I'm working on 3D printing workshops for teachers, 3 hour affairs that put teachers in contact with 3D printers, learn a couple of things about 3D printing in the classroom, and learn to use Tinkercad in specific projects. I'm sharing notes and workshop structure, hoping for anyone that wants to replicate them to freely use it.
Here you can read about the worskhop structure ; and here a short presentation on 3D printing and education. Short tutorials on Tinkercad are forthcoming!
Hi Artur,
Cool initiative and interesting/useful documents.
Thanks for sharing
Happy you Artur!! who has a 3D printer!!
I drived a 3D workshop 8 months ago but without a printer LOL.
Well.... I have 2 questions
1- How big/large could you print a piece? 20cm ? less ?
2- I made 10 tests, months ago, with sculpteo, shapeways, i.materialise.
For each piece of 15 or 20 cm... the cost was around 100 euros!!
I thought that it was because all the pieces where in full color.
But now I tried that
and it is same shit , very expensive!
I optimized the printing I think.
Are these prices normal on the market ?? what do you think about ??
1) less than 20 cm. due to time constraints, i tend to print small pieces. however, with well studied cuts, i can print large pieces in a modular way.
2) ouch! 100 € gets me 8 350 gr spools for my 3D printer (they're 9,90 plus tax). of course, i can only print in one colour... since i've never used a printing service, i cannot say if those prices are normal or not. but they do seem very expensive, considering that a FFF print for me cost only cents in actual plastic. however, full colour printers are expensive (most cannot be bought, only rented from stratasys) and i dpn't know the material costs. still... as i've said, 100 € is way expensive. to get you a picture, last septemeber i've spent 50 € in four spools. I've done hundreds (literally) of prints, only managing to exaust one spool...
thnak you. yes 100 e is crazzy
on the other hand, high grade printers are expensive. i'm working with a grant/prize money, so that cushioned the 1500€ initial investment... if i ran this as a business, i might agree with those prices.
yes I heard that for full color they need big and expensive printers.
But I wonder why it is still exensive with a *.stl in plastic.
I guess i am wrong somewhere but i dont know where .
3D-Ever by Worten.pt
Heard about this new 3D print service in Portugal
Several options in materials.