Demo resources.

Online documentation


Thank you for use the Glitch Squirrel products!
Leave your comments so we can improve the service.
Price $10.00

Zero Gravity Part One by Poly Workshop Oy

2017, November 1 - 18:42
Feedback / support / product updates:

The first installment of the Zero Gravity asset series. Designed for high-end desktops, the package provides you with the tools to build stunning sci-fi themed environments, and with the combination of powerful Shader Forge-based shaders, tune the mood of your environment from brand new, to old and abandoned.

The package features meshes with face weighted normals, tiling base materials, and detail decals to ensure the best possible visual quality even at very close distances. Base materials feature multiple parameters such as; Base Roughness, Roughness variation, Material color, color variation, Material variation ( create cracked or chipped paint etc), texture and variation sizes, and more.

Package includes:

· 59 Prefabs which include: Walls, Panels, Windows, Props and more
·77 texture assets which include different types of PBR materials, and masks used for material customization
· 4 Custom Shader Forge based PBR shaders with up to 28 different parameters
· Asset overview scene

Package features
· High-quality meshes with face weighted normals
· Highly customizable base materials
· Decal textures for details
· Fully PBR textures sourced from scanned data
· Variation masks used for roughness and material variation

Price $29.00

FancyScrollView by setchi

2017, November 1 - 18:41
It is a general-purpose ScrollView component that can implement highly flexible animation. It also supports infinite scrolling. This library is free and opensource on GitHub. More info, supports and sourcecodes, see
Price $0.00

Wallpaper Setter by 0RUBE

2017, November 1 - 18:30
Your game looks great...
and some player's might want to have an epic cutscene moment/ screenshot/ building/ etc. from your game as their wallpaper!

This package allows you to do just that! Save a screenshot/ camera/ texture to the file system and set it as the Windows desktop background or Android homescreen wallpaper easily!
Price $5.00

Enkar Republic Interceptor Larham by MSGDI

2017, November 1 - 18:13
This pack contains a Larham interceptor of the Enkar Republic with weapons. It can be used in space RTS games or in a topdown or sidescroller game. It can also be used in a 3rd person spaceship shooter.

- Scifi fighter
- Modular design
- Beam laser, plasma canon and missile launcher
- 1 torpedo + 1 missiles included
- 6 different texture sets
- PSD with intact layers is included
- All models have 0 rotation
- PBR textures for the unity 5 standard shader (specular)
- Ready to use prefabs of all models are included
- Texture sizes are 2048 and 1024
- Tris count ca. 7134
- Final tris count depends on how many weapons are used for the ship

Price $15.00

Spiderling SimP Series by Mesh Tint

2017, November 1 - 18:10
Click here to see more products in our Unity Asset Store.

SimP Series monsters are simple and stylized. They are easy to use and fit well with other SimP Series assets like Environment Pack SimP and Character Creator SimP . Recommended to get them all to create a consistent look.

This is pack consists of Spiderling. Spiderling is a mutated giant spider. Suitable to use it as an enemy. It can use its front claws to attack its opponents or bite to poison. Spiderling is rigged and animated.12 animations in total. Generic Mecanim rig set up. Triangle count is 1108. Textures are available in 3 colors. Spiderling is textured with solid colours and it won't get pixelated even when you view it up close with a VR headset. Can be used for VR game!

See forum here.

Please see images and Youtube video for animations and model preview before purchase.

- Idle
- Move Forward Slow With Root Motion
- Move Forward Slow Without Root Motion
- Move Forward Fast With Root Motion
- Move Forward Fast Without Root Motion
- Claw Attack
- Bite Attack
- Spell Cast
- Jump
- Take Damage
- Die 01
- Die 02

Price $9.90

Particle Force Fields by Mirza Beig

2017, November 1 - 18:02

Attract, repel, seek, cycle, and create particle-based chaos in your games!

Particle Force Fields (“PFF”) is a set of custom components for using optimized spherical force volumes with Unity’s powerful native particle system known as Shuriken.

NOTE: This package is included with Ultimate VFX.

Check out the demos!

× ❰❰ WINDOWS DEMO ❱❱ ×
× ❰❰ ANDROID DEMO (APK) ❱❱ ×

Easily create amazing 2D and 3D physics-based particle effects without overriding any of Shuriken’s existing module settings. This non-destructive behaviour allows you to combine several force field types on the same particle system(s) to create dynamic interactions with tens of thousands of particles in your games (at runtime!) - all just by adjusting a few exposed variables.

You can read the online documentation so you know exactly what you're buying:


Compatible with all platforms supported by Unity (desktop, mobile, consoles, etc...).

Currently, there are three primary fields to work with, and the possiblity of more being added in the future:

● Attraction
● Vortex
● Turbulence

All source code is included. Advanced users can even extend the base class to add custom force fields.

Price $10.00

Anti-Memory-Hacking and modulation detector by Jeesun Back

2017, November 1 - 17:58
Anti-Memory-Hacking and Detector
* Strong Memory encryption.
* Memory modulation detector.
* Support for multi-platform
- Windows( DLL )
- OSX( Bundle )
- Android( dynamic libarary .so )
- iOS ( dynamic library .a )

Price $45.00

Low Poly Cartoon Town by Gamester

2017, November 1 - 17:57
A simple cartoon asset pack of buildings,vehicles, and props to create an cartoon urban city based game.
Create contrasting colour designs with contrasting colours,like a warm and cool colour mix. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations.
Meanwhile,All the scene model is just one colour map.
mobile-friendly low poly asset containing many elements that can be used to create a town with a nice cartoon style.
Price $15.99

Simple Dynamic Occlusion Culling for Procedural Games by Simeon Pfeiffer

2017, November 1 - 17:52
Occlusion culling is a great way to optimize your game's performance. The idea behind this technique is that only stuff that is visible to the camera should be rendered and objects that are occluded and therefor invisible to the camera are not rendered.

In what way is this solution unique?
There is a build in occlusion culling system within Unity3D. That system, however, needs to be manually setup and does not support procedural worlds or dungeons.

There are other assets that accomplish occlusion culling by raycasting from the camera to every single object in the scene, which is more accurate, but very expensive and as an approach not at all scalable for larger projects. This small script however uses a linear and heavily optimized approach. It works by dynamically configuring the far clipping plane whenever the view of the camera is completely obstructed - which can be checked with a very limited and fixed number of raycasts.

What can I expect if inside a cave/building or behind a very large object?

* Fewer draw calls
* Fewer Tris and Verts
* Fewer shadow casters
* Better shadow quality

Will this help me?
This script is meant for procedural worlds that are completely indoors or that mix open worlds with closed spaces. It's highly optimized so there should be very little overhead whenever the occlusion culling is not working. When the occlusion culling is working it should save you much more CPU/GPU time than it costs.
If your game does have large mountains or other large objects or closed spaces like caves or interiors of buildings than this script may greatly help improve your performance within those areas by culling stuff the player can't see.

Can this be integrated in my project?
Most likely, yes. It's just a single script that has to be attached to your camera.
Price $5.00

Moon Terrain Pack by Svchost74

2017, November 1 - 17:36
Moon Terrain Pack. Ready for VR! This pack contains the following:
- 5 Big Terrains.
- Parallax Terrain shader.
- Terrain texture maps (normal/color/height).
and HI-RES ground textures
- Skybox
and others
Need to use Linear ColorSpace!
And THIS settings ......................................................................

Price $30.00
