V&R Construction World

V&R Construction World This is a legacy VRML / X3DNeeds Internet Explorer browser Needs Bs Contact plugin  

This is a place where we can find some information about V&R Construction Worlds. Enjoy your visit !
Portuguese: Este é um local onde podemos encontrar alguma informação sobre Realidade Virtual e Construção. Divirtam-se!

>>> Vintage VRML/X3D World visited using our legacy BabelX3D multi user server. Special conditions of browser settings and plugins are needed to visit this world (please check info).

Enter the 3D World  This is a legacy VRML / X3D (if you have checked all the settings)

Visit the builder's page
V&R Construction World
V&R Construction World

Merry Christmas

A merry christmas... with VRML!

>>> Vintage VRML/X3D World visited using our legacy BabelX3D multi user server. Special conditions of browser settings and plugins are needed to visit this world (please check info).

Visit here: Merry Christmas. ( if you haved checked all the conditions)

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