As some of you know, I'm an elementary school teacher currently teaching iCT to the 7th ad 8th year of basic schooling. I try to teach them, in the basic form that the short semesters allow for, how to use creatively computer technology with activities that range from 3D modeling to scratch programming and video editing. Sketchup is one the most popular tools between my pupils and some of them create amazing stuff. Wich is pretty awesome, considering that they're very young (think 12-14 year olds) and this is the very first experience with 3D modeling software. Here are some examples of the work created in ICT class. I use Sketchfab to host them because of the simplicity of this web service.
This is an interpretation of the Anikhytera mechanism.
For this project the student modeled the outside and some of the innards of a computer. We ran out of time just when he was starting to work on the cd-rom drive...
And finally this very cool house created by two pupils. You can see more of the models created by these pupils here: Sketchfab AEVP.
7BTF (Mecanismo) by aevp on Sketchfab
Congrats! Nice works!