Tent one minute in Vivaty Studio
To use on your projects/worlds we show (in several posts) how to create a practical multi-purpose tent that serves to host parties, exhibitions, to accommodate tired avatars, etc.
Will be created from a solid primitive, a sphere. Apparently this is not possible due to the difference of the forms intended. But as you know by now, everything is possible in 3D, this is the realm of magic. Plus, let's make it amazingly easy!
Step 1- put the sphere on the scene.
to be continued ...
What is the next step?
While preparing post 2, I'm waiting for your comments and hints
hmmm.... reduce polygon count on the sphere, then a boolean extraction...?
edit: and now i'm facepalming. why didn't i think of this sooner? a few months ago i wrecked my brain trying to build a landing gear wich was essentially a truncated cube... also, with some easy tweaking on the mesh editor, the top of the tent can be lifted... moorish or gothic castles, anyone? don't mean to show off, but...
Yes you got it right :)
Step 2 - redefining the sphere

Now we need to redefine the sphere sides from 16 to 4 !
Well, with only 2 images, do you believe we will get a tent from here?
Step 3 - editing the mesh

Now we convert the sphere to IFS (Indexed Face set) because in this format we can edit the mesh and remove unnecessary parts.
To edit the mesh we need to open the "mesh editor". As seen above, we click on "edit mesh" and ...
start to remove the unnecessary parts below until the object looks like what we want.

In step 4 (a future post) we will use another primitive shape: The cylinder ...

Guess what will be the cylinder role?
this post has given me an ideia... some detailed "tutorials" on how complex objects can be built with simple operations... like creating rockets, houses, water wheels, etc... something like this but more specific. i remember learning a lot from an old tutorial about creating a cabin... taught me about vivaty and boolean operations.
a resource where people shared their building strategies could be very interesting :)
and this post also highlights how powerful vivaty studio can be just for modeling and exporting for other programs for some cool renderings (dxf and bryce being my favourites). like, for example, this toy.
creativity fueled by geometry :)
(as for the cilynder... i would duplicate the first mesh, resize it and perform an extraction... could be more realistic... but then again, that's a personal choice)
Step 4 - the tent is done
Yes, the cylinder lays down facing the tent and performs an extraction (boolean operations) and in the end by adding a texture, it might look like this:
Here is the address of the full tutorial:
What you saw above is a simple example of an immense and inexhaustible source of possibilities of using primitive forms to make "things" and every day there are new ideas.
Today, with 3D, we are finding applications for these solid geometric primitives that the Greeks could never imagine. Challenges remain as formative.
Training challenges:
Create easy tents fou your worlds and virtual exhibitions using primitive solid forms. Show us examples in this forum!
Good experiences
challenge: accepted. i'll see your tent and raise you a gothic house...
now all it needs is some bats flying around, some creepy music and maybe a raven quoting nevermore, nevermore ;)
anyone cares to find out how to create the main body of the house? hint: requires one refine mesh operation...