The Project Côa 3D is being created by Iolanda Pires, José Fialho e Laura Ferreira.
This project intends to show an important part of our history and art: Rock carving in Vila Nova de Foz Côa.
Each person is going to have the opportunity to view and learn more about this form of art in the Paleolithic Era. Even more...they will be able to enter this world of the past, learning about the way of life e costums of the first Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
Here is a glimpse of the world we are criating...hope you'll like it! (work in progress)
Best regards,
Laura Ferreira
Public - accessible to all site users
Today, the Project Côa 3D presents another point of view. This time with a new element ... a airplane!
With the new image, we hope to show a little more, without showing everything because we do not want to spoil the surprise ...
Best regards,
Iolanda Pires
Our new cool transport, one of many to make the trip...
Best regards ;)
Great! Is it a Nissan Patrol? :)
Continue deveoping you good work.
Best regards,
Fernando Pinho
Thanks Fernando;)
No, it is a Chevrolet, Blazer model.
Best regards
the project seems very interesting. continue with strength
Thanks Fernando and Cruz!
Best regards,
Hello Fernando and Cruz.
Thank you for your kind words! :)
Best regards,
I love your project!
So nice your chevrolet.
Maria João Coelho
Hello everyone,
Here is a picture of our Tourist Information Office of our world. It's starting to look like a real world.
Soon you will be able to enter and explore this world.
What do you think?
Best regards,
Laura Ferreira
Wait...a sign saying "Do not enter"?
What can this possibly be? Is it really dangerous?
Are you curious? We hope so!
Best regards,
Iolanda Pires
Hello Iolanda!
I´m really curious....
If we enter... what happens? ;-)
This is just one of the 6 rocks that we have in our virtual world. The details in some of the engravings are impressive. They were real artists!
The project is almost done! Wait a little while longer.
Best regards,