A topic to present ourselves.
I'm a visual education teacher and IT manager at Agrupamento de Escolas da Venda do Pinheiro, near Lisbon, Portugal. My interest in VRML/X3D is artistic and educational. I specialize in using VRML/X3D and generic 3D technologies to stimulate primary and elementary schoolchildren's creativity in interdisciplinary contexts.
Here is where you can find mor about me: Intergalactic Robot, my personal blog; 3D Alpha, a blog about student creations in VRML/X3D and 3D animation; Scribd, which i use as a tutorial repository; DeviantArt, a gallery of drawings, photos and 3D work. You can also find me on Facebook and Google+ and contact me at artur.rodrigues.coelho@gmail.com.
Hi Artur !
I'm BlaxxunRomania from Multi-User Worlds forum.
My nickname is from Blaxxun Contact VRML browser, and from my country, Romania.
I like ActiveX controls, in specialy these small graphic engines: Blaxxun Contact, BS Contact, Cortona and theyr programming language, VRML.
I'm here to say that ABNet must be capable to use BS Contact version 8.000. Now he ask about version 7.212, and me, currently I use version 8.000, because I make tests with BS Collaborate server.
... And what kind of file can put here at my avatar, because this gif,
, cannot be puted at my avatar ? He has only Size: 2114 bytes and Dimensions: 91 x 97 pixels ! Why this litlle gif cannot be used here at my avatar ? :-(
i'm using a standard jpg, never tried it with a gif. did you try png? as for the bs contact version, vcard is the man to ask. if i rememeber right, it has to do with some implementation problems between bs contact and abnet. but i'm not a coder, alas... and now i'm going to submerge in your boards, to discover new things!
Hi multi, (formerly known as tuta I believe ;)
"ABNet must be capable to use BS Contact version 8.000". Yes, for sure. We have already a beta version for bscontact 8. Will be available when we consider it ready.
These are problems caused by bitmanagement. They change versions compatibility without warning and that causes problems. Version 8 is recent and has also its own bugs and some instability with a few worlds tested.