Using Bryce to create terrains

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Using Bryce to create terrains



Bryce is a simple 3D modeling and animation application wich i use a lot with my students to create 3d images and films. VRML/X3D wise, it can be used to create skybox textures for skies and terrain meshes. There's even a nifty little trick wich is to convert a jpg of a map to grayscale in an image editor and use it in Bryce's terrain editor to generate a terrain based on a map. Unfortunately, this is all you can do with this program to create VRML/X3D content. Bryce allows for very detailed object creation with boolean operations and texturing, but they can only be exported using the native .obp file format, wich to the best of my knowledge it's not possible to convert to a more standard format. Only meshes can be exported. This quick video shows how to create, edit, export, import into vivaty and texture a terrain.

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