Tip: How to reduce the Project size in Unity3D

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vcard's picture
Tip: How to reduce the Project size in Unity3D

Hi all,

The good practice recommends that a project should contain only the scenes related to it. Creators sometimes disregard this rule because they want to reuse the assets installed in other scenes, or for other reasons. After some time this continued practice may inflate the project beyond a reasonable size and some difficulties may occur when, for instance, we need to share it with someone else, even a specific scene since the project file is huge.

The question is: how can we share only that specific scene and the sources/assets related without sharing the entire project?
Solution: we can export the scene as a package. and carefully select what we want to include and not. This way only the assets related to that scene will be in the package.

"HINT: When exporting a package Unity can export all dependencies as well. So, for example, if you select a Scene and export a package with all dependencies, then Unity exports all Models, Textures and other Assets that appear in the Scene as well." Unity Manual, 2019

Exporting Package dialog box
Exporting Package dialog box

Get all details on Unity manual:

An informative discussion about this: https://forum.unity.com/threads/export-package-only-current-scene-not-entire-project.383538/



Edited by: vcard on 2019/11/30 - 11:39
tester's picture
That's an information

That's an information everyone should know!