Tip: open images in a fancy Colorbox overlay

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vcard's picture
Tip: open images in a fancy Colorbox overlay

Give a nice touch to your images with Colorbox, a plugin installed here on BabelX3D portal platform.

Example 1: a link that pops an image:

  • "... Unity 5.6 also brings support for WebAssembly, which can be enabled in WebGL build settings ..."

Example 2: an image that enlarges to show more detail:

  • "A glance on the modeling/texturing process.
    Click on image to enlarge"

How is this done?

It's is done in the "Advanced" tab of the link form (do not confuse it with the "image form"), by adding "colorbox-load" to "CSS class" field. Simply that, nothing else is necessary. Get more details here:



Edited by: vcard on 2017/04/03 - 04:41
PauloNunes's picture
Nice one

Really easy... and useful.