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The newest packages in the Unity Asset Store.
Updated: 8 min 1 sec ago

Land Maps Pack by Sowic Games

2018, January 9 - 00:19
Land Maps Pack

Requires Unity 2017.1.0 or higher.

Land Maps Pack

Requires Unity 2017.1.0 or higher.

BONUS: Sources in AI format included

Land Maps Pack is great mega pack for your Best game.

Asset include:

* PNG and AI formats

* 5 seamless maps (1536 px * 2048 px)

Support contact

Available for freelance

Thank you for choosing our product!

Price $15.00

Advanced Tank Controller by RIBIT

2018, January 9 - 00:17
Advanced tank controller is a very useful and powerful asset to configure your tank within seconds.

Features :

1. Physics compatible with mobile as well as PC.
2. Only Rigidbody and Wheels Colliders used to configure the tank.
3. No FPS spikes.(Ran at 100FPS while testing).
4. Object pooling used for spawning Bullets.
5. A free tank model with two sound effects and two Particle effects included.
6 . Compatible with all the platforms.
7. Creates wheel colliders for you in one click.

This Asset is not useful for a very realistic tank simulation games.This Asset is targeted for people who want to add tank to their game with affordable physics. For Support :
Price $14.99

Realistic Sports Car HD by AthensDazzle

2018, January 9 - 00:10
Ultra high definition car with extreme exterior detailing. Fully customizable car with built in UI. High definition for HD TPS experience. Can be used for VR/AR/mobile projects.

Technical Details
Wheel poly count 1261(x4)
Total Mesh tris - 34k

Texture size: -Body paint and parts: 2048 -Interior: 2048 -Wheels: 1024 -Lights Emissive: 512

- Car Suspension and Momentum Scripts for realistic physics and Camera script for 'shaky' effect with speed and 360 rotation around vehicle.

- UI options include -
(Slider) Wheel Size F/R
(Slider) Wheel Collider Radius F/R
(Slider) Wheel Suspention Distance F/R (Toggle) Lights (Toggle) Spoliers

- All materials using PBR Unity Standard shader. Albedo, metallic, smoothness, normal and occlusion textures included.
- Emissive texture for lights included with light flares toggle as UI.
- You can make custom painting for body and interior.
- Clear and optimized geometry.
- Normally textured Interior with an inbuilt Driver.
- Separated and properly aligned four wheels, brake discs and brake calipers. Works perfectly with Unity Vehicle.
- Car Momentum can be optimised along with suspension.
- Car paint colour and smoothness can be optimised along with all wheel collider properties set as UI .
- UI has been added on screen realtime to get Garage customisation.
-Added Reflection Probe to get a realistic glow like you see in the screenshots

*** Please Watch The Video To Get An Idea About Aesthetics Of The Car


If You like this product, please rate and comment, it is much appreciated!

Support Email:
Price $35.00

Christmas toon kids by JBGarraza

2018, January 9 - 00:08
Toon kids are dressed up for christmas. Four models, Santa Claus, Mrs Claus, male elf and female elf with 24 animations.
The elfs have several hats, clothes and textures for you to choose.
14 prefabs included.

Humanoid avatar.
67 png textures from 1024*1024 to 256*256.

Kid Claus 2634 vertices 4921faces
Mrs Claus 2806vertices 5162faces

24 animations: idle, walk, run, jump, runjump, fall, freefall, land, turn right 45, turn right 90, turn left 45, turn left 90, bellidle, bellbell1, bellbell2, bellbell3, clauslaugh, claustalk1, claustalk2, sing1, sing2, sing3, singscore1, singscore2.
Price $20.00

GeoAR Mapper by Mad Cat

2018, January 9 - 00:03
Plugin for placing objects with a given geo coordinates to the correct position in AR scene.

Usage is simple:
- put GeoARObserver component on your AR camera
- put GeoARLocation component on your object

That's it, if your AR camera is being tracked and replicates phone movements - then you'll start seeing the object as if it was located at the given coordinates.

Plugin uses compass heading to approximate device orientation in world until it gets a reliable location based readings. So, tracking starts nearly immediate and gets more accurate as more precise location data is obtained.

Compatible with ARKit plugin for Unity.

For testing in editor you can override camera location with coordinates typed in camera inspector.
When testing on device, you can enable the track recording option in GeoARObserver, in this case internal state of the plugin will be recorded and can be reviewed in editor (Window > Track Viewer).

Price $15.00

Free Low Poly Desert Pack by 23 Space Robots and Counting...

2018, January 8 - 23:52

The Free Low Poly Desert Pack Kit is a pack of assets for those who want to create low poly desert enviroments. All models are vertex colored and in FBx format.
These models are part of our other low poly pack, "Low Poly Desert Starter Kit" ! Check it out for complete package.
All assets with low poly counts (16 ~ 388 tris), good for mobile games!

- Vertex colored assets.
- 9 types of assets with 2 versions of colors (9 with flat color and 9 with mixed colors).
- Ready to use unity prefabs.

The package includes:
- 1x Bone
- 2x Cactus
- 1x Terrain
- 2x Trees
- 1x Plant
- 1x Rock
- 1x Well
All you need to create a beautiful low poly desert game!

Featured Assets:

Price $0.00

Builder Kit by Ale Ricatti

2018, January 8 - 23:49
Builder Kit is a construction system that comes with all the scripts you need to develop a game based on house/office building. It also contains a sample set of assets and a base scene that can be used as a template for your own project. The kit is built on top of a set of scripts that make adding new objects and functionality straightforward and simple, with custom behavior for common objects, walls, floor tiles, doors/windows, and roof already included.
Price $70.00

Easy Main Menu Free by Walled City Infotech

2018, January 8 - 23:04
This is a #Free Demo version of the Easy Main Menu for you to try before buy.


In this Free Version You will get all the Main Menu elements and animation transitions which are present in the paid version.


Easy Main Menu is your one stop solution for all the things you want to have in a menu :

- Start Game
* New Game
* Save/Load Game

- Options
* Game Options
* Graphics Options
* Control Changing Options

- Pause Menu

- Loading Screen with transitions

- Screen Fader

- FREE Cube Character Example Scene Included

- Quit Game


Now Create Main Menu System in 1 second!
- Alt + Shift + L for Loading Screen
- Alt + Shift + M for Main Menu
- Alt + Shift + G for Gameplay UI
- Alt + Shift + T for Save Game Trigger
See it in action!


PC Demo Link (Google Drive):
Easy Main Menu Pc Build

Documentation (Google Drive):
Easy Main Menu Documentation

YouTube Tuts :
Easy Main Menu 101

Forum thread :
Unity Forums

Buy Easy Main Menu now from the
Asset Store
Sellfy Store

Note : It's 20% Off on Sellfy Store, you can buy this from there as well at much lower price!
This Asset includes my all the other assets worth 20$ :
- Easy Audio Utility - 5$
- Easy Input Utility - 5$
- Easy Graphics Utility - 5$
- Easy Save Load Utility - 5$
Price $0.00

School Bus with LOD by Enozone

2018, January 8 - 22:57
This is a school bus with level of detail.

Objects :
> LODgroup:
> 1. School bus LOD 00: 27469 tris / 19 materials
> 2. School bus LOD 01: 2001 tris / 2 materials

UnWrapped UVs :Yes, non-overlapping
Ambiant Occlusion : Yes
Animations : None, but ready to be animated: well-positioned pivots for doors and wipers.

If you have troubles or questions, please contact us at assetstore ( at ) !

Best Regards,
Price $35.00

Tiling Material Pack 120+ by Noseams

2018, January 8 - 22:48
Resolution 512x512.
Material and texture.

Download(Windows PC)

Web page
Price $14.00

Action Rpg Loot by REXARD

2018, January 8 - 22:47
A set of 124 full-size hand drawn Action RPG Loot items. All items are of a high quality and implemented in a professional level. A good choice for any game in the fantasy style. All items have transparent background.

- Png;
- 124 unique items in total;
- All items have transparent background.
Price $10.00

Kahuna Audio Manager by Kahuna Studios

2018, January 8 - 22:23
The Kahuna Audio Manager is an audio playback system that is easy to use with minimal coding required. Key Features:

* Easy Integration
* Easy to load sounds and music
* Playback audio and music using a single line of code.

Price $5.00

VR Console by Vaki Games

2018, January 8 - 22:09
Decrease your development time with VR Console!

Video demonstration - Forum - Publisher site

-Fast to setup
-Support any VR hardware and desktop
Price $7.00

Terrain Former Lite by Jesse Stiller

2018, January 8 - 22:03
Terrain Former Lite is a more affordable version of Terrain Former with the same productive core like the regular version of Terrain Former. The main difference between the full and lite versions of Terrain Former is that multi-terrain sculpting support, the Mould tool and behaviours (random offset/spacing/rotation) are only present in the full version of Terrain Former.

See what's different between the lite and full version of Terrain Former here.

Terrain Former is an intuitive and simple terrain editor for Unity. This tool fixes a lot of the common issues with Unity's terrain editor, such as the painfully slow smoothing tool and its constrained brush size.

Terrain Former has the following tools: Raise/Lower, Smooth, Flatten (with Bridge, Extend modes), Set Height, Grab, Interactive Set Height, Paint Texture, Heightmap Importer, Heightmap Export to EXR, and the ability to generate terrain based on a curve (both linear and circular). All tools work across terrain grids (it is recommended to use Terrain Former's "Create Terrain Grid".helper in the "GameObject/3D Object" menu item.

Note: Details (rocks, grass, etc) and trees tools are planned but will be coming in a future release of Terrain Former. You can however in the meantime, easily switch between Unity's terrain tools and Terrain Former.

Official Site
Documentation YouTube Walkthrough
Price $14.95

UniLang by Aspermind studio

2018, January 8 - 21:55

UniLang is the easy way to translate your games. It's as simple as filling an XML file. Few scripting required, with built-in support for Unity UI.

Include a complete documentation, a fully documented demo and a script reference.

>> Visit our website
>> Look at the demo
>> Read the documentation


UniLang is easy to integrate in your app and only require a few lines of code to work.


Don't waste your time! UniLang is fast and efficient. Even with large amount of text.


Import an xml file containing all your strings then add a prefab to your scene. It's that simple!

Price $25.00

Ultimate Footsteps Collection by Ken Nakagawa

2018, January 8 - 21:39
In many case, the footsteps that we want in a game are not the variations of shoes. The really necessary footsteps are variations corresponding to the situation.
Ultimate Footsteps Collection can accept this demand.
All samples are my original libraries which I recorded for many years. I edited it carefully and finished it for real sound.
The file name is only one of the sound images. How to use is up to you.

24bit 48KHz WAVE
total 154 files

Preview in SoundCloud
HomePage Email
Price $30.00

Experiment Undead Beast Animated Character by Kornica3D

2018, January 8 - 21:09
Thanks for downloading Undead Experiment Beast Animated Package,
I hope you will enjoy our characters
and use it in your projects.


Fully animated and rigged 3d models of undead experiment franken beast with textures
and animations.

Prefabs with Animation controller included. (textures, materials, and weapon variations)
Experiment Melee (no weapon)
Experiment with Axe
Experiment with Mace
Experiment with Sword
Experiment with Morgenstern
Experiment with Hammer

Basic maya rig included - so you can create your own custom animations.

Diffuse, Normal Maps, Metallic Maps Emission and materials included

Models info
11149 verts, 16556 tris

484 verts, 396 tris

355 verts, 424 tris

634 verts, 448 tris

1850 verts, 1424 tris

2139 verts, 1208 tris

7047 verts, 12100 tris

This package comes with lot of animations.
You will have two options for each attack and some special attacks.

Here is a total list of animations with frames and information:

A list of animations (around 20):
1) 000-010 - t_pose
2) 015-108 - idle (loop)
3) 110-120 - stand
4) 120-160 - attack melee 01
5) 170-224 - attack weapon 01
6) 230-287 - die
7) 290-300 - dead (loop)
8) 310-349 - walk (loop)
9) 360-390 - run (loop)
10) 400-440 - hurt
11) 450-490 - defend weapon
12) 500-545 - defend melee
13) 560-605 - attack melee 02
14) 620-675 - attack weapon 02
15) 680-745 - kick
16) 750-800 - lose
17) 800-853 - lose idle (loop)
18) 860-950 - win
19) 965-1036 - stomp
20) 1040-1120 - growl
21) 1125-1207 - vomit acid

Character comes with basic sounds in wave format:
1) walk
2) run
3) attack
4) die
5) growl
6) hurt
7) stomp
8) vomit

For questions and details send an email to:

USAGE: 1) Import package to your unity project
2) Drag one of the experiment undead beast prefabs into your viewport window
3) Character comes with Animation controller which animates its Idle Animation as a default state
4) You can use your scripts or game logic to animate the character
5) For setting up your animations keep in mind:

* IDLE state is meant to be character's default state before noticing the player

* You can animate attacks, hurt/gethit animation, defend, die animation etc...

IDLE is meant to be a default state from which your character will go into other animations and come back to once animations are finished.

* DIE animations automatically transition into DEAD animation

* locomotion and idle animations are looped

If you would like to make your own animations, use included character rig
and export FBX into your unity project

If you have any more questions email

Price $13.99

GR3D American Muscle Car 020117MSCL by Game Ready 3D Models

2018, January 8 - 21:00
* Car body: 15312 tris
* High detail (HD) interior: 10581 tris
* Low detail (LD) interior: 1092 tris
* Driver: 1042 tris (Not Rigged)
* Can be set up with or without interior
* Separated steering wheel (HD interior)
* High detail (HD) wheels (4): 11000 tris
* Low detail (LD) wheels (4): 960 tris
* Layered .PSD file included
* Compatible with UnityCar, Edy's and most vehicle physics packages

NOTE: Included shaders are for demo purposes only, and may not be compatible with all applications.

Low detail interior: No texture image, merged steering wheel, use for exterior camera view only

Price $10.00

Tavern & Inn Music Pack Medieval/Fantasy by Tyler Cunningham

2018, January 8 - 20:54
Includes 6 unique seamless tracks with 3 loop variants.

Crafted using the sounds of authentic medieval era instruments and blended together with modern techniques to produce high quality, professional sounding music perfect for your fantasy or medieval vision, Raise a drink to the sounds of the tavern!

For support, suggestions or any other questions please contact me here:
Tyler Cunningham Unity Connect

Tracks included and a description of each:

Tankards and Thieves
(Includes loop variation):
A run down inn full of vagabonds, magicians, and all manner of strange folk. Keep your coin close and your blade closer.

A Night Among Friends
(Includes loop variation):
Companions in arms as well as in drink! Ale, good cheer and tales of past glories!

The Oasis Tavern
(Includes loop variation):
Your travels have taken you to many far lands. As you make your way through a crowded bazaar of merchants and exotic beasts, a lone tavern stands with doors wide open, the sound of strange music pouring through.

The thoughts of fallen comrades, past lovers and years of adventuring weigh heavy on your mind as your stare into a warm, crackling hearth, drink in hand.

The Two Hounds Inn:
As you Hurry though the pouring rain, a sign looms over head, Depicting two wolf like hounds chasing an Elk, you can make out some faded writing "The Two Hounds Inn". You quickly step inside. Immediately the heat of a roaring fire and the sounds of dozens of patrons hits your senses. A bard strums his lute and music fills the room. Behind the bar you see an old innkeeper cleaning bottles. By him lay two huge, wolf like hounds, calmly gnawing on either end of a single massive bone.

Another Round:
The night is still young, the band still plays and the drinks keep coming!

Price $10.00

RTS Selection Manager by MOOD

2018, January 8 - 20:47
Version 1.0

Very simple and easy to use Selection Manager for any RTS game.

- Easily select/deselect any Game Object
- Selected objects become highlighted
- Box selection that works perfectly
- Customize the colour of the Selection Box
- Mouse cursor changes while over a Selectable Object
- Also comes with the Self Adjust RTS Camera script

Instructions included in a txt file explain how to set up/use the RTS Selection Manager.

Also includes prefabs to drag and drop into your scene.
Price $15.00
