- Carlos Raminhos
- António Domingos
- Ana Paula Silva
Project oriented by: Vitor Cardoso
Project description:
The project consists of a 3D animation of a city, where they have the ability to click on a specific object, that transports us to a ship, which has two buttons:
1 "Down" - to return to the "city"
2 "Travel" - allows the realization of a journey through the Solar System, later returning to the ship
Enter the world here:
Public - accessible to all site users
nice aesthetic! reminds me of 8bit.
We have created a new Home Page:
To visit the Space Park:
There are some guides that will give important informations to the visitors:
Two astronauts are repairing the Space Station (animated):
Our group have joined a couple who is walking on the Space Park Avenue
and also a Multimedia Show to remember the movie Close Encounters of Third Kind (music and animation)
Visitei mundo ""
É muito complexo e muito bonito.
Eu estava no site "".
É um site de referência que pode ser usado como bibliografia.
OBS. Estas palavras foram traduzidas do Romeno para Português usando tradutor do Google.