Hi all,
Getting the right look for a 3D scene use to be defined essentially by good modeling, texturing and basic lighting, but not anymore. The search for realism, and other top notch effects incorporated many fine tune controls, now standard in game engines and modelers. Among them sophisticated light effects, reflections and coloring, controlled by materials and shaders that if not handled right can difficult or damage the intended appearance of a scene.

'If configured right, the Standard Shader in Unity can handle a wide variety of different surfaces: wood, metal, rubber, plastics, holograms, shiny alien artifacts, and so on'
An handy concise text
Unity includes a Standard Shader that can handle a wide variety of different surfaces: wood, metal, rubber, plastics, holograms, shiny alien artifacts, and so on, but unity's online manual has the information a bit dispersed and new users may have a hard time handling the Standard Shader. "An Introduction to Materials & Standard Shader in Unity" is a compact and comprehensive text that helps the newbie understanding and using the Standard Shader in Unity, do not miss it:
A video
Also relevant for new users is this comprehensive video: The Standard Shader - Unity Official Tutorials
These links are saved in BabelX3D additional selection of tools/tutorials page.