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The newest packages in the Unity Asset Store.
Updated: 19 min 46 sec ago

Advanced Water Shader by Max820

2017, April 24 - 22:57

All shaders are includeing Shader Forge nodes, so You can change almost every aspect of the water.

The settings is following:

- Color and Depth Settings
- Wave Size and Speed Settings
- Specular and Gloss Settings
- Fresnel and Reflection Settings
- Foam Speed and Distance Settings
- Side Water Distortion Settings
- Two Waves Functions Settings

This package contains:

- Shaders for water surface and color
- 2 scripts for water depth and reflection.
- 3 example Demo scenes.
- Related textures for the water.

Note: The water shader are also used Mobile platform, enjoy it!

For support or questions please check out my facebook page:
My Facebook

Price $32.00

Entitas by Simon Schmid

2017, April 24 - 22:51
Entitas - The Entity Component System Framework for C# and Unity.

Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System Framework (ECS) specifically made for C# and Unity. Internal caching and blazing fast component access makes it second to none. Several design decisions have been made to work optimal in a garbage collected environment and to go easy on the garbage collector. Entitas comes with an optional code generator which radically reduces the amount of code you have to write and makes your code read like well written prose.
Price $90.00

Cartoon UI Mobile Game Pack by StetsRoman

2017, April 24 - 22:44

This package contains Cartoon UI and will help you to simplify the creation of the game.

The pack contains 3 of types panels, and it will help you in a variety of games. I also added the source code.

Pack contains a lot of buttons to create your own unique game. Pleasant use. Buttons: 486
Panels: 18
Item: 23
Total: 553
Source file: png, ai

Price $5.00

Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance by Mario Lelas

2017, April 24 - 22:36
Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance Package.
Usefull on moving characters ( NPCs ) to avoid eachother and dynamic objects on scene without need of carving nav mesh.

Included are examples of usage on non skinned object, skinned standard assets third person character with nav mesh agent and without nav mesh agent.

Player demo: DEMO
Price $20.00

Military Rifle + 6 Extra Skins by Ruben Cuerda Art

2017, April 24 - 22:35
Game ready High Quality PBR Military Rifle with additional skins:
-Default skin(black)
-Desert Fade
-Viral Red
-Electric Green
-White Limo
-Snow Camo

Each skin is comprised of:
-1 Albedo Map
-1 Metallic +Smoothness Map
-1 Normal Map

4k Textures for each skin so you can tune them to your specs without problem.

3752 tris.

The model is not animated nor rigged.

Price $15.00

Zombie Repack by Pxltiger

2017, April 24 - 22:31

9 animated zombies based on the free model

Each zombie model has one mesh (no parts!)

3 FBX 4168-4318 tris, humanoid rig.

Textures for each model: 3 color variants of the albedo map 2048x2048 with alpha channel, metallic map 1024x1024, normal map 1024x1024, occlusion map 1024x1024.

-Idle action
-walk hands down
-walk hands up
-walk fast
-fall front
-fall back
-attack bite
-attack fast
All walk and run animations with root motion.

Package does not contains scripts and animation controllers except simple animator controller for demoscene.
Price $10.00

20th Century House With Interiors Pack by Corvobrok

2017, April 24 - 22:30
This package contains:

-Big city house
-Big village house
-Small vilage house
-Small brick house
-Small wooden house
-Small barn

Every building Has High Quality Textures version for HQ games and Low Quality Textures version, for mobile or low poly games.
Every building has full interiors.
Price $4.99

Stylized Pavement 02 by julien tonsuso

2017, April 24 - 22:14
This asset contain a substance to create stylized stone pavement. The substance allows some variations for different colors and having more or less moss. Easy to use settings. Up to 2K resolution textures. Extremely low file size. Include a simple test scene with a few variations of this substance to get you started. Note:Can also be used in Substance Painter
Price $2.00

AI Cover System by greyRoad Studio

2017, April 24 - 22:10
Enemy AIs will flee and seek cover from the Player or any NPC. They will crouch or stand behind cover depending on the cover setting.

No coding is required for implementation. Everything is drag and drop, the settings are set in the Inspector.

This system uses the NavMesh, the Ethan model, and the ThirdPersonCharacter Script from the Standard Assets to move and animate the AIs. You will be required to import the Characters and Cameras Standard Assets separately.

Watch this Quick Start video for more information.
Price $10.00

Animated 2D Soldier Character by Joomingeon

2017, April 24 - 22:04
Animated 2D Soldier Character Included 16 Animations(Top + Horizontal View)
Price $20.00

Spine 2D Character: Mannequin Warriors by Studio Pigbo

2017, April 24 - 22:02
# About This Package

## 2D Character Package for Unity

- This package contains animated characters for Unity-based projects.
- Characters are available as Prefab and easy to integrate to Unity-based projects.
- You can controll character aniation by adding scripts to the characters.
- Characters:
- Sword Warrior (Large, Middle, Small)
- Spear Warrior (Large, Middle, Small)
- 6 patterns
- Animations:
- Idle
- Move
- Attack
- Damage

## Original Spine data is also included

- All characters and animations are developed using Spine.
- You can customize the data by changing image parts.
- If you just want to integrate character prefabs, you don't need to get Spine.
- Sample scripts are included.

# Requirements

- Spine Run Time
- spine-unity
- spine-csharp

- Spine (Only when you need to customize the character image)

# How to use

## Install Spine Run Time for Unity

Please download and install Unity Runtime to your Unity Project.

## Put Prefabs to Scene

- Place chracters under 'Prefabs' folder to scene file.
- Add script to controll character animation. See Example/Scripts/CharacterBehaviour.cs for details.

## Sample

### Animation Gallery

Show characters included in this package with animations.
Run 'Examples/AnimationGallery/GalleryScene.scene'.

### Game

Simple game build with characters in this package.
* You need to add 'friend' and 'enemy' to tag list on Unity Editor.

# Contact


# Updates

- 2017.3.17 Initial version

Price $10.00

Monument - Gateway Of India by OneSquareFoot

2017, April 24 - 22:00
Early 19th century English Architecture, Replica of the Gateway Of India a landmark of Mumbai, India
It is a fully modular fort building kit. Make you own Fort / Palace
The package is highly optimized, perfect addition to any Level design kit
Walk around the interiors with accessible secret stairway tower
Use for your VR projects
- Fully explorable
- Modular Prefabs to create you own Fort
- Detailed high quality Textures
- Manually unwrapped 3D models

Your one stop for a quick and easy assembly of Fortresses / Palaces / Dungeons
(*package is non-interactive and doest not include skyboxes, lighting solutions or Terrain & vegetation*)
Price $25.00

Metallic Barrels by KIVS

2017, April 24 - 21:59
A quality set of 18 metal barrels models

- open and closed states of different shapes (creased, deformed, smashed)
- 6 types of diffuse maps for each shape
- normal and metallic-smooth maps, relevant to scratches and attritions
- 2 LODs and low-poly colliders
- 110 prefabs with LOD Groups and mesh-colliders
Price $3.00

Fish Sturegon (Full) by 4toon Studio

2017, April 24 - 21:58
his is a High Poly 3D Model of a Fish Sturegon from Late Cretaceous Period with meshes optimized to a Low Poly version:
•Sturegon - SHP 15608 tris;
•Sturegon - HP 8064 tris;
•MSturegon -LP 4064 tris.
•Sturegon -SLP 1408 tris.
Model has 41 bones.

• 1 Color Textures, 1 Normal, 1 Specular, 1Ambient Oclusion Maps , 1 Roughness(all 4k)
Model has 32 UNIQE Animations (Root Motion/InPlace), which are GREAT ASSET to this Model.

Bind pose
loop Fight Idle
loop Eating
loop Idle
loop Attack Bite with Lacerate
loop Swiming Fast
loop Turn Left
loop Turn Right
Start Swiming
loop Swiming
loop Swiming Up
loop Swiming Down
Start Quilting
loop Quilting
End Quilting
loop Strafe Right
loop Strafe Left
loop Hit Left
loop Hit Right
loop Hit Down
loop Hit Up
loop Quilting with Attack
Start To Rise Up
loop Rise Up
End Rise Up
loop Swiming Turn Left
loop Swiming Turn Right
loop Attack Rise Up
Death 01
loop Drifting After Death 01
loop Dodge

Price $30.00

Warehouse of the future by Valeron

2017, April 24 - 21:57
About 39 textures.
24 item.
This asset is suitable for almost all genres of games.
This warehouse will be an excellent addition for your project.
Prefab is present with growung co-workers.
There are different objects that embellish this warehouse.
There is also lighting.

Price $1.39

Stylized Stone Wall 01 by julien tonsuso

2017, April 24 - 21:55
A stylized stone wall with moss, you can control the colors, moss amount and number of stone within the substance. Should be a good fit for Castle or other medieval environments. Easy to use settings. Up to 2K resolution textures. Extremely low file size. Include a simple test scene with a few variations of this substance to get you started. Note:Can also be used in Substance Painter
Price $4.00

RPG/FPS Game Assets for PC/Mobile (Set v2.0) by Vdr0id

2017, April 24 - 21:50
Hi everyone, my name is Kutcenko Dmitry i am 3d artist and game developer about 12 years

I started develop this pack assets for help indie game developers, and everyone who loves to create FPS or RPG games for mobile or PC platform, and appreciates the quality of content

Features of this pack, very low polygons count, and optimized geometry

All prefabs have the correct orientation
Position/rotation - Set to 0
Scale of all prefabs - Set to 1

Over 100 elements for fast create your own RPG/FPS level for PC or Mobile platform.(ready for mobile)
Demo scene about 50 000 triangles.(ready for mobile)

not include:
player hands
ambient sounds

For best batching, bake all textures in one atlas

If you have any wishes and suggestions, please leave a comment, for improve the quality of content Do not forget to bake lightmap
Use and Enjoy :)

Price $45.00

2D Object Generator by Jsoft

2017, April 24 - 21:19
Generate objects at random locations or in a grid within a selected existing objects bounds. Generated items will be children of a special parent which will allow items generated once again on the same area to be correctly positioned. All generated items will be placed in an expected order based on the lowest bounds of an object’s y axis.
Price $3.86

Toyota A-BAT by Arman 3DG STUDIO

2017, April 24 - 21:16
3d viewer > Sketchfab Model ID:

Toyota A-BAT [texture 1024x1024]
Toyota A-BAT LP [texture 128x128]

poly 8,348 Trees 16,494

Normals [oK]
LowPoly & Collision [oK]

Features of the model
Front headlights are on
The reversing lights are on
The trunk opens
Original car interior is not present
Artificial shadow is simple plan

Price $20.00

Generic Sport Car 2 by LowlyPoly

2017, April 24 - 21:08
Realtime Generic Sport Car 2 model with simple interior fully textured. Generic means this car does not exist in reality.

- The model has 25918 Triangles
- Textures 2048x2048px (nromal includet)
- Screenshots have been made from Unity with standart shader
- Very good polygon topology for great shading
- Easychange color only by color in shader
- Wheel are separate (can be animated)
- Doors,Hood,Trunk can be opened
- Sketchfab Preview

Feel free to contact us for any inquiries or if you need any custom textures or 3D asset. TWITTER | FACEBOOK | EMAIL
Price $49.00
