O ano da Web3D?

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artur's picture
O ano da Web3D?

Uma interessante provocação do MetaverseOne: Será 2015 o ano da Web3D?

vcard's picture
Hi Artur,

Hi Artur,

Everyone is saying that because it looks like now everything is converging to ignite the explosion of 3D on standard Websites, due to WebGL wide availability.

Until recently WebGL technology was ready and mature but good and free 3D Graphical tools capable of exporting to WebGL where not available! You had to work with code editing. Now that good "WebGL ready" 3D tools are already there or coming very soon, as blogged about, the scenario is really favorable and very appealing!

3D on Web is a long story but never had significant relevance on standard Web Communication which is now 99.999% based on 2D (static or animated). Will in 2015 3D spread over common websites and have a significant impact? Well, for sure 3D will grow significantly, compared to recent years will look like an explosion but the Web is really large and common web designers need to learn 3D, 3D tools, and how to use 3D on websites.  That will take more that one year. On the other hand, even if a huge impact does not happen immediately on common websites, 3D Games and 3D environments will explode on the web in 2015. For sure WebGL is the road ahead and Babelx3D will embrace it from now on


artur's picture
I'd say the oculus rift guys

I'd say the oculus rift guys managed to put 3D on the map again. I completely agree on the power of WebGL, but I'm more sceptical of the spread of a 3D web. Maybe I'm being nearsighted, but apart from gaming, virtual experiences, virtual worlds, some agumentend reality, education tools and artistic content I still see most of the web as as text/video medium. 3D invites immersiveness, something that with current technology we can do only with rather ungainly prosthetics. My scifi side is screaming "an holoprojector in every smartphone would do the trick"... still, it's a pretty wide rage of applications, and new possibilities are just emerging, with 3d filmmaking, for example, I don't mean the anamorphic 3D for film theatres, but filmmamking tools for virtual reality. Also, Google's project Tango also looks quite tantalizing.

We do live in 3D, so why not do we do IT in 3D?